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The Instrumental Light

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Everything posted by The Instrumental Light

  1. The reason why you aren't seeing miis in the mii parade is because you have no friends on there. Only your friend's miis will be on the parade, it's not like people from around the world have their miis shown on mii parade. To cut it short: Only friend's miis will be shown on parade.
  2. Quite interesting...I agree with the Unsung Plumber, the second one is my favorite out of the two. This album is definitely going somewhere, by the way, any rough idea on when this is going to be released?
  3. Quite interesting...it seems as though zircon and pixietricks have created yet another amazing track, although quite unique compared to some of the other collabs. It seemed full and established, which is a good thing, and is an interesting listen. Great job!
  4. Yes! I have hope now. I totally love Logic, but I couldn't afford it because of the price. Now, I MIGHT be able to get it. YES!
  5. thanks. By the way, if you (or anybody else) have any more posts about my songs post here:http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11715
  6. I agree with what you're saying, but to let you know, its not finished. Also, I plan to start more tracks in the future, and I was also hoping to have the ocr community join in on this. This is still bending and molding, you can't expect it to be totally capable, ready and done right away.
  7. Agreed, you made your point. I put it back in the "Currently In Progress" category. EDIT: Nobody seems to be interested in this project so maybe I should call it quits.
  8. Comments, anyone? PS. Reread the thread above, major changes made.
  9. Hey, I know it's a bit late now, but I figured since I've never been in this thread that coming late would be better than never. Hi, i'm TLR:wink: To new people: Hope you have fun at ocr!
  10. Rezhume is a name in this case, and any more posts about my songs go here:http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11715 Also, stop posting about names and irrelevant stuff and actually post about what's wrong/good in the song. If you want to be irrelevant, go to off-topic.
  11. Hmm... that's a hard call. I don't want to give you bad advice so this is going to take some effort. It seems to me like a single pad would work better than something else like you mentioned, but of course, that's just my opinion. I think something more involved or active would disrupt the flow of the song and overall would just clutter it up. What I know would work would be a single synthesizer (good quality one, of course) going up in pitch as the song's pitch goes higher and have a basic follow-along so it matches with the song. Hope that was understandable, it was very hard to make a judgement on that.
  12. As for the guitar and bass, i'd have no idea about, not my area of expertise. My skills with guitar and bass are very basic. As for the pads, you could use either a simple one or a complex one, but it would have to fit the rhythm. I personally think simple would be better, because it's easier to match with something rather than a complex one. As for which would sound better, I do not know. A simple pad would be easier to fit in and make it sound good, but a complex one would take more time, in the end it might be better than if you went with a simple pad though. Ultimately the choice is up to you, how much time you want to spend and how you want it.
  13. Interesting, it reminds me of the Transiberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve" (Which happens to be the same song, not in the sense of being an exact replica, but in the sense of it being based upon the same tune). It is very close in style to that song, but is distinguishable enough to be set apart from the other. The following notes describe my opinions and critiques of this song: -Decent arrangement and orchestration, but needs more of both. Has some substance, but could use something that fills the "air" of the song because it seems somewhat open, or empty. Needs more instruments, something like a filler or synth, although thats a poor way to say it. To summarize it, something in the background that doesn't stand out as a total different thing, but yet can be heard and makes a positive effect on the song. I hope that what I said is understandable. Anyway, still pretty good, keep working on it:smile:
  14. Hello everybody, this is the official thread of the project album: Names of An Unknown Fate. This is my attempt at organizing a classical music group project. Although this attempt might fail, I figured it was worth a try. Anybody who wishes to help can either post in this thread, pm me or IM me. Special thanks to fatchops for his help and support in creating this album. Link to all of the album/my songs: http://DreamCreatorStudios.googlepages.com/media Participating Musicians: The Lone Ranger, fatchops This is the current chart of progress: Currently In Progress: Rezhume's Dance (The Lone Ranger) Dance of the Clouds (The Lone Ranger) Dance of the Cloudsv2 (The Lone Ranger) Finished Works: The Fall of Rain (fatchops, coming soon)
  16. Hello, this is the second original song (unfinished) in my album, please comment and critique. Link: http://DreamCreatorStudios.googlepages.com/media PS. For those who don't know, both Dance of the Clouds and Rezhume's Dance are to the sidebar on the right.
  17. For a first time, you did pretty decent; it definitely has potential. The beat flowed nicely and sounded pretty good, but it lacks something. There needs to be some fast-beat drums to make it sound progressive and something that can cover the original beat you have, or basically make a main melody. Keep trying though, I see this as being able to become very good if you work on it and master it.
  18. New (permanent) link:http://DreamCreatorStudios.googlepages.com/media
  19. I only wish that I could be there, but obviously wishing doesn't count as going. I'm envious, hopefully i'll see you in the next decade. Well wishes to whoever's going, while I sit home and be a bum.
  20. Actually, its meant to be a finished work. And thx for the critique, i just wanted to have some feedback on it before i release it.
  21. Hello, this is one of my original works, please comment and critique! EDIT:Link removed. New link below.
  22. I'm not sure what the game would be about or how it would be designed, but I have rough idea of how you would play the game. I would make a game for the Wii that you would have to do everything yourself in rather than pressing buttons or swinging your remote (as most Wii games generally make you do). For example, if you wanted to do pushups in a game or run you would actually have to do the actions yourself (to an extent, afterall, you can't run into the tv, well you could, but it would be very stupid). Although, I don't know how you would make it determine whether you're just swinging the remote or actually doing the action. Anyway, it would be something in a step toward a virtual reality game. Feel free to ponder and trash my ideas.
  23. Is anyone here interested in doing a collab of Top Gear Main Theme? If anyone wants to collab, either post in this thread, pm me, email me or im me. thanks. -TLR
  24. Sorry, im a bit late with my post. Very nice, these songs definitely have potential.
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