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The Instrumental Light

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Everything posted by The Instrumental Light

  1. im just wondering, are there any meetups in Wisconsin? also, it would be cool if there would be a meetup in Pittsburgh, though neither of those would probably ever happen. * if my vote matters at all(it probably doesnt though,lol) i vote for a meetup in Wisconsin. i guess im in the same place as Theory of Nonexistence on the fact we like to think someday these things will happen. EDIT: reply to Atmuh: i would definitely come as would a lot of people, but you cant go if you cant or dont have enough money to travel there and go. these meetups are very limited, in fact, it seems like there are only meetups in the eastern states. if you made a wider scope of where you had meetups, more people would go.
  2. lol. everybody, i think we have lost the point of this thread. we seem to be turning a question thread into a computer debate thread. personally, i do not see how this is going to help Mahon in any way other than help him get confused:?:. i suggest that we actually TRY TO HELP HIM rather than start arguments and debates amongst ourselves. now some people may consider what i said blasphemy, but hopefully everyone can agree with me on this. lol, that is so funny that a thread could stray so far away from its original point.
  3. thats great! the MacBook Pro is a very good computer also. i agree, a formal, professsional music creator isnt going to need to because he already has the resources he needs, or he will get it from professional source. now im not saying ocr is low or anything, ocr is a great place, but, it isnt a formal, full-fledged professional music creating place or anything like that. yeah, im not a rich person or anything, i just do some research on it and the fact my bro has a MacTower,not a Pro though, this is back when they made the plain old MacTowers, at the time it was the 2nd best computer out of all the Apple computers they sold. now, its actually slightly under the current imac in quality,speed,etc. i totally agree,you can make a fantastic song on Garageband on a computer as slow as my emac if you know how to use it. i'd actually like to get Logic Pro sometime though, i still like Garageband though. lol, why do you always say cheers? you type like if you were a british person in an british comedy(for all i know, you could be). i thought so, though ive only been registered on here for about 6 months, ive been looking on here for about 4 years(5 years if you count this year). yeah, is it fun to be a judge or at least is a cool job?
  4. what i meant kinda is more like a imac than a PC desktop actually, or more acturate like comparing with the MacTower Pro. both of those are kick-a**. you have to agree with me,right? get a imac or MacTower Pro and you wont have to worry about it.(though you CAN upgrade a MacTower Pro, but it isnt really worth it because it already has the most premium stuff in it already.) you made some valid points,zircon, but i have to agree. Firewire/USB pretty much suit all your needs unless you have a crappy off-the-wall thing or a super professional or weird brand of whatever your using.(just to let you know, i could definitely be wrong, i have no idea what im talking about, im just guessing,lol:grin:) EDIT: you used to be a judge,right,analoq?
  5. why? is there something wrong with them? i have to agree, not only are they convenient, they have quite a few things that even the desktops dont have. MacBook Pro's are awesome! my bro has one. their pretty cool. So you're an Apple user too? indeed indeed, good sir. lol.
  6. yeah, im a Garageband user, im not an expert though. there is a mic built in to the Mac you can use, and if your wondering "how" you go under real instrument and you choose guitar(or whatever you want to do). then you click on the instrument, make whatever adjustments you need to make(for example, more or less reverb or bass and treble,etc.) then you get ready and press record, then you play the instrument(in your case, a guitar). once you record it, you can revise notes or redo it several times to improve it. i dont know too much about professional mics in that sense, but a Mac has one already. as for keyboard, did you install the driver for it? i have an Edirol PCR-M80 and it works smoothly, in fact, just as soon as i play the notes on record, they're recorded. glad to be of any help. EDIT: a mac mini, ok, i was thinking of a normal iMac or iBook/MacBook. alright, in that case, im not quite sure about a mic.hope you find a good one though.
  7. im no computer expert, but, have you ever thought of getting a Mac? as for a laptop vs a desktop, it all depends on what you're going to use it for. if you're always on the go and have no time on your hands, a laptop is the way to go. however, a normal computer gives you more flexibility and better performance(usually,not always though,it depends) plus you can upgrade pretty much all the parts on a desktop, as for a laptop, other than installling software, youre stuck with whatever you have on there, so if you are going to get one, get at least a halfway decent one, even if it means paying a little more. once again, this is just my opinion and im no expert, but i thought i would share that with you. EDIT: i think that XP is a heck of a lot better than Vista.
