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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. This. I can hardly even connect for a ranked match and when I can, I'm getting schooled by 7th Class Lords and so on. I know losing is part of the game and the only way you get better is by practice....but it's a turn off when you can only land 1 or 2 hits on guys who play every moment they can. (as opposed to me who only can in weekends) MvsC3 is not for casual players online.
  2. I know for me, it's a matter of cross-promotion and making sure you use other media to link back to YouTube, if YouTube is your main channel you want to be using. My group has an account on GameTrailers, so any of my game reviews that get put on YouTube get thrown up on GT as well. What's astonishing to me is that I end up fairing better in views on GameTrailers, but have better reactions on YouTube. And yes, it's a little about luck and what your material is. Retro game reviews only tend to pull in oldschool gamers rather than a wide variety of people.
  3. Well why the hell aren't you on when I'm on? Like now?
  4. http://www.mygamercard.net/ A shitty end for a fun concept.
  5. Hey Bardic, sorry to jet on you earlier. Had to run out the door right as you sent me that msg. :/
  6. I still need to get the hang of using the X-Factor properly. I've had it used against me in insane ways and it's frustrating.
  7. Was wondering who that was that popped up within minutes. =P
  8. Added yah, Arek. XBLA Tag: Sindaemon
  9. So far, I'm rocking Dante, Wesker & X-23. Anybody else notice Dust in Deadpool's ending? Future DLC maybe?
  10. I'll be there with the guys from our site.
  11. You are correct, sir. It was. (well, I got halfway through)
  12. I must have missed something, because "broken" is the word that comes up every time I play MvsC2. Even if you rule out the idea that some characters are obviously stronger/quicker/overpowered than others no matter who plays as them, you have one character that takes no chip damage whatsoever that everyone spams, and blocking only works half of the time. Oh wait! We punched in our hypers at the same time, but the computer recognized mine first? And they don't cancel out? Sucks to be you! It's a great game, but tight gameplay my ass.
  13. I want to publicly apologize to Halc for never getting back to him about contributing art to this kickass project. Life caught up with me and I got sidetracked. Sorry guy. ;_;
  14. Holy shit, the "Mary Sue Must Die" guy? He's goddamn amazing!
  15. Mmm....think I'll wait until Resident Evil: Revelations and the rest of the bigger-name titles come out before thinking about getting one. Launch titles don't impress me, and neither does the price for a handheld. The only reason I'd want one earlier is to show it off at PAX East, and enough privileged fanboys are going to be doing that as is.
  16. Uggg....enjoy the con guys. Take lots of video. I just took a look at the schedule and wanted to cry.
  17. Bump! Got mine sketched and scanned in. Question. Do characters from other media that are in video games count? Like comic book characters?
  18. Aww SHIT! Unless I can scrape together $300 in a week, I won't. ;_;
  19. Still trying to save up enough to justify the trip. Uggg.....
  20. A little too much CGI on the costume, but it looks good so far. Kilowog looks great! And there's nothing wrong with a topless Ryan, either.
  21. I want Chuck from Dead Rising 2 now, since Frank already got his game.
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