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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. May 1000 horses stomp your face.
  2. You are dead to me. For the MALE contestants, I have FAR more interesting pictures of Bonzai. In fact, with very little editing, I could submit one of her pictures to this contest.
  3. Fine, youre right. But there have only been 5. And one never happened. I'll reserve judgement until the conclusion of this one. Did you hear that Bonzai? Give us some incentive.
  4. We should rename this from FAC to underacheivement competition. So many people wanting to enter, so few entries. Every. Month.
  5. Fuck I love you. I've logged 40+ hours on the DS version of this game in the last 2 weeks. Never before played the game, and yet somehow, this song makes me nostalgic. Awesome groove.
  6. Just use the Knee+knee+knee combo. It's a winner!
  7. Wikipedia be damned. Those are Pegasus Boots.
  8. Hey Powerlord, whatever happened to getting a new banner at VGMusic? I thought that was supposed to happen months ago.
  9. Confirmed: I'm moving to Berkeley.
  10. hahahahaha Happy dayyyy
  11. Why don't YOU run the competition then. Eh? Slut
  12. I have a cousin named shannon mason. Is it you?
  13. Happy month after your birthday!
  14. Some people have pointed out Super Paper Mario. I would like to expand on the "still a great game" notions. It was a great story, with great dialogue and character interaction, and a decent concept. The gameplay however was sub par and the difficulty was mind numbingly easy. Boss battles were the dryest of any mario game I've ever played. Keep these things in mind if you consider it. If story is enough to sell you, great. If not, I'd opt out on this game.
  15. go TO SCHOOL!
  16. Do I still have time to submit an entry?
  17. What is this crazy patch thing I'm hearing about?
  18. lol wut?
  19. I'm looking into playing toniiiight. I play with minimal settings too!!! :smile:/:sad:
  20. haha <3 you sensai. Yeah it was an inside joke from a previous thread(s) on this forum.
  21. Graphics mean nothing in video games. It's all about gameplay. No developers seem to understand this nowadays. Instead they make crappy games with flashy graphics like TF2 instead of quality games like TFC. I don't understand why everyone thinks like this. And noone has given me a counter example.
  22. seconded.
  23. hahahahahahahaha. Amazing.
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