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Tuned Logic

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Everything posted by Tuned Logic

  1. I haven't been here for a while.... a long while. Partly due to work, partly due to being in grad school, but I told myself that one day, I'd get back into OCR'ing. I think you just did it for me with this. ABSOLUTELY EPIC. You have shown me that even the most overplayed theme can have fresh life breathed into it with a little extra spice. You sir, get the playing outside the music box award (sounds cooler than thinking outside the box). WELL DONE!!! Badass. Just plain badass. Did I mention I love this? Okay. Just checking.
  2. Interesting you say that.. and yeah I went missing for a while :bang head: I'll try and make things a bit softer.
  3. Whoopsy, thank you, sir. http://tinyurl.com/ngz7dm7
  4. Beautiful arrangement, guys. Managed to keep it familiar but very fresh. Well done!
  5. Tuned Logic is back, ya'll! I had this left over from a few years ago; it was created for the Metroid Prime OCR album that never really got off the ground, so I thought I'd share/gauge interest for submission. This is a ReMix of Torvus Bog (Swampland, above ground) from Metroid Prime 2. Enjoy! http://tinyurl.com/ngz7dm7 EDIT: Sorry, guys, link is fixed.
  6. Hey, long time no talk. Starting to get back into the music scene now that I have the time. What have you been up to musically?

  7. Hey man, just saw your recent messages. I haven't been on in a long while, haha. I'm just now finding some time to work on new projects; definitely send me the link to your track when you get the chance. I'd love to hear it. :)

  8. I just shut him down for ya, mate.
  9. Here ya go! Haha: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39381

    And thanks; I'm glad you like it. I've been on and off lately, but yeah, the third album is in the works.

  10. Chrono Trigger - Silent Light 1. This played during 600 A.D on the main map, I believe. The world is infested with those weird alien things rather than humans. (It's been a while LOL) One of the less memorable tracks in the game, most likely because it was written by Uemastu rather than Mitsuda (yeah, I think Uematsu is WAY overrated). 2. SNES chip tune with choir voices, synth bass, and high-octave piano scales in the background. Somewhat foreboding, this melody would be appropriate for a new, mysterious world that the player must now explore, and something doesn't seem quite right about it. 3. Think back to how game music used to sound, like in the Super Mario days. Lots of bleeps and bloops. Now add a bit of sophistication to it, but not so much that the music sounds real. Still synthesized, and yet is able to be a very effective mood-setter. Has an eerie sound to it, as if something has gone awry in the game, but there are no specific indicators yet. The song creates delicate suspense that never peaks and never dies.
  11. Thanks, guys! Glad you're enjoying it.
  12. Super Game by Rabbit Killer, Farleon -- Super Game - Single (Released 9/2011)
  13. Glad you all like it! Papyrus is awesome. End of story! And no, I don't do sound design from scratch, but I do tweak most of the ones I use. Appreciate the complements on my mixing hahaha. I do have SampleTank, and I probably used it a bit for some of the sounds, but it was very sparingly if I did. Definitely not one of my main guns.
  14. Enjoy, folks; let me know what you think of it! Plenty of chill stuff on here. http://tunedlogic.com/album/seven-places-lp
  15. Any chance you could link me to the beta of Green Amnesia? I have to hear it now that I know it exists! Thanks! Michael

  16. I would KILL for a higher quality version of Green Amnesia. My favorite mix on the site, bar none.
  17. Second album out Wednesday!
  18. My tribute to house music, if you're into that sort of thing. Features the classic anthem by Chuck Roberts. Need a song for a rave or party? Here ya go! This Is Our House - Streams Free! Check it out.
  19. Glad you liked it, but I can't say I was going for ambience, haha. More of a final boss theme type of thing, really.
  20. Enjoy! Comments welcome! Like my FB page to stay up to date! http://soundcloud.com/tunedlogic/power-of-the-mind-tuned-logic https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tuned-Logic/107796329291069
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