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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Sorry guys, but looks like everyone is getting screwed over...but for a greater cause of ReMixanator!
  2. What he said! I remember hearing this before actually talking to Mads when Tony referred him to me as a good artist to ask to join a project, and when Dr. Manhattan sent him my email. It's a convincing track that showcases Mads' acoustic guitar, and it's delicious! It shows some emotion, from the dark beginning to the more upbeat later section, the song has a feeling of progression to it that tugs at you some. Great job, it sure deserved being in the top 3 for DoD that month!
  3. This song is a strange one - it has some issues I feel, but it's fresh & unique. At the least, even if MrMilkCarton doesn't like it, he brought it for everyone to hear - thanks for this interesting take!
  4. 9 days remaining everyone (as of EST)! Got an updated WIP from melody, sexy WIP!
  5. Hm, I need to pick me up this game sometime - I <3 Wario Ware games!
  6. Updated thread - this thread will only be used for official projects. If recruitment for a project is to happen, please create a thread on it.
  7. Nothing wrong with casual games.
  8. I had some trouble - if things don't pop up, you can hit refresh and/or go to the cart to see whether it has been added or not.
  9. You should check your Shizz thread Katie - Demonstray wants a Battle Theme
  10. Ok, I lied, here's a few pics! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2243290&id=8105472&l=faf6f47d7e It's weird, but I think I'm missing some pics that I know I took...
  11. Aw, you should've came up to us after the panel! We'd have been more than glad to talk to you and have you tag along with us for lunch! I'll post my pictures (what little I have sometime this week when I feel suitably less stressed). I have to say though, PAX has gotten me quite more energetic!
  12. I think people were just amazingly sharp - people knew their stuff, it was quite impressive.
  13. Don't forget to do the Skyblazer!
  14. Alright, I'm back, with a double post to boot! So the first deadline is in 13 days - get to work those who haven't yet! Lots of good stuff in the pipeline so far, people are going to be happy when this is done .
  15. That could be fun to go to - I'll have to see closer to then though, I can't give a definite so far, although there's nothing in my schedule to deter me from going.
  16. Twas some good fun, although I actually wasn't huge on the convention itself - it was more of an excuse to hang out with everyone. It was great meeting some new faces, and some ones I've wanted to meet like Kidd Cabbage (IBBIAZ), Sleazy, Vig, Stemage, UE and others. Great seeing old faces as well, and of course various other people who I always get to see from here. I just wish I had more time to hang out with more people - there's a bunch of people I wanted to hang out with but didn't get the chance to do so with .
  17. Got it, will probably comment tomorrow night - had some wine & can't concentrate atm.
  18. So just a note - I will still get email notifications and whatnot about posts here & will be able to access project forums and stuff like that, but I may not respond in the next few days as I'll be in Boston for PAX East. Don't be afraid to post a WIP and stuff during that time!
  19. I actually said happy birthday in theshizz thread for him
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