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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. For those interested, Children of Mana @ Amazon.com for $15 today for the Deal of the Day! http://www.cheapassgamer.com/go.php?http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000FW4OHS/ref=nosim/cheapassgam08-20 (Note: The link is to give due to CAG for reporting it, it links to the right page though)
  2. Damnit...I need my 360 here from my brother. Got Dead Rising and Crackdown here waiting to play.
  3. Nice try hiding the referral link.
  4. Bahamut loses to Sovereign...way too tired .
  5. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (not as good as Portrait but still solid) Mega Man ZX Mario Kart DS Elite Beat Agents Meteos (if you find it for cheap) Tetris DS (if you find it for cheaper) Clubhouse games (if you find it for cheaper) Diddy Kong Racing (at first it starts off bad but it gets better) So pretty much a subset of your list. The other games, I can't really recommend, mostly due to not being worth a buy or much of a play unless you're really strapped for games to play, or a few I haven't got around to playing (i.e. Kirby Canvas Curse and Phoenix Wright).
  6. Well, I found single player kind've bland and generic. I only vaguely remember having played multiplayer, and I don't remember it being that great since holding the DS on one hand really made it tiresome to play.
  7. Clubhouse Games is ok, but not really that great for people who love to play games hardcore. Final Fantasy III DS sucks ass - the tedium is mindblowing. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time isn't special either. Mario Kart is great but I'm sure he knows to play that. Mega Man ZX is solid. Meteos is alright, worth some playing, especially fans of Lumines. Metroid Prime Hunters is sort of meh IMO, same wiith NSMB. Wario Ware Touched! is good too of course.
  8. Haha one of my friends is doing the same shit when he gets a DS Lite (mainly pirating - it's the only thing he can't really pirate on his PSP). I definitely recommend Elite Beat Agents though, even if the music is shitty. Of course I bet you'll try the Castlevanias, but other than that...I find it hard to recommend DS games myself.
  9. I was sort of leaning towards VF5 too, since Gears of War impressed me greatly (and is so fun to play) and I was sort of lukewarm towards the controller for Resistance...I guess that seals it (for now). I'll probably pick up Resistance if I can find it cheap somewhere though.
  10. Two different teams worked on Sonic for 360 & PS3 and the Wii Sonic - I think I remember hearing that the one that worked on the 360/PS3 one kinda got stuck with it, so they couldn't do much with it.
  11. Why couldn't you have offered this two weeks ago? I would've bought it in a heartbeat
  12. Well, I got my PS3 off of ebay - for $647, it comes with the PS3 still sealed (new) & Call of Duty 3 lol I want to get Resistance, and Virtua Fighter 5, which should I pick first? This $60 price tag on these 360 & PS3 games make me .
  13. Sony asscovering lol. Strange that the 360 is only outselling the PS3 by a small margin though - you'd expect more people to pick up a 360 simply because it's cheaper and has a larger game selection atm.
  14. In general this Sonic seems to have good reviews. Too bad I just missed buying it for $40 shipped from outpost.com .
  15. So for all of the PS3 bashing I've done, I'm now the owner of a PS3. Let's see how it stacks up against the negative hype.
  16. I just downgraded my PSP to 1.50 and upgraded it to 3.10 OE-A...holy shit I was so nervous about the PSP bricking several times. It worked out all fine though so I have to say, I'm really happy at what the homebrew scene is pushing out. I'll still be buying PSP games, but damn, the homebrew available is getting better and better.
  17. To be just as fair, it's unfair to say whether the PS3 is going to die either...doesn't stop people here from doing it though (me included - ironically I just hit the button to purchase a PS3 ).
  18. He's going to whip out mom jokes left and right .
  19. One of my friends preordered God Of War 2 for $30 at amazon.com haha.
  20. Well, the reception is pretty expensive usually..
  21. Nice - now she can meet the world of OCR nerds as well
  22. http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=19667 Here's a bunch of mp3s from what appears to be some sort of Japanese equivalent to the DoD. Looks good.
  23. Yeah see it pays off to visit http://www.cheapassgamer.com often. As soon as I heard of the deal I rushed over to there to check for PS3s but they sold out of them . Still got some games for pretty good prices so it wasn't all a loss. I still don't believe they let you stack this deal on top of game consoles/handhelds though, that's just amazing.
  24. Bump So I just got back from another trip to Meijer for more 360 Premiums (sorry sgx, no more Premiums there - would've sold ya one to you for $300 if I found one), but I did nab Dead Rising for $43. So I've abused this sale so much - saved ~$155 on the XBox 360, $10 on Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Wii), $10 on Gears of War (for a friend), and $20 on Dead Rising...totaling ~$195 saved. I <3 Meijer!
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