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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. It scares me how far your monitors hang off your desk lol.
  2. Sweet to see this finally posted my thoughts haven't changed about this. While I thought the lyrics were cheesy they were well thought out, I like the Del feel which I've said before lol. Overall, this song is sweet as hell and your womans vocals are nice, I would like to hear from the both of ya with not so cheesy lyrics next time lol. Good stuff and congrats to gettin this posted because it's well deserved in my opinion.
  3. Omg. Grand Maverick battle, can't wait for that I'm definitely gonna stay posted to enter for that. How soon do you think that'll be?
  4. Oh shoot! I forgot to vote >_<. So this isn't double elimination then? I was under the assumption that the winner in the revenge battles would still have a chance to claim the title but I guess that would have taken too long lol. Anyways congrats to zircon and gecko and to everyone else. Please do another one of these, I want to compete lol xD.
  5. So I just recently upgraded my home studio in progress and this is the new look: Got those special red krk rp6's for 150 a piece, I had no choice but to get em lol. Just bought that m-audio axiom, can't wait till I can use that baby to it's full potential. Had the emu 1616m microdock for a little bit and still usin the audio technica m40s Computers been upgraded as well: Phenom II x4 3 ghz, 4 gigs of ram but since it's xp I can only use 3.25 gigs which is still good I would think. I have everything in what you could call a dungeon but location will work for now lol xD.
  6. Well I was exaggerating, it was more like 80 degrees but now that I have the phenom installed it's done bumped up to 91 average lol xD. So I guess it was just my cpu not bein able to handle vsts like that, because it's hardly noticeable with the phenom =).
  7. Yeah, yeah I know lol. I finally got the stuff to keep my cpu and the rest of the computer at 70 degrees Fahrenheit(avg) and I plan to keep it that way =P.
  8. Whoa, you shortened your name O_o. Anyways I'm goin to the computer deli and gettin a phenom today when I get my keyboard so I should be good to go lol xD.
  9. Man, such a hard vote. I'm not gonna vote right away I want to let these mixes sit on me first so I can get a feel for em and make my final decision.
  10. Damn, guess ill go with the phenom when I get the chance. That should help i assume lol. Well thanks for clearin that up for me. Edit: I have amplitube 2 and gr3. I was alternatin between the two and the both suck up CPU like a tornado when ran in that double tracked mode.
  11. It's set to 44.1 khz. I am completely stuck. I've messed with all the settings that I think would affect cpu usage and I've closed Reason and tried it (I've been usin Reason in Rewire on recent projects.) and still no use. Edit 02/23/2010: Another thing I noticed is when I run shreddage double tracked(I'm pretty sure I'm doin it right) and run the amps is when all the cpu gets sucked and when I bypass the amps and just play the guitar dry, it plays perfectly fine. So either I'm doin somethin wrong or my computer isn't as great as I thought lol .
  12. Send it privately please, thanks xD.
  13. Ok sweet, I got the double tracked thing to work but running all that with the two amps goin and stuff is really kick ass but it's suckin down my cpu lol. I figured a computer with dual core processor 2.9 ghz and 3.25 gigs of ram would be able to handle somethin like this lol xD. Maybe I'm just doin somethin wrong =/.
  14. Lol ok cool. Well guess I'll just post here for everyone to see: Ok so you're Reed and I'm assumin he would talk with some sort of a country accent based on his dialogue. This is what he says, "Yeehaw! How y'all doin now? Whether you're up or way down low, don't you miss the Lucky Number Show! This week's Lucky Number is @$%## ! I'll repeat that! This week's Lucky Number is @$%## ! Match it and go to the Radio Tower! That's what he says. I'm definitely open to ideas about spicin it up. And the symbols are five digit numbers that you would make up yourself. I would like for the dialogue to be spoken at a tempo of 132. No need to rush just make it last over the course of 8 bars. But yeah hit me up if you're interested or still interested.
  15. Yeah sorry I haven't responded to this, been busy with stuff. But if you are interested, then that's great. What kind of mic do you have because I would prefer if the quality of the recording is good. Oh and Reed is a host on one of the radio shows you can select from your pokegear in the G/S/C games. I'll have to come back later with the dialogue I don't have the game with me right now lol xD.
  16. I bought it! I've tested it with Amplitube and it sounds pretty damn sweet. Now I just gotta learn how to use this bad boy to it's fullest potential which means understanding the electric guitar and it's terminology lol xD.
  17. Yeah that's definitely super noticeable. It would be different it was very faint but you can distinctly hear that guy cough at the end and he coughs like twice more after that lol.
  18. Super Smash Brothers Melee The game requires a lot of skill physically and mentally. And it's still a visually appealing game to me with music that really doesn't get tiresome pretty much the best game in Sakurai's lineup, best game out there for me at least lol xD.
  19. If anyone with a mic is willing to provide me with an excerpt for my pokemon remix I'll love you long time lol. Here's the link to the thread that has my remix in it. Basically what I want is someone to become Reed from the lucky number show (Gold/Silver/Crystal). If you like what you hear so far and you're interested, send me a pm and I'll give you the details.
  20. I have one that is in the list of "To Be Posted" mixes. I don't know when it's gonna be actually posted though I've been waitin forever it seems like so just be on the lookout for it when it does get posted(Again it's been a while since it actually got accepted so maybe a year or so lol?)
  21. Hmmm what is it about that distortion you don't like? Because I like it which means I'm probably gonna keep it xD same with the texture, which I assume the one that's doin the arpeggio. Is it that you don't like that distortion in general or is there somethin about it that you think could be worked on? Another thing is that I have an updated file of the song but my computer is undergoing some heavy maintenance so I don't have access to the file but the bass and distortion combo sounds different than what you're hearin now. I'll work on that texture to make it more cohesive with the rest of the track because it comes back in later. Also. I still need someone to do some voice acting for my song if anyones interested pls lol. Thank you for the comments guys keep em comin xD.
  22. Pretty disappointed that I haven't gotten anymore feedback for my remix but hopefully this'll spark some interest, I edited this on the first page: It came to me a while back. But when I fired up my Pokemon Crystal game, I forgot that there was dialogue when you stay on the radio mode in your pokegear and Reed and he gives his intro to the lucky number show and tells you the number. I would like to add that element into the remix I'm workin on. What I need is someone with a decent mic with a dry recording of that dialogue and I need it to be charismatic like how Reed appears to be when he's sayin all of that. If anyones interested please give me a pm and I'll give you further details.
  23. This dude right here, definitely the king of Big/Breakbeat. Jus' sayin'!

  24. I moved out of the downtown area back with my grandmother so I have the ability to expand my home studio again. It's a lot different this time around not like anyone remembers my setup anyway but I'll have pictures up soon xD.
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