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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I, or someone else, could do a quick rush on any character now easily. We also have LOTS of equipment and stuff, and continually are getting more stuff. Don't let us being ahead stop you from starting .
  2. Damn, those vocals sound so dated and somewhat out of place & it doesn't really go anywhere....I guess it shows how much farther the metal scene has gone since the late 80s.
  3. You probably should update the list with what games are claimed already...just a thought.
  4. I thought the lag calibration was for HDTVs? And talk about rape for the microtransactions: http://www.gametab.com/news/870597/ Microsoft and Nintendo really know how to rape us...and looks like MTV had a hand in how the song packs were created - two fun songs combined with 1 utter shit song in the first two packs, and the third pack is an "I'll pass" pack.
  5. Well, actually, not the 21, the 22nd - I can't do any other date, nor any other place (too far), since I need to go to Chicago to catch a flight to NY anyway. But it'd only really be feasible if someone has a place in Chicago for the meetup. I have to know soon if this is feasible or not, since then I'd have to make arrangements to come earlier or something, and I have to book my flight soon.
  6. Alright, so we have an organ set, and we need to uber sometime soon...when can everyone get together? We'll definitely need chapel, me, zircon, d-lux, and probably dyne at the least. Would be nice to have chad too, so two more....when's a good time? Reply in the irc chan, #d2ocr on irc.enterthegame.com
  7. Actually, I was considering whether anyone would like to meetup at Chicago May 21st.
  8. What? That S&M album is horrible - the orchestra & Metallica both don't seem to be working together well at all. I still haven't heard St. Anger to this day though...I've only found a few Metallica songs really enjoyable, so I always get this chilling feeling I'd probably not enjoy St. Anger one bit...is that sentiment reasonable?
  9. There's also a thread with a bunch of links to mp3s on TheShizz forum: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=19667
  10. Well shit, if there's a meetup, I'll go. I say we block order tickets so we get seated at the same area...if possible.
  11. Earbuds are for wimps. Headphones kill your hearing more than loud concerts.
  12. Yeah, that's an official price drop on the Core Pack.
  13. Oh...that sucks. I did go to last year's Baltimore meetup, spent quite a bit of time traveling from Binghamton though.
  14. Where're you from, like Maine? And damn I wish I went...
  15. What's so special about April 8th? I just went on facebook and I saw that 6 of my friends have birthdays today
  16. Yeah, whether you like him or not is not the crux of the issue here, it's that someone got a lot of his expensive stuff stolen. It bites.
  17. Incidentally, I have a friend who was on that show...but she got kicked off and edited out of the episodes because she didn't have a green card at the time. Sucks about that crappy security guard though. I would've raised hell.
  18. Isn't that the same studio that did the shitty Red Steel?
  19. And of course there'll be the obligatory posts that the meetup was awesome and the rest of us missed out
  20. Cause some people are graphics whores at heart but want it on a Nintendo console?
  21. Bump So...any of you guys still alive for d2ing?
  22. Prophet of Mephisto is getting married next year also - hell, he's holding an OCR meetup at his wedding!
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