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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. ok um heres my choices Sakura- (my main pick) (SFA II) Guile (SF II) Cammy (super street fighter 2) Rose (SFA) Rolento (SFA2)
  2. hmm Banjo eh? id have to check out the ost ... i played it a few times when i was mad young but its foggy... im interested lemme check out the OST and get back to you.
  3. Omg finally someone remixed something from this game.... I was very impressed you've done a good job remixing my favorite theme good job!
  4. oh hells no this nigga is wildin ...wait till i show Jade this shit..
  5. this isnt bad not at all this would really shine if the production was on point theres too much distortion with the drums try to take out the mid of the kick by like 700hrz but use your ears and dont embellish on the EQ. otherwise the arrangement is fairly decent. jus work on the production and expand on the source a lil more and then you'll be set my good man. i hope this helps. Keep me posted.
  6. ive been waiting for this to be posted for a min. this is one of my personal favorites from the album i really love the overall groove of the track and i can def hear some Nujabes influence ima def keep my ears on you!
  7. This track right here is one of my personal favorites from the project ..im a trancehead and i must say i was amazed how everything jus gelled/flowed in the track everything stays fresh and the soundscape is baller as well this goes in my top vg remix trance folder.
  8. I remember when i first heard this track i was blown away i really felt the emotion behind this mix its almost like i can connect with it. Anyone that knows me.. knows that i am extremely picky when it comes to remixes and this mix has really captured my attention. Good Job Stevo!.. Make moar music plz. kthxbai.
  9. lolol im def working on that! better matter of fact check out (http://tindeck.com/listen/mukp) my arrangement is getting alot better.
  10. welp i jus subbed mines i did my best... couldnt sync AMT's guitar with my mix ...but i tried to use his guitar as a sample... it came out ok i suppose
  11. hells yeah! ive been waiting to see this up on the front page ive been blasting this since the wip stages. im glad to see this on here this shit really gets me hyped enough to get up and start dancing my ass off. Keep up the good work man i have my eye (and ears) on you.
  12. I'll be going this week representing The Beat Buster ...
  13. i must find the song thats in the trailer it comes on bout 2:30ish i downloaded the album but that song isnt there...maybe i missed something here hmm...
  14. superstar? thats a good one lol sorry i dont really consider myself an ocr superstar. im not that well known ...yet
  15. yes bout to send Shaq my mix nao!! hope ya'll like it ... i hope lol
  16. lol i'll give you a run for your money im looking forward to hearing your mix been having my eye on you since youve became a posted remixer.
  17. My mix is also shaping up quite nicely ..cant wait for you guys to hear it.
  18. ok guys here is my list Tornado Man Tengu Man (Mega Man 8 Saturn ver) Fire Man (Mega Man) Air Man (Mega Man 2) Flash Man (mega man 2)
  19. Listen here fat ass stop talking shit over there looking like piglet....did you eat winnie my nigga?? In all seriousness I don't copy and paste my mixes sound to original to even be placed in that category and SHAME on you for even disrespecting your peers we work to damn hard for this shit nigga show some fucking respect...jabba the hut looking ass.
  20. Thanks for the kind words everyone more mixes are on the way a lot are from games that have never been mixed I wanna stand out as a remixer so I will be searching for games that haven't been touched
  21. Wow I really like that track it has tons of potential! Hmmmm once I finish upgrading my studio ima def give it a shot. I also have a wip of the title theme on my tindeck page.. but I my scrap it don't like the feel of it.
  22. Yes count me in as well.... it'll be crazy if I get to meet him.
  23. by the way this remix was inspired by this song which i used as a blueprint
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