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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Dammit! And Dead Rising 2 did so well, too. This sucks. Godspeed, Keiji.
  2. Oooo...might have to tune in for this.
  3. He pretty much nailed it. It's Castlevania in pretty much name-only. Valid attempt at rebooting the series again, but fell very short and seems like the "Castlevania" part didn't come into play until over halfway-through production. The thing is that the music could have made my outlook on the game better, however all but a teeny-tiny snippet that's hidden in a puzzle is completely new stuff that sounds very little like past CV tunes. Great tunes to be sure, but I got no Castlevania vibe from them. To me, that's a staple of past games that should not be ignored. That's the CV snob in me, though.
  4. Oh Dragon's Fury....such a surreal game with such awesome music. The 1st stage is the best IMO, though. So underrated. Arcus Odyssey was another little-known gem I have loved since my childhood for its music. Motoi Sakuraba is the shyte.
  5. The soundtrack to the original Sonic the Hedgehog game. I was 6, so I kept dying over and over, but was too stubborn to just give up, so I was listening to the same songs over and over. Kinda ingrained itself into my psyche forever.
  6. You and the rest of us who ordered on Amazon. Oh well, that $20 game credit will come in handy.
  7. Oh jeeze....talk about blatant.
  8. That's pretty much my reaction. Why reboot something that has been pretty successful? Yes, DMC2 was awful, but it's all but been thrown out of the series canon anyway, and DMC4 wasn't so bad it requires the whole series to be revamped. DMC1 & 3 were damn awesome. It's not like any of the other big-names series that have had a dozen or so games and need a revamp to become fresh and interesting again, ala. Castlevania or Resident Evil. (more the former than the latter)
  9. Yeah, exactly what does "Favorite Side Quest" mean? Just an illustration of a side quest from an RPG or the like?
  10. Hah, thanks Bonzai. I didn't mean for mine to be sexy, though I guess it kinda came out that way a bit.
  11. BUMP! Woo! Finally got one done. Seems like ages since I submitted something finished for this.
  12. I know I'm a week behind, but I want to thank you Seph, for touching upon the "Survival Horror" aspects of today's modern games. It's been a while since I screamed "YES!" aloud so my (soon to be ex.) roommate looked at me funny.
  13. What the hell's going on around here? The oldbies are dropping like flies.
  14. Inking DONE. Starting flat colors tomorrow, so I'll at LEAST have those done in time for the deadline. Sucks this is the week I'm moving to my new place.
  15. The goddess of sexy backs on TVtropes. Ok, I actually started sketching for this, which is more than I can say for any other contest in a long while.
  16. Ok, so I broke down and DLed the demo for the game, and HOLY SHIT is it ever broken. The controls and gameplay are retarded and thrown together so haphazardly that I couldn't figure out what the hell I was supposed to be doing other than trudge along and try not to die. Anyone ever mess with the Enemy Edit Mode in Dawn of Sorrow? Where you pick whatever enemies you want and throw them all together in a room and then challenge yourself to duke it out with them all? That's what this felt like - a bunch of random enemies and even more random cut 'n paste levels that were just dumped together without thought. It really does piss me off that Konami put this together, probably thinking "Oh, well as long as we keep cranking out Castlevania games that pander to nostalgia and such, the fanbase will eat it up no matter what and we'll make easy money!". That's what this feels like. Worse than Judgment even. (and that's saying alot from me) I can only hope the sales aren't so great that it justifies a sequel. I just feels insulting.
  17. No, keep going. It makes the thread less depressing. God speed, good solider.
  18. DAMN, Seph. Look at you get all big-time now. I wish I had half your talent in making original vids instead of plain boring reviews. Good job.
  19. Oi, let's see if I can pump something out this time around.
  20. Ya know, I'm torn. Being the Castlevania fan I am, I have high curiosities about the game, and I'm itching to play through so I can review the game and report on it. However, I can't in good conscious support actual spending money for points to download the game, because I don't condone the fact it is nothing more than a Frankenstein of several previous games with NOTHING new whatsoever that I know of being added. I can't bitch about Castlevania Judgment being a piece of shit game, then go out and buy this, because it's basically saying I selectively like shitty Castlevania games and don't want to give the message that I'm ok with more being produced. Do I want to play the game? A little. Do I want to pay for it and have Konami think they can keep making crap like it? No. Bring on Lords of Shadow.
  21. O.O Holy shit. My friend does reviews of the Famicom system and has never mentioned this! Dude.
  22. Uggg...I have to check OCR more often. I've been slacking and not seeing this is proof. ;_;
  23. http://rufftoon.deviantart.com/gallery/ makes everything better.
  24. Best new tracks are the ones from Castlevania: The Arcade. Almost everything else is on other OSTs.
  25. Haha. Awesome. I'm really sorry I missed out on this month. I could have used the excuse to try and get my art muses going again. They've been on a serious long-term slump. Don't give up on the contests yet!
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