  8. some of this stuff is pretty cool! however, comparing the mixes you do now and the ones you did back then, i'd say that you do alot better now than before. in some of these mixes, there were quite a few problems. you've definitely improved since then, but i am very impressed that your first mixes were as good as they are. Awesome stuff!
  9. you did THAT in one hour?! your amazing if you can do that in one hour, but i agree, it is only a start. this is some pretty awesome stuff, but you might want to: -add a little more to the part you did do -after the part you already created, have drums or a beat variation come and slowly make it faster and turn it in to something...unique. production quality is awesome! great job! man, you have a special talent or something for music, you could easily get a music job with your talent. EDIT: i dont see how that has to do with anything we are talking about,lol.
  10. hello everybody, its been a while since i posted a review. anyway, some of the lyrics when sung sound out of tune, meaning in those parts it doesnt sound good. you need to work on perfecting the vocals. if you want a good example, listen to pixietrick's songs. also, until a little bit later, it was pretty repetitive, something that even in some of pixietrick's songs is a problem. as for the song other than the vocals, other than the repetitiveness of it in some parts, it was very good. keep on working on it. good job so far!
  11. this mix is great! it has a perfect balance suspense and it has an awesome, clean, refreshing sound of professionalism. i will definitely be listening to this many times on my ipod. great job!
  12. ive fixed almost all of the bugs in the first part so im going to begin on the second part. because this is a major update, this may take a few more days, i hope to get this update done before monday. thanks to everybody who have already reviewed my mix, i hope to hear from more of you.
  13. lol:pretzel:, that video with pacman was awesome. i havent viewed wingless' stuff yet though. in a moment. Edit: wingless, that stuff is awesome, did you create it yourself?
  14. for some reason the song stopped downloading about three-fourths into the song. from what i heard though, here are the problems: -i agree with Nutritious, that wave sounds fake because of how spaced out it is. now i don't mean go wild about it and add waves constantly, then it just sounds bad, you need precise timing. - also, some of the instruments just sounded low quality and fake, im not sure, but you might want to add a little reverb among other things(such as bass, maybe a little treble). other than that great job!
  15. im going to cut out the synth in the background though, it gets too blurred. instead, im going to add some video game sounding instruments very subtle though. no prob, TN(Theory of Nonexistence) i know the feeling of that kind of stuff. yeah,well, either tomorrow or Wednsday i will probably have completed my next update. thanks for the encouragement, guys.
  16. i plan to, in fact, im working on it right now. one of things i was going to do later in the mix is switch the main melody from being on the strings to being on the piano, because the 2nd part of the song works better with pianos and it would vary it up a little more. thanks for the suggestions. ill keep working at it and hopefully sometime soon i will be able to release another update.
  17. first update:http:http://download.yousendit.com/306EED980C53EB59 warning: there are still some bugs and problems that i need to fix, and i have to finish the song obviously. if i have forgotten or totally ignored one of your suggestions, feel free to remind me of it and hopefully i will be able to incorporate it in my mix. thank you.
  18. honestly, i dont know you but, happy birthday!
  19. this pretty kick-A**. i dont know, this might be able to make it to OCR. of course there are always things to fix(i dont mean that in a arrogant way, i just mean that were not perfect so there are always things to improve) but keep on working on it, your doing awesome. great job!
  20. in the begining, the beat was kind of off from the song but after that point it got better and better, it almost sounds like a techno DDR song. great job!
  21. there are a few almost hidden things in there, but essentially yes you are correct,strings,piano and drums. yeah, ill try adding some bass. i agree, im gonna add something more interesting to it, hopefully i will be able to update the WIP sometime soon. no, im glad your honest. i need an honest opinion so i can get better. i do have a melody, the original song melody is actually in the background, listen to it closely and you will hear it. thanks for everybody's suggestions and critisising(i may have spelled that wrong) hopefully, ill be able to modify it to these specifications. thanks.
  22. here is the mp3 version of it:http://download.yousendit.com/5B17CF5920C5CCCB, enjoy.
  23. i made it in Garageband, it was automatically AIFF, you cant listen to it if its AIFF? anyway, ill get the mp3 version out in a moment.
  24. hello, this my 2nd mix and first to WIP post, please let me know what you think of it. P.S. it is an unfinished work, so dont say " this doesnt have a good ending" because it aint finished. Link here:http://download.yousendit.com/9BF9B8B648387178 thank you.
  25. it sounds like a normal video game music song with a few normal instruments, its pretty good but you might want to create a more finishing ending. my minds a bit blank so i cant think of anything else that needs improving. great job!
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