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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. you beautiful fewl. Might be there, but it probably won't be as good as my usual. Just got grounded from my laptop, which has a lot of my music stuff on it. No idea how it'll turn out. As for the collab I mentioned, I doubt that's going to happen because this comp's mic input doesn't work so we won't be able to put our idea into motion....oh well, see ya there (maybe).
  2. ...I love you guys. I must also be a wacko?
  3. I can see where you're going with this, but he said himself that he didn't try very hard and actually attempted to make it sound bad. How can you give anyone constructive criticism to help him improve if he doesn't try his best to begin with? I do, however, agree with this statement 100%
  4. not only has it been done, but it's been done by the BEST REMUXER EVAR!
  5. That's not the problem. The problem is that he doesn't want anything to happen that I can't handle because I'm not legally 18 yet, Whatever that might be. I asked him what kind of things could possibly happen that age would be a problem and he wouldn't give me an answer. Kinda think he's trying to come up with reasons for me not to go because he doesn't trust me to go by myself...
  6. Damn, if I could sleep in a room for free, he might reconsider, seeing as he'll save about $300-400. ...then again, I'll be rooming with 'complete strangers'. Dunno.
  7. Having problems with MAG plans. Dad's all pissy because "I'm not 18 yet". IF MAGFEST WAS 13 FUCKING DAYS LATER I WOULDN'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM T.T Anyway, both friends can't come because mom's bf can't come and now I can't go unless my mom goes because of my underageness. So if I CAN get plans together, I'll be there probably for the last couple days and with my mom. Why couldn't my b-day be on Jan 3 instead of 15
  8. submitted what can be considered my first real PRC entry
  9. well, good then I should be finished with mine pretty soon. Not much production work done, but it's an entry.
  10. I don't know when the extension ends, but... DON'T END IT YET! I HAVE HALF OF AN ENTRY! I WILL FINALLY ENTER A PRC!
  11. I actually started a wip this time. Don't know if I'll finish in time though.
  12. There is a pokemon remix project in the works. I'm not sure how it's going or what tracks are being mixed because I haven't checked it in a while, but your song may be on there. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4733
  13. Wow...I remember Reflections was one of the first mixes I heard on this site and I loved it. Still in my favorites playlist today. This is truly a tragedy. Everyone else pretty much summed everything up. I can't think of anything more fitting to say than what's already been said. RIP buddy
  14. I didn't say you failed at seeing the potential for remixing. I meant you failed at seeing the awesomeness this tune has to offer. Of course, everyone has their own opinions.
  15. the FFXI soundtrack is great too. Forgot about that one.
  16. I'm sorry, sir, but you have failed at the intarnets. It's already been remixed/accepted and it already kicks ass. Anso will probably murder you now.
  18. Dark Cloud 2. I love that soundtrack. Romancing SaGa is pretty good too.
  19. Check out PRC94. FiremanJoe's entry. I did the verse that starts "I don't run windows" Only rapping I've ever done for a song, but I was told it sounded alright (aside from the mic pops) and it was quite fun
  20. Do you not notice that they're killing our precious queue?! Submit moar remuxes! We must do our part to keep the queue on life support!
  21. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Been so long, I didn't catch the reference.
  22. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12261
  23. Actually, I was making fun of a typo...obviously, it failed.
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