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The Instrumental Light

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Everything posted by The Instrumental Light

  1. Awesome stuff... can't wait 'till it comes out! Merry Christmas!
  2. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Shariq!
  3. Thanks for the critique, everyone! I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I've been very busy, and this song isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Hopefully sometime soon I'll get around to finishing the outline of it, and I thank everyone fot their encouragement and critique.
  4. Yo, all. I've been working on my song, and I've made some revisions, although I did leave some things the way they were. Hopefully by tomorrow or Monday I'll have a "rough sketch" of the whole song to present.
  5. Hmm, interesting. I agree, I think you do have a lot of talent in this area. It was even well orchestrated; I'm impressed. The only thing that really stands out is the quality, which may not be your fault. I would as well recommend getting a new or better program to work with; great job anyway!
  6. Wow, this sounds really cool. I may be able to contribute but I'm not sure, however I wil for sure wear the sig for this project and promote it:wink: Good luck!
  7. Actually, to be honest, the piano and the flute play the main melody, but it doesn't sound like it because the mood in this song is so much different than the mood in the original track. This is actually not finished, but I posted because I didn't have a good idea as to what I wanted to do next. You might be right, but it just seems kind of weird to cut off rain at that particular point. Maybe it would work, but who knows... Hmm... Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'll comment more later, hopefully with a revised version of my song. Thanks for the critique!
  8. Hello, all. It's been a while since I've worked on a remix, so here is another one: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=745187&content=songinfo&songID=6028770 NOTE: I do know that the song is short, but I'm stuck and I need some suggestions. I was hoping that someone would be able to give me some useful feedback. Thanks in advance! Source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/smw1forest.mid
  9. This is indeed sad...I hope for the best for all of you, and my prayers go out to you and Reuben.
  10. Palpable and Chz, congratulations! I knew that the judges panel was looking for new judges, but I am surprised at who they picked. Once again, congratulations.
  11. I know I'm late in doing this, but I bought Antigravity a couple of days ago, and I should be receiving it by tomorrow, or something like that. Anyway, I really love this EP, it's totally awesome. To zircon's post: What? No physical copies??!!
  12. It's pretty interesting, although I'd say that in some parts it feels a bit empty, you might want to add some kind of violin/synthesizer to accompany it in order to make it sound less empty. Honestly, despite what I've already criticized, you actually do a pretty decent job in making it not empty. I think in some parts it gets too chaotic, try to make it more balanced with parts unless you're trying to go for that kind of style. Also, some parts just don't fit with the rest of the song's style, and it seems like many parts are just seperated, and sound like their own seperate song. Try to join them together a bit more and make the song more like a single song rather than several seperate ones. I don't think this is quite at ocr's bar level, but I'd say you're getting pretty close at least in some areas of the song. Just keep on working on it, and you'll have something really awesome. Awesome work!
  13. You actually didn't even "no" my first remix (which is my only complete one), you instantly rejected it! (lol, it's all in good fun:grin:)
  14. Yes, the new preview is very interesting indeed...great work!
  15. Hmm...I've actually never really noticed that, except with the first Super Mario Bros. (I haven't played "The Lost Levels" or as it's called in Japan, Super Mario Bros. 2 in a long time, so I wouldn't know much about that) but maybe it's just me. I like the later Mario Bros. better because you can do more things in them and stuff like that, but I never thought of the Mario Bros. I "prefered". Well, it would probably be a tie between Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World, not necessarily because it's more responsive, but because there are more controls (As in, you can do more things in them). PS. I apologize if I made a comment that contradicted itself in that tangled mess.
  16. Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Playstation Worms Armageddon
  17. Alright, quite awesome indeed! Once again, good luck on the musical stuff, Jill! P.S. I sounded so dumb when I said "Musical Stuff", lol.
  18. Lol. Happy Birthday, Wingless:wink: Also, don't become this or this
  19. There is difference between "What I've Done" the song, and saying that I've done something. Also, the only thing I said was "interesting...". As I've said before in this thread, the only reason i thought it was interesting is because it gives you the basic notes for part of it. It's up to the person who wants to do it to tweak it up and remaster it, so on. It's ok though, I think some other people fell for that too:wink: Edit: I am actually thinking about doing a remake of it though.
  20. This isn't mine in the first place, this was some random person's vid on internet and I happened to find out about it while looking at LP music videos. I don't consider myself an absolute professional at music writing, but I don't consider myself a newb either; im kind of in between. If you want to listen to my songs, just click on my sig. P.S. Dance of the Clouds has been redone, although I haven't updated web yet though. Sorry to be off-topic, go on.
  21. *Hides in corner even more and tries to make himself unrecognizable I shouldn't have made this thread...
  22. Well, maybe you're right. Now I feel like I made the most useless thread ever. *attempts to hide in a hole I understand what you said, Darke, especially because of the fact that I am a writer.
  23. Im not saying that this is the best quality or that this is the most awesome remake ever, but i think its cool because it shows you how to do the song. I myself don't think too much of the quality, but w/a little tweaking and work you could make it pretty interesting. Also, those who are just coming in here for lulz, please get out. P.S. I don't use FL myself, but i thought it would be useful to FL users.
  24. Interesting...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHBYm-RwMS0&mode=related&search=
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