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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. So just to give an update, I *think* I fixed the reserve slots by adding all reserve slot holders to SourceBans...hoping this is the end of the plague of problems there.
  2. This song impresses the hell out of me - Dj Mystix did a great job in building the backing, and Claire did an excellent job singing here. It showcases her voice and does not need to deviate much from this since Claire's voice stands out on its own. Definitely perked my ears when I first heard it, love this! Edit: If there was one thing I was a bit disappointed in, it is the backing vocals at times - they lack clarity in being able to distinguish the words sung.
  3. Chrono Trigger I shit you not - back before it came out, my brother was all hyped up about it from Nintendo Power and I was like ehhh. Nintendo Power hyped it up for about 6 months before it came out I think. Naturally, he got it for that Christmas, and I ended up playing it more than he did although we both played the crap out of it. When I saw the game finally, I realized that it was the same game one of my best friends was playing during that time, except I didn't recognize it then because he is Japanese, and was playing the Japanese version of CT. I became completely sold playing it and was wowed.
  4. That'd be pretty cool - I got to experience it firsthand with Vinnie going through the inbox. It definitely is a learning experience that I think people will find interesting since they can see what cues catch our ears.
  5. Hey, sorry for not keeping everyone in the loop - I did mention I was away for MAGFest, and I also had friends over from the community over the next two days (although I managed to be on for an hour still on Sunday). However, I've also had to make up hours at work, so I've been extremely tired. I should be on again starting maybe Sunday, or Monday - it'll all depend on how exhausted I am. Feel free to start the server without me though on nights I'm not there!
  6. I posted this on FB, but I feel it's worth reposting here: So hanging out with everyone has ended for this MAGFest timeframe - I miss everyone, but I'm also pumped for the new year to get rolling. It was a fun weekend as always, and MAGFest just keeps getting bigger - I can never hang out with everyone as back in M5 or M6 or so, and the problem keeps getting worse. I've probably run into over 100 people I knew over the weekend, and yet the quality time with some just keeps shrinking due to how many of you I want to spend time with. It is the biggest problem I have with such sheer size - I miss those smaller quality times. That doesn't even broach the loss of opportunity to meet new people outside of my circles - I got to do a little of it, but not nearly as much as I'd like to. I was perpetually busy in some capacity, and that's a good thing, but I also am increasingly tinged with a bit of sadness that there is still so much more that I didn't get to do. My second problem this year is that I sensed a lot of tension that people decided to bring into this MAGFest - it weighed on me some I feel. Why can't people be adults? MAGFest used to be the place where such tension was supposed to get dissolved for the most part - I felt I had to avoid some people because I got that vibe from them. I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge, and prefer things to get resolved upfront if anyone has an issue with me. It seems people are forgetting some of the things that made MAGFest amazing for some of us who have went 5 years ago or so. MAGFest isn't really the place to bring issues you've had with people - it's to be merry and be beyond them. It's where djp & virt resolved the long noted fireworks. It's where countless of people who despised each other online have come and made peace quickly, leaving all of that hate to fade away. As much as I've enjoyed M11, I feel these things weighed it down some for me & affected my personality a bit during the weekend. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy the weekend - I enjoyed seeing a lot of you there. It's always great to get to spend time in person with you all, and there were some definite great moments. What few concerts I did get to catch were solid & enjoyable. Meeting people while participating in a tournament was pretty sweet (including someone I believe I ran into at a previous MAGFest). Most of all, meeting & hanging out with people was my favorite part - the concerts, the panels, the games, and everything else is minor compared to that for me. I loved being able to see people who I've never met before in person, and of course hanging out with good old friends. I'm always sad at missing out on people and doing stuff with them. It has me pumped for the new year though! Until M12 for many of you, do great things!
  7. So I got Abadoss, Capa, and Amphibious here at my place temporarily - we're about to hit up DC and check out some of the monuments. Twas a great MAGFest as usual though! It's amazing how many more people show up every year, and how much fun times are to be had. I don't think I have any outrageous stories for the year though. I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to hang around everyone so much this year - it's just a busy time as always!
  8. I wanted to destroy whatever body woke us all with that alarm - alas, MAGFest posted on fb that it was an electrical malfunction.
  9. Nah, he's right, it has to do with a map Specific cfg - ask bark or gmto fix it. mp_winlimit needs to be replaced with mp_maxrounds.
  10. Just a note for everyone, I won't be on TF2 until Monday or Tuesday night (maybe not until Wednesday), so hopefully things don't break - bug Gamemaster or Bark if something wrong happens in that time. I rebooted the server this morning since there was an item server connectivity issue that was determined to be a server issue (and it wasn't determined until after I went to bed).
  11. Aw, too bad you didn't post that a couple of days ago - I had an extra spycicle and mad milk, but crafted them into metal .
  12. As I mentioned a few days ago, I made a spreadsheet for numbers - use it! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9vpEyOO47adDFfaFM0VWJuSEg2TFZRTXpEbkoyTGc#gid=0 1 DAY!
  13. I wholeheartedly endorse Rosa Mexicano for anyone looking for a good mexican meal - pricey but great! McCormick & Schmicks is also pricey, but I remember having a good filet mignon at one in Baltimore...for about $50 though. Elevation Burger was pretty popular, but solid stuff. Nando's Peri-Peri is some good stuff, I'll probably be hitting it up at some point. Shops like Potbelly's and Subway are your standard chain sandwich shops. Baja Fresh is like other burrito places, and one of the closest restaurants. Ketchup was a bit pricey for what it was IMO. Not the worst option, but some people have had mixed experiences from what I've heard. Can't speak to the other options, haven't been there. There's a Ben & Jerry's by the harbor too near the Potbelly's from what I remember.
  14. I've espoused a similar view - I have crits on mainly because of server traffic reasons. I personally do not care whether crits are on or off, because it affects games minimally in general. I'll kill with crits, or get killed by crits, but it's not frequent to the point where it decides most battles. I do get a little satisfaction killing off of crits actually, since it frustrates some people, but it's not really a serious thing for me or have any real weight on my experience.
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