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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Dude, I didn't even know about this. I tried looking for this month's and it got pushed back a few pages and I gave up.
  2. Mmmm....new Resident Evil.
  3. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for finally breaking the CV:Bloodlines cherry here at OCR. I can't stress enough how much it pained me that such a great soundtrack was largely overlooked. That being said, wonderful job you did here. You picked two of the best tracks of the game (though almost all the game's music was awesome) to arrange, and did so in a manner that both preserved the original source while giving just enough fresh sound to make it equally enjoyable. I salute you.
  4. Good by whose standards, though? Does popularity determine if something is "good"? If not, what does?
  5. I still have no idea where you're pulling that shit from. They were good games for their time and are still fun to play to this day.....nostalgia-goggles or not. You can *think* they were never good games to begin with, and you're perfectly fine to *think* that. There is a reason I spent hours of my childhood playing and re-playing the damn games.
  6. I think I love you, Coop. Come, let us frolic. In all honesty, a Castlevania movie *could* be done well, but it would take a director and screenwriter who is both a fan of the games AND creative with a script in order to give the appropriate amount of fanservice, while also adhering to classic monster-movie and action movie sub-tropes. (obviously I want post-MK Paul S. Anderson to stay the HELL away. Thank god he's no longer associated)
  7. I'll take S&K-style music over alot of the stuff that came after it. (not all, but ALOT)
  8. Wait...someone played a Sonic game and didn't figure out to memorize the layouts to maximize playthrough speed? Probably shouldn't be playing Sonic then.
  9. We getting a list of everyone who's going, ala: MAGfest?
  10. http://powet.tv/powetblog/2010/02/14/overclockeds-quest-for-sonic-4/ Spreading the word in my own way. Hope it helps.
  11. If the snowstorm coming iup the east coast ends up sending me home early from work....consider me working on some graphics for this. Even if it ends up being a silly nonsense thing. I want in on this.
  12. Yeah, I had to convince friends that Friday/Saturday passes were still worth the +$10 extra than the 3-day passes had been, since you're still seeing a bulk of the stuff there, since they missed the boat too. Thankfully they got them, though I hear Saturday passes are just about gone too.
  13. This. Everything can bitch and speculate (myself included) but we won't know exactly how it will all pan out until it is released. Though it'll still happen, because Sonic is one of the top rated in the "Unpleasant Fanbase" category.
  14. I agree with Gecko and Neko. (hehe....rhyme) I'm going to remain about as optimistic as I did for the other games, and hopefully (dear gods please) be pleasantly surprised come release time. So far what I've seen has me with better hopes than the last few games, but my spirit was crushed a long time ago concerning these games and its going to take alot to get it back up.
  15. http://www.damnlag.com/articles/industry-news/401-sega-back-at-making-consoles-the-sega-zone.html I....have no idea what to make of this. My soul is crying for joy but cringing slightly at the same time.
  16. The Cactus Club is right down the street from the Pru if we're looking for easy-going atmosphere. Allston's a bit out of the way, but I frequent the White Horse Tavern often and its certainly big enough to house a large group. There's also Big City. Newbury Street's kinda pricey from what I've seen since moving here.
  17. Like I said in the other thread, there isn't a Friday's anywhere near the convention center. Regardless, I shall be there.
  18. I think it's pretty damn funny, for a knock-off Sonic comic.
  19. I'm registered and paid for. Also trying to get in as Press with my group that does geek news. Now that I'm living in the area, the Hynes is just a few T-stops away from my boyfriends place. Damn convenient, so I'm all for finally meeting people. Also trying to get Snappleman to come, the pansy. The Prudential Mall that's attached to the Hynes is smack dab in the middle of everything, but I don't think a Friday's is nearby. The cheapest place for food would be Wagamama's right in the mall, or Legal Seafood. Both are great. Samurai's is across the street for good sushi, too.
  20. http://exterminatusnow.comicgenesis.com/ Read today's rant underneath the comic. Sums my feelings up rather nicely, but with more justifiable rage.
  21. For me, Sonic was the first video game I ever played. My childhood was ok, but Sonic and the sequels seemed like they were the better times I remember. I can play those games today and they can still be enjoyable and challenging. I think that's why there is such a loyalty to the first games and why there's such an outcry to see them return to that format.
  22. http://sonicstadium.org/news/rumour-dutch-fansite-leaks-needlemouse-details-zone-names It sounds awesome, therefore it can't be true.
  23. Spider-Man 3 was the only movie thus far to make me walk out of the theater genuinely pissed off.
  24. http://powet.tv/powetblog/2010/01/11/spider-man-4-cancelled-reboot-already-scheduled/ Looks like Raimi and Toby both jumped ship, and that they're looking to reboot the franchise altogether. I guess anythings better after that 3rd movie. Uggg.
  25. Funny you should mention that. I just discovered In Flames the other day and liked their sound so much that I looked up other "melodic death metal" and downloaded some Dark Tranquillity. Liking it thus far. Gotta have a good helping of melody in the songs for me to like them, though.
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