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The Instrumental Light

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Everything posted by The Instrumental Light

  1. alright, here it is: 1-a subject:well, i was hoping for a picture of a person(white, and no facial hair) in a white robe and cape holding a sword with two hands, holding it against his chest(the middle of the body). this part is optional, but if possible have him with brown hair and grayish-bluish eyes. 2-the text: um, well here is what the text would be: The Lone Ranger Remixer Reviewer Catholic and "The Lone Ranger" in the sig would be in bigger letters than the ones after it. other than that, thats pretty much it for text. 3-color of the sig: white and gold would be good. im sorry for being so specific and picky about it, if you have something that at least somewhat fits my description, show it and i will consider using it. once again, thanks a bunch guys.
  2. um, hello. im wondering if i could get a new sig because my current one is more like a poster, and many people have complained about the size of it. thanks. P.S. im new to the sig shoppe, so im not sure about the information i need to give about the sig and other things so please ask me these questions if you need to know something about it. once again, thanks.
  3. lol, well anyway, congratulations on your latest song! hope to hear more from you.
  4. this is pretty good, its very calm, but it seems a bit bland. other than that, great job! P.S. ive seen and listened to your works before you joined ocr, i cant remember if it was 3 or 4 years ago. if im correct, didnt you make that lufia hardcore mix?
  5. happy birthday,Coop! although i honestly dont know you that much, but thats ok, i guess,lol
  6. its pretty good, it keeps a steady pace and more of a normal music piece than a fast paced one. sound quality is great, but its a little bit boring. you might want to add something in there to make it more...unique or something like that, thats just me though. awesome job!, especially for a first time.
  7. wow, all i can say is wow. this is some pretty kick-a** stuff. although usually i dont care for this genre of music, but this definitely made the song enjoyable. the only thing i can criticize about it is that after the half-way point in the song, there was something missing, it needs something to fill that emptiness. congratulations on a great job! keep it up!
  8. its getting closer and closer to where i live. if it was in Green Bay, i would probably come actually. good luck though.
  9. it was a great mix! sound quality was awesome, and the song itself was pretty neat. the only thing is that the drum is pretty generic sounding, a little variation in that would've improved it. great job!
  10. im not quite sure if it will survive, fade or just get busted but if it does keep on going after he quits it will most likely be handed down to either the judges and mods or to a particular judge(which could definitely be Larry). although there is an unlikely case it could be handed over to a family member, i sincerely doubt that.
  11. its okay, but there is something to be desired. first of all, its definitely lacking something, there is a hole which needs to be filled. it also is boringly plain, nothing special or unique about it, just average. production quality is ok, but it isnt anything that great, it doesnt sound clean or refreshing in the sense of quality and perfection. it has some potential, but it definitely could be better. keep on trying.
  12. im assuming you guys had fun? lol, nice pics. damn, hope to be there sometime in two years maybe.
  13. lol,Lemmings was a fun game, its kind of funny though that they would use things from Lemmings for something like that.
  14. im surprised nobody made a thread of this yet, well i figured i might as well start it. Happy Birthday Malcos!
  15. um, ive been trying to create mixes but i have a long way to go before i get something posted. there are so many songs i would like to mix, but as for what i would like to mix the most is probably "Megaman X5 X vs Zero" or the Megaman X5 Opening.
  16. i know this is kind of off topic but,dang! everybody is using my qoute "Wouldnt you like to know?", i think everybody changed their location name after they saw mine.
  17. dang! ive been vouching for a Pittsburgh meetup and now i cant join! arghhh, im envious, have a fun time.
  18. honestly speaking, i think its kinda cool that they are basing it on the book. because its the original, and there are things in the book that arent in the movie. sounds cool, gonna check it out.
  19. i have a pretty good voice, although i dont know who this is limited to. i would give it a try i guess. but you need to specify what this is like, how it is going about, and so on...so yeah, this sounds pretty cool!
  20. im so envious! you guys out in the eastern part of the US get to go to all these meetups and do fun stuff while we get to sit home and wish we were there. i mean,seriously, you guys need to extend the amount of places you do the meetups.
  21. oh yeah, wireless internet laptops have been shown to cause cancer. as for a normal laptop, i do not know. EDIT: yes, their valid, but it doesnt make sense that by arguing what is better, which i would think would confuse someone, would help him understand. it just doesnt make sense to me. that's all.
  22. well, i just dont see how arguing is helping him, simple as that. if you think that it helps him, by all means, go ahead and keep up the debate. i just think we should be more focused on answering his question than arguing about who is right. im not trying to start an argument, im trying to state a valid point. and no, im not talking about what you posted after the first sentence, that WAS helpful.
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