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Everything posted by MadGonzo

  1. Dude Damn sweet man, going to buy this as soon as it Hits, be sure to notify me
  2. I would say this piece is nothing new, nothing bad, it is Darkness of the unknown listened too with fresh ears as if listened too for the first time. It joins the masterpieces that are remixed of this underremixed game series so far
  3. Exactly Windstrike; john you need to build more of the song , because what happens alot is that when your done perfectionning a smal portion of the song you'll be so fed up with the track, and we really want you to finish this
  4. jezus dude which strings did you use? fucking sweet altho you should move more forward with the song instead of inward, dont get to deep just yet get the whole frame going first
  5. dude wtf man, your god for remixing this and succeeding... its short but Already great, my problem is that the combination of the drum sequencing and drumkits make the groove feel too improvised but keep at it, I want this song finished ASAP!!!!
  6. haha RM2K that brings back memories, I loved field4 and alot of other themes. as for the remix, it sticks to close to the scoures and does not introduce anything new styles, its basicaly a override
  7. ill be getting this very soon, Breathing you in was the sole reason I bought Antigravity. sweet news dude
  8. playing : modded Oblivion and some battlefield 2142 ( but it has been weeks ) if anyone is a BF2142 player hit me up
  9. that remix of moonlight sonata is actually pretty awsome
  10. finally something for the KH fan, not one of the top but I still love you guys for this!
  11. well Im not very musical, right now, will be taking up piano lessons later this summer,, so I use midi scources
  12. jeez, wasn't expecting you guys to have that much stuff
  13. he pretty much said it all ... congrats dude
  14. Oke im starting some work on a WIP for battle, im trying to get a very conceptual wip down tonight,,, but it will probally be like tomorrow or something
  15. for the theme what would you guys associate with urban, oke some streetstyle beats and for the neon lights something technical, but what else...
  16. I have been waiting for this for sooo long, I have been listing to the WIP for like a year now, its still in my playlist and on my MP3. finally its here, now let me enjoy it
  17. dude , its short yeah but thats some sweet Orchestra, its so natural what tools/samples/VSTs/hardware did you use?
  18. OA, im thinking of joining, getting a WIP down, im not known with the soundtrack of FFIV but which one would you recommend ( which still is on an open slot ) so I can get a WIP down.
  19. not sure about this either, the samples really collide (the heavy tranceSynth vs the clean guitars). besides that its just an override of the original with different drums/beat and other samples, so yeah it needs alot of work. You should remove the main melody for now, memorize the akkords and play with em create your own sound first with changes and drops, once you got your own song standing add the KH scores and blend them in till the right Remix factor is reached EDIT: Props though for trying this theme, KH is very under-remixed
  20. been watching this every month, I really love it. the halo or the GTAIV ep. was the best in my opinion
  21. some props to you OA, you helped out aswell anyways I have been previewing it alot, but im not sure if im gonna buy it, I mean the money isnt a problem... I dont feel like going through the horror's of finding a creditcard number
  22. goddamn me for being in Holland....
  23. I gotta say im now Zircons number one fan I litterly tore up Anti Gravity, and since enjoys this I should give it a try. just gotta persuade someone for their paypal or Creditcard..... uhff
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