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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Just wanted to let you know that me and Cody are still hard at work at the extended video trailer, which should be ready to post immediately (or not too long after) when the next WAV is turned in All together, the preview will contain 8 minutes of remixes and 16 songs total, plus a TON of video content that we've been hard at work recording just for the preview. I can't wait to unleash this all on you guys when the time is right It's gonna be awesome.
  2. And Sole Signal sweeps in with a .WAV for... Treetop Tumble? Yup, some of you might be familiar with his WIP on the Workshop forums from a long time ago, but he's since polished/finished the arrangement and submitted it to the project! Yay!
  3. Hah! Me and Cody have been slaving away all night at the preview video for Otakon, but it's done now! I'll be able to show you fools as soon as the last 2 WAVs get turned in (or, if you're attending Otakon you might get to see it earlier than that.) Tomorrow I'm really going to start plugging away at the extended preview, which should be about 8-12 minutes long if all goes as planned I think the videos so far are looking really cool, I hope you all are able to watch it soon! Also, welcome to Malcos and Diggi Dis (again!) claiming the last 2 tracks on the GBA soundtrack. WE ARE ONLY 1 TRACK AWAY FROM HAVING A COMPLETELY FULL SOUNDTRACK! Also, I made a separate section of the list for bonus remixers who are making tracks, but haven't quite demonstrated OCR-level quality. They're still quite enjoyable though, and if the tracks end up meeting OCR quality they'll be moved to the main album listing, so just so you know what's up with that small new development
  4. That's because it's rap. It's not supposed to be ultra-melodic.
  5. Hahahahahahahahaha you called him halk. he's gonna kick your ass
  6. Hi there, wonderful super-special-awesome friend! :-D How's that collab comin'? ~_^

  7. I'm not gonna lie, I came into this thread half-expecting a very elaborate press release All jokes aside, I'm always happy to see prolific members of the community getting hitched, I wish you all the best dude
  8. Speaking purely from a non-mod perspective, I really, really enjoyed this. It's a great background track because there's not really much going on and it's rather repetitive (which is why it might have a hard time finding its way onto OCR in its current form) but I just wanted to tell you that I really liked listening to your mix. Good work
  9. Flexstyle got his WAV in to me (and actually delivered an almost-complete version in person when we shared lunch the other day That was pretty neat!) and it's pretty sexy I was beginning to think that source was cursed after getting WIPs from 3 separate people that never panned out into anything, but he came through on this one! Thanks a ton for the awesome track dude So, the preview is coming up quickly and I've got to start whipping up a list of songs for halc to insert into the actual preview... so, my question to you guys is, do you have any requests on songs you'd really like to hear? I can't guarantee I'll honor all of the requests, but if there's any particular songs that people want to hear, I'll consider them more seriously if I know there's public demand. So let me know what your thoughts are, and quickly!
  10. Screw this guy. Submit this as-is, it's a surefire dp as long as you don't change anything. Exceeept maybe adding in some more diverse instruments aside from just the synths. Especially if you're going for a Chariots of Fire-esque sound, some light cinematic strings and some bright, warm piano chords to augment the soundscape would really help.
  11. Hey dude, do you still have that Dire Dire Docks mix of yours online, finished or WIP'd? I'd like to have a chance to download that if you don't mind rehosting it :-)

