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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Neko's just an angry, angry person. Can't be helped after all the let-downs Sega has created. I for one actually have refused to play a Sonic game that's not on a Sega console. It was a platformer that happened to be the fastest of its time. You can't say it's not speed oriented at all, since they made it so you could go so fast the screen had trouble keeping up with you. It can be a platforming game and still be speed-oriented. I don't get why there needs to be a divide between the two.
  2. Just gotta watch ScrewAttack's Top 10 Best and Worst Sonic games. They nailed it regarding Sonic R.
  3. Oh god, the Nomad. I love how the picture has the Low Bat light on too, because that's always always the case. I have one, and the thing is a pretty-paperweight, honestly. It's huge. It's clunky. It's a battery whore. The only saving grace are the fact it is, in fact, a portable Genesis, and you can hook it up to your TV and play it as such with a 2P controller as well. It' was a novelty at best. Hence why I mentioned how Sega should make a *real* handheld and get back into the game. As for why we gush about the Dreamcast, yes...we are fanboys/fangirls. The difference between this and other consoles though is that it performed very well for it's first year, and the other failures didn't. The Dreamcast, in my opinion, was not a failure. It was a flop. It did great for a period of time, then tanked due to poor decision making on Sega's part. It had it's high point, then sank down and sputtered for a bit before dying. The Sega CD, 32X, and Saturn never got to the high point the Dreamcast got to.
  4. Then he's the one credited with most of it, then. Can't help those of us who aren't on the inside regarding info. The only other one I know about is Jun Senoue.
  5. Everything Boo said, plus the fact it was Sega's last great run at being a contender in both the console era and overall. Sega nowadays is reduced to a shadow of what it once was, and alot of people like to hold onto the 9/9/99 release of the Dreamcast as being Sega's "Last Hurrah". We all love nostalgia, and this is a huge nod to it. I still say that Sega should gather its creative forces, throw them in a room for a few months, and finally come up with a handheld, since the DS is the single biggest handheld and the PSP barely has a foothold except with a few key games. A Sega handheld might have a chance if it was done correctly. They should call it the Sega "Exodus". (of course this has and will always be wishful thinking and I always get shit for it)
  6. Bring back Drossin!!! PLEASE!! What kind of sonic fan would I be if I didn't have some hope for this? However, I'm still a firm believer that the last great Sonic games died when Sega consoles did. Thus far, nothing has changed my mind. This game will be put through scrutiny just like every other turd. I pray it's not Sonic Team that does it, though. Or at least, not solely Sonic Team. They've been burnt out on Sonic games for the past decade and have had every desire for innovations sapped out of them and milked with horrible results. If they could pass it off to someone else, or work together with another team, then there might be a sliver of hope. That's the only way, though. If I find out only Sonic Team is doing it, all my hope will then be shot for the game and I'll walk away.
  7. I looked at this topic title, and just though 'Oxymoron'.
  8. I stilL assert that "Illusionary Dance" from Castlevania as Dracula's Theme would be awesome to add to this project. It's been his theme in no less than 4 Castlevania games thus far.
  9. If I remember correctly, it is a part of the "Art of Udon Crew" tribute book that was made for Capcom.
  10. I support this and will help in any way I can. (ie: album art, promotional art, etc.) If needed of course.
  11. I'm currently drinking my usual sangria and have the wild urge to play Actraiser, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Comix Zone.
  12. Ok...so....scrapped my previous idea. It was coming out horribly. Unless I can crank something out pronto...I'm screwed.
  13. I'm hustling to get mine done by tomorrow. Might not be as detailed as I'd like, but it'll hopefully be effective.
  14. Won't be going to this year's PAX but will be going to next year's on the east coast in March. Huzzah.
  15. Yeah...it's all about procrastination and beating the deadline here at OCR.
  16. I'd come out and hang with you, Baha....but I'll have other people in tow.
  17. Finally started on my piece for this. Hopefully it gets done in time.
  18. Humans AND Newtypes. Lets be technical here.
  19. I swear to god this year I will make it. (which automatically means it's already jinxed for me, most likely)
  20. It's usually before midnight on the day it's due, so 11:59pm on July 26th. And yay Coop's involved! I actually have a halfway decent idea cooked up for mine.
  21. So it looks like I'll be flying into the con Saturday rather than Friday due to work. But I'll be around for the OCR panel, though whether or not I attend will depend on the content of the panel. =P (I nominate another "test your VG music knowledge" contest) I'll be the girl cross-playing as Richter Belmont walking around the con.
  22. If I can't come up with something for this month with this theme, I'll shoot myself in the foot.
  23. Seph's stuff is always full of awesome. I love it.
  24. Your amongst good company. It's a sad thing, but it's not like he was a moral person and wasn't a complete freak. I won't mourn.
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