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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. That's what I had guessed, but then I saw that that number was almost double my actual kills total.
  2. Silly question. The categories kill assists and kill assisted never used to be on HLStatsX when I played. I'm not so retarded that I can't understand what the assists are, but I can't for the love of me figure out what the assisted figure represents.
  3. I'm very interested in everything you've had to say so far. What about my case? I don't have a credit card, and I've been looking to get one for the very reason of building credit. I've got lots of money in the bank, but no credit line, and that's something I should get on. Should I do this and use it as my main line of credit? EDIT: I just re-read the first post realised that to be "instantly approved" I would already need a credit card. Foiled...
  4. Maybe she shouldn't have been relentlessly insulting my deceased mother the way she was.
  5. Ha. Yeah right. Wait... YOU DIDN'T GO TO CLASS THIS MORNING!
  6. What are you DOING! Go STUDY. Also, if you don't make an entry for this month, I'm not going to either.
  7. Eloquently put. And yes it's very true. But I've still played 24 hours less than you, and around the same as everyone else in the top 30. So I'm just saying that it's not impossible to significantly change your rank. Even if it means investing a bit of time.
  8. Sorry for the double-post, I hadn't seen this. I agree completely with this.
  9. I've been playing for 2-3 weeks. I'm rank 8. I would respectfully disagree. EDIT: That being said, I don't care whether or not they're reset. But there really isn't any point in doing so. (if you're concerned about an accurate representation of your KDR, just look at your recent sessions, not your overall) Actually, if people are seriously concerned with their KDR that may be why we have a retarded shortage of medics.
  10. God damned bomb blowing up my God damned loot. Gaaaaaah.
  11. You know what else is gay? The SANDMAN. F************K In the same way that I learned how to play demo when pyros had +50HP, I will now learn how to play pyro and engie well. gaaarsh. also, Dhsu that's awesome.
  12. The biggest problem with hlstats is that it incourages individualistic goals and playstyle, which obviously detracts from the team as aspect of TF2
  13. !how to disarm
  14. Did you miss the message saying that Vahn had joined Red? We didn't have a medic before vahn got there. Vahn went medic. EDIT: The difference between no medic and one medic is big. The difference between no Vahn and one Vahn is big.
  15. You could just die to me more often I won't take nearly as many points. Alternatively, you could stop playing scout so much, and be a class that I can effectively medicate!!!
  16. SHUT. UP. DHSU. You were a pyro! I got flustered!! EDIT: The server has been active for almost 24 hours! It's like the good'ol days again!!
  17. Doesn't stop Scytheful. Nothing stops scytheful. Nothing. Except flame spam.
  18. Both statements are very true.
  19. Deathmatch for Charity is a freaking AWESOME title.
  20. I swear to god. Bring it. Right. Now.
  21. I prefer when you run through crosshairs.
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