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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. We can also have a sidestory of how everyone was swooning for pixietricks and how D-Lux snatched her for some time before zircon saved the day .
  2. Well, owning all 3 systems, it's really looking like at least for the short-term, the 360 is going to dominate - the 360 lineup is pretty killer this year for only its second year out, and has something for almost everyone.
  3. Actually, just watching a portion of that video, I definitely agree - it seemed much worse than much of the stuff on OCR. Likely the piece was a bit difficult for that person to perform, or maybe he was a bit nervous about playing on such a famous organ? I was a bit disappointed at Dear Friends for similar reasons, although the mistakes weren't nearly as noteworthy as in that video.
  4. Fuck...makes me wish I went to school close to home, I would've so went to that .
  5. Bump! So I looked around the achievements...and so I did the Tutorial and Practice modes. I'm very impressed at the practice mode though - it's what everyone really wants at one point or another in a music game but never really gets implemented, letting you slow down the song pacing and focusing on a certain part of a song. Also, hammer-ons and pull-offs finally work well, unlike the original, and the song patterns are built so that alternate picking is natural. I can see myself playing this game for awhile with all the achievements and getting good enough to compete with my friends, and downloadable content would be icing on the cake. I can also see myself eventually picking up an actual guitar too once I master GH2 - it really gives you the incentive to do so much with what normally turns people off from trying harder.
  6. Don't forget to add Terra's Bad News!
  7. I don't even want to touch this with a 10 foot pole.
  8. It could be a broken controller...see that link on the first page someone posted.
  9. I saw someone with an OCR hoodie at my alma mater I think....that was awhile back. I do know quite a bunch of people who knew of OCR independently of me though.
  10. Yeah, I think you got a defective one - mine works just fine. On another note, how're you guys liking the game? Seems like there're a lot of filler tracks like GH 1, but some of the songs are just great to play like the classic & hands-down the best Iron Maiden's The Trooper, and others like songs by Anthrax, Lamb of God, Rush, and Alice Cooper. There're others I enjoyed playing too, including bonus tracks, but I don't recall them all atm...lot of stuff going on here today. I only got to beat Medium mode so far so I can't say too much, although the next few days I'll probably have to take a break due to busyness and likely swollen fingers tomorrow from hitting the buttons too hard.
  11. T - 4 days until I get to be all sad at missing another meetup .
  12. That makes me happy that I have XBox Live - you talk via mic so you'd hear what the guy sounds like before he actually starts singing.
  13. Just play with friends? That's what I'd probably do.
  14. When was it said that Brawl was supposed to be at launch?
  15. Well, I can't really say about GH 2 myself (my copy of the 360 one comes in today actually), but I was just reiterating what my other friends have said, and they play both games quite a bit (although 2 more because they made it quite harder than the first one). But about 1, the only ones I'd keep from that list is the Boston, Queen, Megadeth, Hendrix, Blue Oyster Cult, Vaughan, Edgar Winter Group, Pantera, Ozzy Osbourne, Graveyard BBQ, and Freezepop songs, and also the Judas Priest song. The others got boring fast or just didn't have enjoyable patterns to match the song itself - my friends who have the game are all in agreement, and most don't even really talk to each other (of those who have the games of course). But seeing those songs, that's only 12 of 40 songs? I'm not even saying my thoughts of those songs I kept, because I don't think highly of a few of them, but I enjoy playing them, just as I enjoyed playing Elite Beat Agents.
  16. Simple, I wasn't naming particular songs. But anyone play the first two a lot? How many songs would you actually play over again? I know I stuck to only a handful since either I couldn't stand a lot of them (after the obligatory one time play of course) or they weren't fun to play through, and most of my friends were the same. I think that warrants calling the majority crap songs.
  17. Wtf? I know many who don't like much of the GH2 tracklist, all with pretty wide musical backgrounds - most of my friends have been modding their GH2 and replacing the songs with better ones simply because the tracklist is pretty bad in general, although there are a few good ones in there. Makes me wonder what atrocities you consider good music.
  18. So I finally got to play my Crackdown last night...shit is crack in a game - played some online co-op, and played until 3 am last night, and played more today. I haven't played a console game that good in a while, so kudos for Microsoft for promoting the game heavily with the Halo 3 beta, and their new studio for putting out a pretty quality game. Edit: Also my Guitar Hero 2 is about to come in...anyone else get/play the 360 one yet? (lots of stores broke the street date too) I'll probably have some impressions tonight, since today is my homework day
  19. All I can say is fuck you Sony again. They dropped the PS2 price not 1 month after I bought it, and they drop the PSP price of the pack I bought not 1 month after I bought one again. They sure know how to rape me like Nintendo.
  20. Hell, we need some more power & progressive metal here, and some more prog rock too. Electric blues would be fun too, but I doubt the tracklist would be all that great - GH 1 had a bunch of crap tracks, and GH 2 was even worse with that, so if the short term trend is any indication, the tracklist will get even worse as the idea has already hit gaming mainstream.
  21. Damn that bites...I hated entering in that XBox Live Gold code as well, and that was once.
  22. Doing one good thing doesn't excuse another - if you want a perfect example, think of fraternities in college. All of them do philanthropic work (i.e. the THON event @ PSU raising over $1 million), but many also do inexcusable things as well (i.e. killing pledges intentionally/unintentionally). It's about what you do in entirety, not about one face of it.
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