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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Yeah, some people don't check their PMs often - that's just the way it is. People also will turn down invitations too, which also happens. You have to have a thick skin about it, because often it's because of reasons on the other person's end and has nothing to do with you.
  2. I totally didn't notice that pig...I guess I should sleep.
  3. Well, this is quite a surprise from Rozo - I don't think I've ever heard a mix from him with the electronic vibe more in the background like this. This comes off as quite laid back, and maybe even something that'd be fitting in one of the more recent Mega Man X games for some reason. Nice job on this, this is a quite liberal interpretation of the source, and uses it in a fairly creative way.
  4. So one thing that immediately jumped to me is the length - this is a pretty short song. It does a nice job as a role song to build up to something else, although what that is, I can't say. Pretty good job for what it does!
  5. Now I think about it, the peppermint pig must be from my other secret santa heh. But I did get the card!
  6. If he did that I'd have one-touch-ban-and-cleaned him
  7. So amusingly, I got a card from Jade & Jordan a day before a package came in. Thanks for the peppermint pig! It looks tempting to eat, although I will probably wait until the end of the year so I don't eat it all myself. I found it interesting that they are only made in Saratoga Springs - just another taste of NY that I was completely unaware of.
  8. I don't think I posted this here, but happy 10th to OCR! It's quite a triumph that OCR has lasted for so long and has flourished so much during that time and continues to do so. I have to say this though - OCR has had quite a lot of influence on my life. There's the music of course, and it still remains one of the few examples of music I will listen to now ever since 2001; my musical tastes have changed so drastically, but with the evolution of the general trend of the music on OCR, my evolution in musical appreciation paralleled this and it is quite interesting to see them synergize within me. But even bigger than the music for me is the people I've met and continue to friend here. I've met a lot of people here who are the type you have for life. We've had some great times together that I still reminisce over on occasion. In addition, during my presence here on the forums, I've had to mature when faced with trollish attitudes, or think critically when it came to a debate over contrasting views. In fact, it may have implicitly helped me develop in my own career as a mathematician, and it certainly has helped in me framing a moral system that I stand by. So I have much to be thankful for here in OCR. It has been an eyeopening experience of a lifetime for me, and continues to fit that role even today. What is amazing is that a community based on musicians and their music rearranging vgm can do this to people. It is nothing short of miraculous.
  9. You should make it more obvious where you'd want the donations to go to on that site .
  10. Another Dual Dragon's mix posted so soon? Yes plz! Interesting take on the song, especially around 2:37 with the changeup to a more mellow/creepy section. Otherwise, I do have to say that I felt like this was too short. It's a nice surprise seeing a second submission though, and would be glad to hear any other music they have!
  11. This is a really fitting piece for this time of the year - jazz band stuff really works well here. Been listening to this on repeat for the past few times while wrapping Christmas presents and figuring out a surprise for the OCR goers to MAGFest. There is a slight bit of sloppiness found here and there, but it's a live performance that's largely well done. Arrangement-wise, I can't say I really have much to complain about, and the recording quality is pretty good which is a huge plus. I hope more live jazz stuff makes it to OCR, it's always a pleasure to listen to this stuff.
  12. Curious take on The Decisive Battle, but I must be honest - I found it pretty tough to recognize the original source here. Otherwise, I have to tip my hat, this is pretty well done.
  13. I'm not sure how much I'm a fan of the style. It definitely was pulled off well, but it feels a little short to me. Not sure if I can really add to the comments here really, production seems clean, but something about the arrangement bothers me.
  14. I don't mind either, although if I'm playing an online game I'll prefer the mouse/keyboard.
  15. I don't think I ever introduced OCR to any of my friends, but I do have friends who found it without me. I try to keep my internet presence separate from my interactions with friends, although I wouldn't really mind if they crossed.
  16. It's also not fun dying because a teammate doesn't want to fix usually a fairly simple mistake. Sorry, but that's even more of an asshole move. I really don't want to play with certain people on my team if all they want to do is get me killed and not even take responsibility & apologize for it. At that point that's not a positive attitude, that's treating your teammate like shit.
  17. I don't have a problem if it's a mistake they haven't come upon before, I'll usually point it out. What I do have a problem with is when they've made the mistake multiple times in the past, had it pointed out each time, and showed absolutely no effort in rectifying it. The worst part about it oftentimes is that I'm the one who pays the price directly in getting killed because that person refused to fix it, and oftentimes there has been no remorse shown for me paying the price for their actions. Another thing that strongly bothers me is when in mid/late game I warn of things and someone decides to have a mental lapse and get ganked, or people don't do essential things needed and the team pays the price. At the very least, be considerate for your team! Put yourself in their shoes. Do you know how crappy it is to die because a teammate didn't want to do something or listen? Imagine that happening frequently in every game for a few days. I'm taking a week break from the game - the past few days have been extremely demoralizing because of some people just not making the effort to learn from their mistakes and letting me and others die as a result.
  18. Dhsu is younger than me? Well that's a surprise! Happy birthday man, may it be a stress free day!
  19. Cool that Capcom is announcing new games but...where's my damn MMX9?
  20. One of these years I want to go to Wacken - although the past few years I haven't been terribly impressed with its lineup, it's still THE metal festival.
  21. I'm willing to take whatever people want to stay, as long as people don't mind the floor - cheap room = a happy room! Also Brush lives between DC and Baltimore or so - he'll probably give his address to all who're interested in showing up.
  22. I haven't listened to much of them actually - have heard some good stuff from friends, but haven't gotten to listen to it myself.
  23. Van Canto is indeed awesome - man its been like 2 years since I've heard of them.
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