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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Oh wait I misread the problem ha. Working on it atm Edit: I seem to be getting that this is impossible. So, by moving the (tan x)^2 terms to the left side, you get (tan x)^2 * [ (sec x)^2 - 1 ] = (cos x)^2 - 1 ==> (tan x)^4 = - (sin x)^2 ==> (sin x)^4 = - (sin x)^2 * (cos x)^4 = -(sin x)^2 * (1 - (sin x)^2 )^2 ==> (forget about the possible division by 0, since we're looking backwards and for arbitrary x) (sin x)^2 = - (1 - 2 * (sin x)^2 + (sin x)^4 ) ==> (sin x)^4 - (sin x)^2 + 1 = 0 So, set t = sin x. Note that t^4 - t^2 + 1 = 0 is an even function, and the range of t is [-1, 1], so it is enough to look at [0, 1]. However, this equation is always greater than 0 for the possible values of t, so I think there's a typo here or your teacher gave a false problem.
  2. So it looks like the New York Times has confirmed Playstation Home's existence as being a rip off of Microsoft's and Nintendo's offerings. I say good, achievements need to be made universal.
  3. So you know (sin x)^2 + (cos x)^2 = 1, so just divide everything by (cos x)^2.
  4. Nah, my hands are medium sized. It's just that it feels somewhat unnatural aiming with the right thumb pointing to the left, compared to aiming with the thumb pointing in the center and moving the thumb in the direction that's visually in agreement with what you're expect (as in the 360 controller).
  5. Yeah, I played some more Resistance earlier and I'm starting to like it some more, even though the thumbsticks still bother me somewhat. One thing I'm looking forward to is hopefully more multiplayer games on the PS3 - there's no excuse now that it's very easy to hook up multiple controllers to it without the need of an additional peripheral.
  6. Also, we should compile a list of what people want. ATM I want a 4 socket staff and a Tal rune, just leave it with the mule if you find either (I'm trying to make the Runeword 'Insight').
  7. Well, this thread doesn't seem to be limited to the PS3, so I'm leaving it for now I guess. Despite all the PS3 hate, I'm surprised at what games it does have for only 5 months into its lifespan. Virtua Fighter 5 is an amazing game by all counts, and certainly came much earlier than PS2's first great game. My only problems with the PS3 so far is that its graphics capabilities seem limited by the 256 MB of RAM compared to the 360's 512 MB, the controller lacks rumble & is piss poor for FPS again, and the price (but it's good for those who want a hi-def movie player). Having all 3 consoles is an interesting option this time around, since it seems this generation more than ever, good games are being distributed amongst all the consoles fairly evenly, at least for now.
  8. So I've been playing Resistance: Fall of Man recently...and the PS3 controller really shows its flaws with this game - the thumbstick locations are just terrible for FPS I think. Also, I've been spoiled with Gears of War, so Resistance really falls short graphics-wise in comparison and rubs off as rushed.
  9. #2 isn't the Saturn - check the charts here: http://curmudgeongamer.com/2006/05/history-of-console-prices-or-500-aint.html
  10. Alright, I was wrong about that, it was a vague memory at best, although I do remember that the PS3 isn't in the top few offenders for the pricing - it is up there though.
  11. This thread is retarded. How do you know that PS3 has no good games if you haven't played it? Virtua Fighter 5 kicks ass and is a definite great game to play. Motorstorm comes out today too, although I refuse to pick it up yet when I have 26 unfinished games sitting around here. Also taking into account inflation, the PS3's price isn't the worst offender, as pricey as it is. If I remember right, the SNES cost comparably as much, and the games certainly were more expensive back then when adjusted for inflation.
  12. $8 is too much for an SNES game. Maybe once they add stuff to the older games it'd be worth it, but at this point it's too much.
  13. So, I've been playing a lot of games the past few days, including Children of Mana - CoM isn't bad. I like the dungeon crawling aspect to it, but don't play it expecting a full Seiken Densetsu game, because it isn't one.
  14. I fucking hated Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts...the control mechanics pissed me off to no end.
  15. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3151290 New characters announced in SSBB.
  16. Yes, it would hurt the quality of the game if the online is poor. I rather have everything great than something halfassed amongst a lot of great stuff.
  17. Depends on the game. Diablo 2 online when there's massive lag is incredibly frustrating and angering for example.
  18. We're playing right now actually!
  19. Today is Elite Beat Agents for $20 on Amazon.com! Pick it up if you haven't yet. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HE9LL8/ref=amb_link_4457402_1/102-5500428-1859344
  20. I'll probably have a personal HDTV later this year...and my parents have one at home. But my main reason is to just play games - I wasn't expecting it to be literally garbage on a non-HDTV. The 360 doesn't do that, and the Wii doesn't either, why should the PS3 be any different? Anyway, back to FF12 playing.
  21. Hey, more cheap DS games! Todays Amazon DOTD is Magical Starsign for $15: http://www.cheapassgamer.com/go.php?http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000GHG9VG/ref=nosim/cheapassgam08-20 Also if you're looking to buy some games on amazon.com, there's a coupon for 30% off your video game purchase (works on this too, I just bought this, Trauma Center DS, and Loco Roco for $43...by abusing another 30% off promo) - coupon code is: JKF4VS99
  22. So I just beat Trauma Center - easily one of the best DS games out there and highly recommended.
  23. Yeah but this is a business investment (starting a game site)
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