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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Alright, so I'm gonna be there Wednesday night! I'll probably be there from 7-8 or maybe a little later though. Also, I started the MAGFest phone # spreadsheet - feel free to add my # and call me (or text - just let me know who it is before MAGFest somehow), and add yours for reference. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9vpEyOO47adDFfaFM0VWJuSEg2TFZRTXpEbkoyTGc#gid=0
  2. Ooh, people are coming in Wednesday? I'd be up for dinner then - also do you have room in your room for Wednesday night then? I'd be willing to give you some cash, since I'm taking off Thursday & Friday from work.
  3. I got...work to do so I can save the vacation day! Not having to commute is a nice thing though.
  4. Indeed, I'm thankful I live here instead of the midwest . I did not particularly enjoy the skinbiting cold of Illinois winters haha.
  5. As regulars to MAGFest should know already, check the weather before coming here - so far the temperatures have been around the low 30s for the lows and the low-mid 40s for the highs, so it has been chilly. Be sure to dress warm!
  6. Did you install the SoundCloud plugin for WordPress? http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/soundcloud-shortcode/ As far as I can tell, WordPress supports HTML5.
  7. If anyone is coming early or staying later, I'm willing to grab a bite to eat or hang around in general in the evenings - just let me know!
  8. This album is quite excellent - I've just started with my listen through and I am currently on Terrible Fate. That song really strikes me as inspired. I have not played Majora's Mask for the record. Will give more impressions when I can.
  9. So I had ordered stuff for Secret Santa, but it appears my packages got stolen ...I'll think of something
  10. So I have some items I'm willing to trade: Festive Sandvich x2 Festive Buff Banner Festive Ambassador x2 Festive Grenade Launcher x2 Festive Axtinguisher x3 Festive Ubersaw x3 Strange Tomislav x2 Strange Homewrecker Strange Force-A-Nature Glenberry Bonet (Demo hat) Genuine Foppish Physician Strange Part: Sappers Destroyed Strange Part: Engineers Killed Strange Part: Soldiers Killed Edit: The economics of Naughty Crates on the market amuses me - you can snag them for like $0.50 - 0.60 at like 7-8 am EST, and yet at night they're like double that.
  11. More MMX love Capcom sil vous plait.
  12. That new medic weapon is amusing. I'm willing to trade my Jumper's Jeepcap (Soldier set hat with the Liberty Launcher, Market Gardener, etc.) for any mix of Naughty or Nice Crates. And the theme for tomorrow night is wintry maps!
  13. TF2 update is out: Australian Christmas has begun! Added community-contributed winter event items Added three new community weapons The Vaccinator The Loose Cannon The Rescue Ranger Added Naughty and Nice winter keys to the Mann Co. Store Mann Vs. Machine Added a new tour of duty with unique loot: Operation Mecha Engine, with 3 new advanced skill missions New map mvm_bigrock New Engineer Botkiller items Added new Engineer robot Added new Strange Filter items to the Mann Co. Store to support community map makers Added new checkout dialogs and taunt-activated effect to raise awareness for Community Map Stamps Added +context_action command (defaults to X for controllers). This will use the action slot if your Canteen contains a charge and will taunt otherwise3 Added +attack3 command (defaults to middle-mouse button) Added Adult Swim items to the Mann Co. Store Fixed an exploit that allowed players to be permanently invulnerable Fixed the Pyro’s airblast not working correctly when facing downhill Made Force-A-Nature pushback more consistent Updated pl_barnblitz Fixed various map exploits Updated sd_doomsday Fixed various map exploits Updated the localization files I'm having problems updating the server/connecting to Steam though.
  14. Yeah, people usually go on - I wasn't on last night since I took it off to just relax for once, but I'll definitely be on soon.
  15. It was a goal, not a hard release date. The aim currently is to have the album ready asap though, so it'll be out there soon enough!
  16. It wasn't just you, that map pkmn_goldenrodcity_b2 turns out to have been corrupted. I apologize for that, I removed it from the maplist & server.
  17. Sorry to double post, but this is quite relevant for regulars: if you are having trouble downloading custom maps, you can grab them ahead of time here: http://bahamutwc.com/tf/maps/ The tentative list of wintry/Christmas themed type maps for Friday is as follows: arena_polar_final arena_tundra_b3 cp_buzzards_canyon_xmas cp_coldfront cp_glacier_rc6 cp_snowbridge_thallus_2 cp_stark_b2 cp_stoneyridge_rc1 cp_titan_rc1 cp_toy_fort_beta2 ctf_haarp ctf_nordhaven_b3 koth_megaman6_b5 koth_viaduct pl_barnblitz pl_boundary_final pl_buzzards_canyon_xmas pl_deadwater_snow pl_wintertown_finalfix plr_frostfell_b1b If I am omitting other great candidates for Christmas time, list'em!
  18. Does anyone have a class or slot token they want to get rid of? I'll take'em!
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