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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Or Soldier or Demo for that matter. In fact I presume he hasn't logged more than an hour of play, if that, on TF2.
  2. I was almost certain that story was leading to a puppy defecating on you.
  3. I can understand that you're one of those people who needs mindless action and instant gratification. You probably don't like it when those big obtrusive words that you're not allowed to blow up come on screen. And reading them takes too much time no doubt. You know, in some games they added voice actors for people like you, but then of course you probably complained that they took away from the game because they were too advanced right?
  4. First of all, there have been some pretty awesome mario games since then. Secondly... I thought the graphics in Super Mario Bros. 3 were pretty fantastic.... I'd even argue that the graphics in Mario Bros. 3 were more appealing than the graphics on Mario 64. In fact, the majority of gamers would probably say that Mario 64 was nevertheless a better game. Annnd... this still argues your main point despite contradicting your other two points. Anyway, the point is you're right. Graphics don't make a game. But you also imply that they don't ruin a game, which they can. You also imply they can't make a good game better. Which they also can. You even hint towards the idea that good graphics can make a good game bad. Which is absurd. EDIT: I seem to have missed an entire page before posting the above, and some of it has already been said. On the other hand, some .slack guy said that graphics don't matter, and only gameplay does. To this I say: try playing your favorite game in the whole world with the best game engine you deem to have ever been designed, on a 4 fucking pixel screen. Since "nothing else matters", I know you will have a mind numbing blast.
  5. A little more than 2 years actually. They add the remaining club nintendo year on there was well. So if you're thinking about adding something in may/june... you'd be better off to wait until the next year starts in july.
  6. Hahaha. Admittedly, I re-read the post you quoted too many times trying to decipher what exactly he had intended.
  7. Being able to zoom in/out would make snipers OP.
  8. Didn't... everyone have the same weapons? Didn't they all have grenades? Weren't the maps zzz?
  9. If you think you know your username but it's not working, it may very well just be the website. Be cautious of that. I tried mine over and over, then tried to figure out if I had forgotten my username, even after resetting my password, and it still didn't work. Eventually it just decided to let me in. Briefly... I got that same problem. But I'm stubborn, and eventually, (randomly) it worked. From what I can tell, only the Wii and DS games and accessories count for any points. Even the newer GC and Advance games that came with registry information don't appear on my redeemable list. I think this is because they have you fill out short surveys for each of the games you register, and they don't give a shit about those older games/consoles. As for IE working.... It worked for me as well. But only briefly, and then I was handed the same stupid problems Firefox gave me. W. t. f.
  10. Are all of their pages really buggy, or is it just my browser. I'm using firefox, and this thing is f***ing with me every time I enter something or hit a button.
  11. Holy cow. Congratulations guys!!! Wonderful news. Nice freaking ring Zircon. Props for that. Lucky Jill! Best of wishes!!! Side note: Pixiecon and Zirtricks are freaking awesome names.
  12. Hating everything, is what makes Yahtzee Yahtzee. EDIT: I enjoyed their Q&A segment.
  13. 10$ says bleck won't have the entries up before boxing day. At least.
  14. But that's not true. Those were the standards of the time. As such, they weren't mistakes. Otherwise you'd be arguing that the first 2-3 years of OCR were a giant gaffe. The early stages of developement aren't a mistake. They show character. That's why you're supposed to present your older, POS works in your portfolio as well. Side note: I'm completely neutral in this arguement as I've heard neither song.
  15. haha. I concede to the truth in this statement.
  16. The thing about THIS movie (judging by the previews), is that if they had have just called all the characters by new original names, called the dragonballs something like... mythic orbs, and renamed it to something like... Ailstone, no one would be the wiser that it had any similarity at all to dragonball whatsoever. Which kind of makes it look like their using the "Dragonball" name just to rake in money. Not because they like the concept of anything in the story. Which is NOT okay, on many levels. Edit: And what sephfire just said.
  17. Exception to this rule was the movie "EVOLUTION"
  18. I agree whole heartedly. It didn't come off as AWFUL to me until the "EVOLUTION" What in the hell is that shit.
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