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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. That is an easy way to get him pissed off at you. Mathematicians hate know-it-alls.
  2. I went back to Secret of Mana, and wow that was tedious shit. It definitely wasn't as good as I remembered though .
  3. It is in almost every way though, except *maybe* the overall soundtrack.
  4. eyel keel yooooou! Well, I don't disagree with X3 being better than X, but not X2 IMO. X3 is still a great game though.
  5. The soundtrack to EBA is pretty bad anyway. Or do you mean the fun factor for them?
  6. http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&ct=:ePkh8BM9EwLbwQq0w4AVYguQXWLAgs8eI4ELj-yuL60r2cTfXmLGHtW5BABtNg8x/4-1-0&fp=45b17f25d42cac18&ei=BzCxRfLdKbn6sAGYsvm0BQ&url=http%3A//news.com.com/Family%2bsues%2bradio%2bstation%2bin%2bWii%2bcontest%2bdeath/2100-1047_3-6151589.html&cid=1112701123 Family sues the radio station.
  7. I'm a bit mixed with the learning curve in EBA - sometimes it seems pretty good, but there are some jumps in difficulty that is pretty frustrating.
  8. Well, I think that song sucks - the lyrics are pretty crappy as far as lyrics go (I'll even say worse than Rhapsody or even DragonForce), and just focuses on a catch rather than a concept. What most people consider "rock classics" is what I consider prime examples of commercialization of music that neglects the artform of music. And so, I'm up to the final two songs in EBA with the divas. I'm impressed at the difficulty of the game - I didn't expect them to be able to ramp up the difficulty this high, although I'm a bit miffed at times with the taps being off-beat. It's a good thing this game doesn't screw around when it comes to difficulty, something more games need to do.
  9. Here's 101 free games: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3156339
  10. So I finally beat that shitty Jumpin' Jack Flash song with Agent Chieftain and unlocked the Divas in EBA - shit this game was worth full price, and I say that about few games.
  11. Graphics is just important insofar as not looking out of place for the style the game presents itself as.
  12. Needs more Iron Maiden and Helloween love. If they threw in Angra, I'd be all over it in a heartbeat.
  13. As has been pointed out, this is a list thread, and thus the lock falls.
  14. I'm pretty sure Atma said 8 player WiFi earlier.
  15. Here's the thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3483
  16. 140 MB for me, but it beats having to buy another copy of MS Office for me (I'm on a Macbook now).
  17. Alright, that's enough beating this to death. The answer is no, it isn't video game music if it isn't made for video games.
  18. It just got made yesterday . I'm down for whatever team I guess.
  19. Why were songs like Eyes On Me and such not composed for the game? I don't see anything that justifies that statement.
  20. Just moved this to Comm because it's a game related thread.
  21. It's legal if you get the appropriate license to. For an example, see that Estradasphere Super Mario Bros. 2 remix on this site? That's actually on one of their commercial albums, and they're known as a serious band, outside the context of OCR, if a little known one (I bought their most recent album in an FYE a few weeks ago back in NY).
  22. It has to do with the RIAA by implication. Not to say that Timbaland isn't a shithead for doing this either, but if the RIAA has any credibility, it would act quickly on this considering the situation involves one of its member labels and an artist under the label.
  23. Geffon is a member label of the RIAA. The RIAA claims to uphold artist copyrights. If you don't see the hypocrisy here, then I don't know what to tell you.
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