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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Even the final dungeon? That dungeon coupled with the final boss almost made me .
  2. Well, I remember in the original, Vanish + Doom works on Doomgaze for getting the esper.
  3. Just as Watkinzez said, check the Help & Newbies forum out and post there if you want more info and stuff.
  4. Just beat Metal Slug 3...damn that's a good game. This Metal Slug Anthologies is pretty kickass, even for using the Wii remote.
  5. Conversely, FF3 for the DS is hard as fuck:(, although supposedly it's easier than the fucktastic original.
  6. So...does anyone know how to unlock Drumstick in DKR DS? I already unlocked everyone else.
  7. If you have one on March 23, I could be there . Good luck on Thursday though!
  8. So I've been playing some Metal Slug Anthology here and there, and damn are they hard, but its some good fun right here. I'm even playing with the Wii remote and it's still fun (the default setting).
  9. I *almost* died - I was one round of attacks from losing my last three guys, so I just decided to fuck it and go all out. Turns out that two of my party members died and the last one remaining dealt the final blow to the final boss so I massively lucked out.
  10. I beat one of the single player modes (I still have Adventure Mode 2 to go), so I found the missing balloon - it appears they added a little puzzle which kinda sucked. One thing I like is the addition of the coins - the game having unlockables definitely improves it, especially the ability to upgrade your vehicle. The touch boss challenges aren't so bad, although 2 of the 4 still suck completely. Right now I have the Adventure Mode 2 & the unlocking of T. T. left - holy shit does the hovercraft still suck ass. They did remove the powersliding, but they still let you use R to turn sharply without losing speed, which is still key. Barrel rolls and somersaults are also removed as far as I can see too.
  11. Retailers keep hoarding Wiis for their Sunday ads - there's still camping involved if you want to get a Wii, sad as it is.
  12. So, I'm almost done with DKR, and I change my initial impressions - it's much better than I originally thought, although the AI can be cheap as fuck. One question though - anyone know where the other balloon(s) is (are)? Wizpig won't let me race him a second time until I got all the balloons and won the Future Funland trophy race, and I have the trophy and 46 balloons...
  13. Yeah, not to derail the thread or anything, but I see PS3s all over the place now. At least it'll be easy for me to get ahold of one for game reviewing purposes.
  14. Blame the big 4 record labels.
  15. Well, for some reason the link doesn't appear properly sometimes...and lol to Timbaland's response.
  16. Damn, that's short for a Tales game . So, I'm up to the last boss of FFIII DS...and wow this game fucking sucks. The tedium towards the end is reminiscent of the shitty end dungeon of Lunar II: Eternal Blue, which ranks as one of my worst gaming experiences ever, along with the entire game of 7th Saga. Stay clear of this game if you value your sanity. Also, Square-Enix is a whore for letting you buy Bahamut at the end of the game .
  17. Actually, they're starting to get easier to find if you know where to look.
  18. Well, I'm very annoyed at the single player. I don't have access to the internet with the game atm so I can't judge on that, but some of the changes is frustrating like the startup & the Boss Touch Challenge sucks so much.
  19. Supposedly it was supposed to come out here on the PSP...but Namco has remained mum about it, which means it probably isn't going to happen. I'm just going to get Smoke to import it for me from Europe.
  20. Holy shit are they ridiculous. They are a big WTF. So far I'm going to have to give DKR a big NO
  21. Because you know how much it detracts from it without playing the remake
  22. So, seeing as how we all love games here, here's a thread to help save you a few bucks (or demolish your wallet) - for the most part, I'll only have notable deals up here, although you're free to post whatever deals you like. As deals change, I'll be updating the thread (weekly for the most part). Most of these deals will be courtesy of CAG (http://www.cheapassgamer.com - a great site to frequent if you're looking to buy a game or console for less), but any other sources are welcome. Circuit City 20% off all $19.99 or less games - you may have to mention that it's on the weekly ad if it doesn't ring up. Paypal $15 rebate after a purchase of $30 or more - limited to one per paypal account, this applies to any vendor/seller other than those with Paypal Personal Accounts. An example of a store that this works on is Newegg.https://paypal.promotionexpert.com/greatshopping/signup/200702/misc_s.html?route=misc.s - link http://paypal.promotionexpert.com/greatshopping/signup/200702/terms.html - Terms And Conditions Note: This is an official Paypal promotion, and it can be found right on paypal.com with the appropriate searching (look for $100 million promotion) Best Buy Get a $10 gift card with any purchase of 2 advertised Nintendo DS/GBA games - you must be a Reward's Zone member Listed Games worth considering: Final Fantasy VI (GBA) - $29.99 Final Fantasy III (DS) - $39.99 Diddy Kong Racing (DS) - $29.99 Note: This isn't the best deal around, but these games aren't likely to drop in price soon. If you're not looking to buy many games for a while, you're better off using that Paypal promotion. I'd also avoid FF III until a better deal comes along, since I find it to be a subpar experience (the money is better spent on a game like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops). Google Checkout $10 off a purchase of $10 or more at participating vendors for new customers List of participating vendors - http://www.google.com/checkout/signupwelcome.html Note: You have to signup before February 15th - you can abuse it by making multiple names, but make sure you use a different credit card each time since Google will lock you out if you are caught doing it multiple times with the same credit card account.
  23. Well, it's just that there's little to discuss about this..it's nice and all, but I can't say I hold a high opinion of a game like Second Life.
  24. Ouch. Good thing I got the game used for $30 a little while after it came out .
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