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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Lossless still takes up too much space - I have over 300 GB of music, and roughly 55 GB is lossless, for what is comparably a lot less music. Lossless does have the benefit of preserving the sound of bootlegs or poor recordings of live performances, but that's as far as all I've really seen it beneficial for - the sound quality benefits is otherwise negligible for how much space it takes up, even formats like FLAC.
  2. As soon as I saw the pay site I didn't believe it...but that EA ReMix C&D letter was genius - it had me confused for sure.
  3. From what I've seen, he came here naive, and then unmodders did a number on him...so it's not surprising that he hates what unmod was.
  4. It's pretty hard to top EA ReMix though, it's probably the best April Fools joke I've seen period.
  5. There's being capable of intelligence, and there's acting like a child - just because you're capable of intelligence doesn't necessarily exclude you from having the maturity of a 14 year old. What he did after his banning was a perfect example of that.
  6. It's acting like an idiot that's a bannable offense, and really, if you act retarded, you deserve what comes to you.
  7. Sony's innovations are just as "rare", if not rarer than that. The only thing remotely as innovative is Loco Roco, but as a game they made it somewhat bland. Sony does make good games, but I wouldn't make the mistake of calling many of them innovative.
  8. Boo to Bejeweled - it's like a Tetris Attack ripoff.
  9. Nintendo has done a lot in the past decade or so as well, such as the Wario Ware series, Nintendogs, and Pikmin for some examples. I think Nintendo still holds the innovation crown simply because they can use those innovations to appeal to a vast audience, while most of Sony's own gaming innovations are focused almost exclusively to the hardcore crowd.
  10. I felt that the Wii remote wasn't bad for this with the default controls. It's not the ideal controller, but it's just fine.
  11. Microsoft has been making games for over a decade IIRC - they just didn't expand as much until they started their XBox initiative.
  12. Damn, I missed episode 6...great reminder! I <3 this show, cheesy fun to be had here.
  13. Sounds like guerilla marketing
  14. Yeah, I did bring it up before, but it was thought unnecessary to issue an apology, as djp did address all the points in question before.
  15. Upon looking it up a little more, it seems the 360 uses a 2.5" hard drive, which is somewhat more expensive (it's the same size as a standard laptop hard drive)...so it isn't as bad of a deal.
  16. The HDMI port won't really get much usage for games purposes though - it's mainly for Microsoft's budding video download service, which is #1 right now for online video downloads. The 2% comes from a recent comment by an interview of a Sony executive. As for the hard drive space, anyone who has shopped around for hard drives know that is a horrible deal, and that's from a consumer perspective - I'm sure they get a much better deal comparably due to them mass manufacturing them as well. Hell, I just bought my brother a 160 GB Western Digital external for $70 or $80 or so, and that's an external. I've seen deals flying around like for a 500 GB hard drive for $120 recently too.
  17. $80 for a hard drive upgrade? That can't cost more than $20 more, if not $10. Also I'm sure most people couldn't give a shit about the HDMI port, as only 2% or so have 1080p atm. It's a major ripoff as far as I'm concerned, and it makes me all the happier that I got my 360 premium for essentially $200.
  18. Bump - XBox 360 Elite has been announced and it's as all the rumors said - $480 for a black 360 with a 120 GB hard drive and HDMI. What a load of shit.
  19. There are several people who go to school/live in Wisconsin on OCR...I have no idea how feasible a meetup would be though. It's just that there're a huge number of people from the east coast, so meetups are definitely feasible - for example at the April 1 Baltimore meetup last year, there were like 20+ of us? At the NYC meetup at the end of last year, we had ~18 of us too.
  20. I got sick of the dungeon design - it was made so long for little reason. I know quite a bunch of others who felt the same way about the games, so I know it's not just me.
  21. Damn...why couldn't I have gotten one for free? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6482789.stm
  22. It's like a lesser version of FFT, although it does get tedious at times - I say it's not worth it.
  23. Hm, just to stir up CONTROVERSY, I have to add that I hated the Golden Sun games, especially the second. The second one was a massive snooze fest, and I eventually got so sick of it that I just quit halfway through the game. Much of Coop's list is win though, so just go with whatever of those.
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