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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. CompoThasauce is up again. Extended due-date by about 5 days. Deadline: March 4th, Mon 1PM Vote Ends: March 7th Thur 11PM
  2. I got Rama on my Discord, same with Bunda - I'll bug him right now actually** Also, I'll do an extension if necessary too. Speaking of extensions, have you considered making your compo month long instead of 2-weeks? Might have a better chance of snagging another participant or 2 that way. Lastly, I'm down with yet another flu...seems to stem from a nasal infection gone real bad - that'll show me for not seeing the doctor sooner. So I'll probably do an executive decision and extend this round longer. Cheers!
  3. I be confused. Something about a club update?? Couldn't join it. Was it cancelled?
  4. Does...Simon Belmont's theme from CV4 count?? I could do that one pretty well. Probably.
  5. OK...editing should be done for the thread. Any discrepancies??
  6. I dedicate round 100 to the Dark-LORD...OVERLOOKED REMIX. In other words, it's a spoof round...so bring in your silly voice clips, fart sounds, wonky synths, tone-deaf skillz, and over-all intentionally-bad talents. We are gonna have fun defacing some epic classic tunes. Meddleys are welcome this round!! Source-Tunes below were submitted by previous round participants via PM. Round 101 will return to normal programming. Have fun!! MIDIS/Sources in descending order: Ristar - "Planet Automation" Star Fox "Titania" SANIC Forces "Park Avenue" SMBro's "StarMan!" Final Fantasy 5 "WHAT!?" Kirby "Green-Green's" Ridge Racer "Rotterdam Nation" https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/Automation_1.mid https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/SF_Titania-KM.mid https://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Sonic_Forces_-_Park_Avenue_Instumental.mid https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/Starman-1.mid https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/ff5whatV1_0_1.mid https://files.khinsider.com/midifiles/gameboy/kirby-s-dream-land/green-greens-2-.mid https://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Ridge_Racer_1_-_Rotterdam_Nation.mid Deadline: March 4th, Mon 1PM Vote Ends: March 7th Thur 11PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism
  7. No worries. No skin off my back rofl. At least you get to pick a source tune for next round anyways, right?
  8. PM sent to everyone who participated this round. If anyone went under my radar, let me know ASAP.
  9. Results Argle got 1st with 13 points. Mr. L got 2nd with 11 points. TheVideoGamer got 3rd with 9 points. HoboKa got 4th with 7 points. (glad I participated T_T) Silverpool64 sadly, got 0 points. But thanks for participating! Argle PM me the source tune for round 101 Comments KlevarKoopa/Mr. L - my man! If you'd voted, you'd have been #1. Oh well. Also, for round 100, we're doing something...........................SPECIAL.
  10. UH. This is a bit late but I'm starting up a poll now. And i completely forgot how to insert said poll. RIP that dream. (edit) Whelp. I voted at least.
  11. Ah. EDIT) Tried avoiding double posting, so hopefully this edit takes. I um...couldn't perfectly emulate the mix from the MP3 to the WAV due to various issues (like a missing mixer etc). Also, I kinda spammed Liontamer with a bevy of WAVs, but the last one I sent is probably the closest to being faithful to the MP3. If it needs work, please advise. Thanks!
  12. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 5 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry this round There IS a voter bonus this round. Trism has a vote worth 2x. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends Jan 31 @ 11PM (Thursday) comments I'm starting to like this extended round stuff. Seems to draw more people in. Guess that's the curse of getting older and having to adult stuff. Good stuff guys!
  13. So good to see this awesome project return. Once it's done we better do Soulblazer lmao. Ooh and thank you Jorito for pitching in!
  14. Any jooj's receive the collab lyrics for "Soulblazer - I'm the Soulblazer"?? Sent an email a couple days back.
  15. Sorry this round didn't pan out. I might pitch in for 3rd round.
  16. Whelp. I subb'd. I did throw my hat in the ring before for shits and giggles. So I guess I'll cross this bridge another day. Maybe next round I'll throw that poll up.
  17. ...I guess so. Sure. IDK if its considered bad sport if a host throws his own hat in the ring or not. I really should make a poll about that if that's OK.
  18. An Argle post! That takes me back lmao. Thanks dude (edit) Working on my entry too. Depending on count, may go as a BONUS. (edit2). Yup, we got 3 entries, so I can safely go as a BONUS since we have a voter bonus!
  19. Seems compelling enough to do some serious experimentation and tinkering. Might help me understand my keyboard better too. Thanks!!
  20. Nice, I noticed how fast that Bitwig loaded and I didn't need to "refresh plugins" manually. And, boy, does FL love to crash!! Premier Sandboxing sounds intriguing. May as well give Cakewalk a shot (but they say nothing is for free...maybe it data-mines your PC!!??) **the NSA approves of this message** ...I love how my mind takes me on useless tangents. Anyhoo, thanks for input guys! Hmm...now that I have Omnisphere...I'll need to grab something that is decent for orchestral stuff. Being an aspiring composer is not a cheap hobby x_X
  21. FL Studio doesn't play nice with 3rd party VST's when it comes to the Pitch Modwheel on my MIDI keyboard and that makes it a deal breaker for me, cuz I got my MIDI Controller so I could do that, as I always found doing it manually with a mouse to be a pain in the ass lol. Also, Bitwig demo came with my Nektar L88, so I wonder if it is better optimized for said MIDI keyboard *shrug*. Sounds like you have a pretty good setup yourself. BTW, your recent releases are sizzling, especially the collabs. I'm too derp to recall names, but that is some good shtuff. (edit) Yeah, having 2 DAW's on the go is probably wise for the creative flow. So much work to do. So little time.
  22. Anybody know if Bitwig Studio holds any water? Or would Reaper be a better alternative?? Looking to branch out with DAW's...but am stuck with PC for now. On a slightly different tangent, I now have an 88 key Nektar keyboard and I also got Omnisphere 2. ^.^ If I said something wrong, it's b/c I'm running on minimal sleep...
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