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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Strum your mouse across the strings. I want to hear epic game music from you talented jerks.
  2. I'll see what I can whip up, but as always, no guarantees.
  3. I haven't been on the FF Shrine (as I'm not a FF fan), but certainly the CV Dungeon and Shizz!

  4. Holy shit, I'm actually making decent music! This makes for awesome background noise while working on stuff.
  5. Ok, so I actually sat down and had time to go through and listen to the entire album, and I have a question. Why did we need at least 4 different songs that all featured the Special Zone music? After the first track that featured the theme, I encountered at least 3 others that all opened up the same way - with the same theme, only a different style of music. By the 4th time I heard it, I had to actually speed through half of it because I was sick of hearing that same song remixed for the 4th time on the same album. I just want to know why it was needed. That was my biggest gripe. Although it annoys me that some people made it very hard to pick out the original source music in some of the songs, I understand that's just how their style is. But having an album with 13 tracks that has the same theme in 4 of them seems excessive. Other than that, I really liked 'The Sound of Speed', "Clockwork Criminal" and "Final Progression". They really made the album for me. Sorry if I sound like I'm being to critical about everything else.
  6. Woo! First one in! I'm not sure there's much to say that can convey my feelings, so I'll just quote Frank West: FAAAN-TASTIC! With this, my Sonic Remix Album collection is complete! Thank you to everyone who worked on this!
  7. I am so goddamn ready for this! Damn you Tuesday! Come faster!
  8. This was great when I first heard it in DoD. Still love it. Bloodlines has such awesome much and you did it justice!
  9. Ok, I'm going to be shameless and pimp my site's 'cast http://powet.tv/powetblog/category/powetcast/
  10. I think I've pretty much given up on this game online. Anything new I learn is outmatched by people who either have a better grasp of the controls than I do, or just know how to be cheaper than I do. I stuck it out for a good long while, but it's just no longer fun when you got people completely destroying you before you even have a chance. That, and trying to connect to a match with someone who's of the same rank as you is a goddamn joke. Thought buying Jill would have coerced me into playing more, but she's not as fun to play as I would have liked.....certainly not like she was in MvsC2.
  11. Haven't gotten it yet. Will this weekend. We'll see how it fares.
  12. Eh, I'm a chickenshit when it comes to talking to people who I know don't know me.
  13. Passed Larry, who was with a gaggle of OCR people. Kinda hard not to recognize Larry.
  14. I'll say that while I liked SH4 the least out of the original four games, it still had more going for it than recent games, IMO. Here's hoping Downpour brings some of the old feel of psychological creepiness back.
  15. Can't wait to hear all these tracks! Nice preview cover art, btw. =)
  16. When? I wanna know when to show up. Also, no list of OCR attendees? I'm shocked.
  17. I'm seriously going up against guys who have spammed the air combos, and I just have trouble getting out of them. Or blocking a 30 hit combo ending with a hyper. Seriously, I have a fucking life outside this game. I can't play it all damn week or memorize all the combos from Mission Mode and execute them flawlessly.
  18. I guess I just have to play through Very Hard on arcade a few times and tighten up my combos and timing before trying ranked fights again. This is getting embarrassing.
  19. I spent last night trying to get into a ranked match. Took a half an hour to get into just one, and it turned out to be my first RAGE QUIT. Fucker.
  20. You're not the first person I've heard this from. Got a friend who bought the game, played a few online rounds, got completely schooled and decided that the game just wasn't for him because it was too easy to get left behind in the dust by all the more "experienced" gamers. Likewise I told a friend I played against tonight that he's no longer allowed to play me until I either get much better, or he simmers the fuck down. It's not encouraging for anyone when they get a 5-game losing streak...and not just that, but by 1-character victories the whole time. I tried Very Hard difficulty on arcade tonight and found it to be about on par with players online. I think what I'll do is buff my main teams by going through Hard, then Very Hard difficulty once per team. Hopefully, this teaches me to block more and combo-break easier.
  21. So basically......you have to be able to beat the game on hardest difficulty (probably several times) in order to know your characters enough to be able to stand a chance online? Uggg.....
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