  12. Hey, hope you get to feeling better soon :]

  13. I guess you can, but all that's really being done is some VERY basic mastering and volume equalization so that all the tracks flow together without wild jumps in volume like I'm currently experiencing whenever I listen. I'd really advise you against opting out, but if you're absolutely against the idea of someone else touching your work, I'll grant you the request. Also, I'd like to formally welcome Dave Wise to the project, who will be remixing Jungle Jitter for the GBA soundtrack and playing saxophone on Monkey Kong's ending medley track. I'm very excited to have him on board, we've got something very cool lined up for the remix he's doing that will reveal itself in due time
  14. Sweet, we're one more WAV closer to the next preview! This track comes courtesy of HoboKa, assisted by the great audio fidelity on mastering, which is a short but oh-so-sweet remix of the Boss theme that hits very, very hard! This remix was kind of a headache to coordinate with the list of artists involved constantly fluctuating, but the end result is well worth the wait! I got the preview art in today from Maverickk, and it is incredible. I really want to get these last 3 WAVs in so I can unleash it on you guys! Also, project mixer Flexstyle has stepped up to do some mastering work on the album after it's all finished to get a more consistent sound out of the project. Mastering upwards of 50-60 tracks is no picnic, but I'm really glad he's stepped up to do that, I think it should make the final product sound all the better!
  15. Don't get me wrong, there's a market for tracks like these that are well-produced and enjoyable, but perhaps too much on the conservative side, that market just isn't OCRemix. There's still options to get your work out there (especially when the title of the mix is as funny as yours )
  16. It's still a little bit below the bar, IMO. Try EQing the bass frequencies up to get more out of your piano, because I think the left hand melodies are the part of the song that's hurt the most by the sample. On the right track though, keep tinkering with it to see what you can get out of this sample I think you might be able to make it up to the bar with this.
  17. Once the main melody kicks in, I think the supporting brass could be toned down a little bit. Overall though, this is REALLY good, it's very similar to the source material but you worked the themes in well together. Might be too conservative to submit to the OCR judges, but it's really enjoyable to listen to!! Can't wait to hear where you go with this dude
  18. You're off to a nice start here, the atmosphere is REALLY cool, like everyone else said. My biggest qualm right now is that you hit a lot of repeat piano notes in a row without any noticeable velocity changes, which makes the piano playing sound really robotic. Humanize that I'll also echo the concern that the drums are simply weak here. I've heard your work before and I know you're capable of more Good start though, I've got my eye on this one!
  19. Hmm... well, I don't see very many glaring issues, but overall the arrangement is pretty simple and doesn't take any risks. The only thing that really stood out to me was the first melody you play, the 4th note of the melody sounds out of time, or awkward for some reason. When you play the same melody with a different synth, the problem isn't there, so I think it's just got something to do with the sequencing just being a little clunky with the first synth. Other than that, though, it's a good remix to listen to, but it's too close to the original source tune to be submittable. If you really want to submit to OCR, you'd need to rework the structure and the melodies to make them a lot more personalized, which might just be more trouble than it's worth since you'd have to redo a lot of this from the ground up. As it stands though, I'd suggest finishing this up and submitting it to http://remix.thasauce.net/ and getting some exposure that way, because your current arrangement is too basic to pass the OCR panel. Sorry, I still enjoyed the remix for what it was worth, but I don't think it's OCR material.
  20. I'm not sure why you have this tagged as Mod Review if you already submitted the song Still, I think the piano could use a bit more sustain on the notes in the intro and the string sample could be improved with some expression or an all-out better-quality sample. Still, you took this in a cool direction and I especially like the acoustic guitar work in here. That's just beautiful Best of luck with the panel!
  21. Hmm... Well, I still agree with halc that the section with the string countermelodies gets to be plodding and a bit overlong, but ultimately I think this is a very enjoyable remix and it deserves to see the light of day, so I say submit it You definitely tightened up the strings so I think you've got a fighting chance with the panel. It's kind of a borderline call, but in this case I'd say go for it! Best of luck to ya!
  22. Quick update time: First off, I'd like to formally announce that my good friend Cody Wedel who's been going by the username Donkey Kong Slippa here on the forums, is going to be taking on the role of Assistant Director for the project. I was initially planning on handling the project alone, but the more I talked to him and bounced ideas off of him, the more I realized that he's as passionate about the project and DKC3 in general as I am, and that his insight is going to be very valuable as the project goes on. So welcome to him! Next off, I also wanted to let you all know that we've decided on an official title for the project, but we're gonna hold off on unveiling it until it comes time for the 2nd preview track. In addition, the plan is to simultaneously release some artwork that TheMaverickk has been cooking up that, if the product turns out anywhere near as good as the concept, is going to be AMAZING. So basically, there's lots of stuff on the horizon - official project name, audio preview, and a visual preview should be coming in the next few weeks if all goes well! We just need to get those last 4 WAVs in for it to happen Cheers everybody, thanks for the continued support and enthusiasm!
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