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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Aw, I'm going to be going to the basketball game here today, so I'll be missing out
  2. Welcome washudoll - I must admit I'm not sure of your skills, but we'll work with ya to see what you got and to maximize it. And I just got me a Storm Eagle WIP from The Dual Dragons .
  3. Finally getting more of a chance to listen, although still not super attentively - this is good stuff, although I do wish some of the tracks were heavier. Will be listening to this as I travel to PAX East .
  4. I have to say that however it ends up, you're cool for doing this - some people around do it more for the glory than the music, but here you're clearly gunning for the music, everything else be damned. Much respect!
  5. Anyone want to play some soon? MaxFrost and Scytheful are up for playing.
  6. The project has been grandfathered - ideally this should be in Projects or the Recruitment forum now I think. I'll leave it up to Katie to decide.
  7. So there's 34 WIPs currently (which includes 2 finished tracks)! Great job so far at getting WIPs out there - the hard workers know who they are . I hope to see them become finished wavs fast but beggars can't be choosers ha. It turns out I *may* have problems being around for the July 9th deadline - depending on how things fall out, I may push it back slightly, or have Dyne take point there. I know I'll probably be moving around then, so it might be troublesome.
  8. You know, in a way I find it strange that DKC is the first series with possibly a complete set of albums done for - it looks to be like a solid quality level for it all as well, which impresses me. Looking forward to when this comes out
  9. Oh wow nice - one game you might want to consider is Demons Souls. Its been all the rage in #ocremix in the past two months.
  10. Some of the shifts were a bit jarring in the video, like the way the video shifted between scenes using just a shift horizontally, or the sudden return to Dixie when she's singing in the first time. This was fun though, nice to see someone enjoyed the song this much to do this !
  11. Oh man I had forgotten that until just reading this! The worst part about that was that the hornet chased you across the road I seemed to remember. That was scary seeing you run right into potential traffic though. I don't think I have any moments that qualifies as scary, scary moments - I tend not to get scared to such extremities in a short period of time & for an extended one. I've had numerous instances where I'd almost get hit by dumb drivers, including just flat out inattentive drivers from no visible distraction, drivers talking on their cellphones, and drivers texting. There was one time at night I remember being on the Major Deegan Expressway/I-87 in the Bronx in a car with friends and seeing a car in front of us zigzagging across all of the lanes in the highway, which was scary and fortunately my friend deftly passed by the drunk/high/who knows what person driving so erratically. There was another time I was on I-74 in Champaign-Urbana, IL with a friend, driving on the right lane of the highway back to Urbana when all of the sudden we see this huge rock take up 1/3 of our lane on the right side - we were sandwiched by a car on our left & behind us, so it looked like we were going to hit the rock and flip or something crazy; I honestly thought I was going to die. Somehow my friend managed to evade the rock and not hit another car, which I still don't know how he managed to do. I probably could come up with more given time, but I'm tired
  12. Happy birthday! Surprised you made your own birthday thread though
  13. Listening party chatlog for those who missed it (sans bonus egg for those there), courtesy of starla: http://injury.thasauce.net/sekrit/ocad.EnterTheGame.1.txt
  14. The voting is closed - I'm going tabulate results and announce winners tomorrow! For now you guys can see who did what track in the first post though!
  15. Listening party starts in about 15 minutes - join us in #ocad on EnterTheGame for some fun!
  16. Yeah, that's what I used as well for that boss - he was very easy for me with that party. As for the chocobos - I forget the #, but you have to do the mark to open up access to the western side of the Steppe first, and then you have to do another mark to save the chocobos there. SPOILERS So I beat FFXIII yesterday, and wow what a game. That last dungeon is absolutely insane, died a ton of times trying to get through it, probably due to a lack of a sentinel. It really stresses class importance with some enemies gangbanging you - I cheated my way through the one part I could not break through by magically avoiding one battle, summoning my way through two of them, and lots of tries to get through the last. The last set of boss fights was just wow - the bosses get harder and harder. The way events play out around here is great with the revealing of the deceptions about common notions of stuff like cieth, and Ragnorak, and with how Barthandelus tries to manipulate the party by "killing" off Daji (sp?) and Serah. This game really made its mark, and I'll probably replay it at some point (going to do endgame stuff for now).
  17. In a sense, the name is sort of trivial - I objected strongly to "Serious Monkey Business", but Taucer liked the name so much I was like alright, your call. At some point I stopped thinking about it.
  18. Happy birthday guys! And Swann should go eat a muffin
  19. I really like this track & the ideas put forth, but as others have said, production really is the weak point in this song, which is such a shame because I think it would sound so much better with the right mixing. I do recall asking Taucer about the production on this song and to try to get it touched up, but he seemed satisfied with the mixing. I think part of the sentiment was that we were in a rush to complete the project, and didn't expect something else to come along and delay the release.
  20. He told me you liked the recorder and I think that's why he kept it . He definitely didn't forget though! And thanks everyone for the kind words! Glad you all enjoyed this, and got some more where this came from
  21. Heh I use the same party and do similar things.
  22. It still works for me - have you guys tried refreshing?
  23. It's lossless (or close enough anyhow - was told earlier that it's technically not quite but close). you can convert from FLAC to mp3 if you want, or you can just grab the mp3s if you don't need that level of quality. The mp3s should suffice for most.
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