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Everything posted by TonyHex

  1. I, too, support this thread.
  2. I listen to remixes just about every day.
  3. I saw Cloverfield the day it came out... in spite of my low expectations (or maybe even because of them), it absolutely rocked my balls off.
  4. Does anybody know where I can download the La-Mulana soundtrack, or the arrangement album?
  5. Sounds great! Sorry if that's not much help, but I think it has a good chance of being accepted.
  6. Whoa... I love it! I'll leave the technicalities to the folks that know what they're talking about, but I like what I hear all the same.
  7. That's a pretty cool boss theme, it might make a bad ass rock song.
  8. Oh my God, this is awesome! I already have this song on my iPod via OLR, but I'm glad it made it on to OCR.
  9. Here's an mp3. It really is awesome, a remix would be fantastic.
  10. That game has one of the most remixable boss themes I've ever heard. The entire soundtrack rocks.
  11. I was instantly turned off to it when I started playing and learned that I need to movie with the stylus. I'm almost embarassed to admit that I didn't pay close enough attention to the game's release news to learn about that, but it's still just not the same.
  12. It has been for f**king ever.
  13. True, but like I said, I'm just interested to see if anybody else would be interested. If no one is, then... well, fair enough.
  14. That is precisely correct, which is why I came to OCR, where quality can be attained by the barrel.
  15. ... Is that all? Not even a period?
  16. First off, I don't know how the whole project thing works, so bear with me. I just thought it was about time OCR worked on a Castlevania arrangement album. Does anybody know how one would go about it? This thread is mainly meant to gain interest in the idea, because I seriously doubt I would be able to coordinate it. Who else thinks it's a good idea? It would be awesome if it became a reality, given SotN's awesome soundtrack (which I have, if anybody needs songs).
  17. Sounds wicked so far! I see what you mean about it being 300-esque, which works beautifully by the way. I can't wait to hear the final product.
  18. I vote any boss battle theme from God of War.
  19. I've come to the conclusion that there aren't NEARLY enough (good) remixes of these songs on the internet. Anyone interested in taking on Kefka's battle themes? Dancing Mad - Part 1 Dancing Mad - Part 2 Dancing Mad - Part 3
  20. Those are awesome!
  21. A rock remix might be cool... God, that song actually gives me chills. XD
  22. That would be awesome! It's actually called "Portal to Dark Bravery" in DoS though.
  23. That's just awesome. I can't really offer ant critique, but it sounds great so far.
  24. Awesome! If it doesn't make it past the judges (which I doubt), could you email it to me?
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