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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Fruity Panomatic has a built in LFO setting, works great and it's included with FL.
  2. This is really well done, awesome idea, sounds like it must have been a lot of work. I couldn't find out how much space a free account comes with anywhere though. Maybe I'll use this in the future. I'd recommend forming a business model with sponsors or advertising so you can make money from free users too. I have a phobia of paying for monthly online services so I usually only use free things. You'll get a lot of free users.
  3. Could you possibly be so kind as to send the pack my way as well Txai? Thanks!
  4. Just so you know, this sub-forum is specifically dedicated to FL Studio discussion, you may be using Zebra 2 in FL Studio, but it is not in itself related to FLS.
  5. Check out Native Instruments' "Absynth". It's great for ambient stuff so I hear.
  6. It would really help to know which program you were working with if you want an interface similar to the one you were using. I'm having difficulty understanding what you'd like. Each channel has its own interface depending on the type of plugin. After re-reading the question I'm thinking you want another midi channel. Try going to the menu under channel>add one>Midi Out See if that's what you're looking for. I'd recommend you stick with FL and learn it, if you're frustrated already you may just need more patience. FL is easy-ish to learn so long as you learn where to look.
  7. I'll second that recommendation, I've been using that for ever.
  8. Compression shouldn't take much of any CPU, I'm not sure what you mean by that statement.
  9. Okay well even if you don't have any compressors or limiters that are messing with it, there's still a max volume at 0db that FL will peak at. This will create the compression effect if the arp is already too loud and the drums need to do something to be heard. Try lowering all of your mix levels until your master output stays out of the red and see if that helps. If you get a good mix going into the master, then you can always use a limiter to bring the volume back up without adverse effects. You could also just try lowering the volume of the master-out, which might work, but if it doesn't, then try the other method. Good luck! edit: after listening it still does sound as if your drums are just a bit too loud, especially in the second track, try the first methods, but you may also want to eq each track so they leave room for each other, if they share fewer frequencies they won't mess each other up as much.
  10. There's also a "mono" option in the misc tab of of the channel menu. There's a portamento option there too if you'd like to do slides from one note to the next.
  11. If you`re doing mostly acoustic work of any kind I`d recommend just plain producer edition, XXL and Signature are a lot of money for very little more that would be of use to you. However if you`re planning to do a lot of mastering, Maximus could come in handy.
  12. Try some combinations of turning off "Use Loop Points" and "Load Regions" I'm not sure what else it could be if you're getting other normal sound out of FL Studio, maybe just a bad sample file.
  13. Oh sorry, there's no option for it, you just select it then export and it will only export the selection.
  14. You could select each individual area in the playlist one at a time with the selection tool and choose Export>Selection, Choose "Cut Remainder". But that probably wouldn't yield the BEST results.
  15. 5/4 is fun, but I like 7/4 better I've been fooling around with it lately. Anything polyrhythmic is a ton of fun to try.
  16. Sorry, not that I'm aware of. You have the option of making a template file and starting your projects from there, then your mixer would already be set up how you like it.
  17. Awesome, my first LSDJ EMS 64 cart is in the mail right now haha.
  18. I'm not sure how familiar you are with chiptunes, but I'm obligated to mention that a gameboy with LSDJ is an option you should take a look at. You can sequence your tracks ahead of time then perform them live. Take a look around: http://chipmusic.org/ http://8bitcollective.com/
  19. I personally recommend the low-pass filter method, just throw a Fruity filter or free-filter on a 3xOsc white noise, set the resonance high and use an automation clip to sweep up.
  20. You don't need anything other than a computer, especially when you're starting. Everything can be simulated on the computer as well as you'd need. Hardware is great for live performances and can make some tasks easier, but I'd recommend just staying away from it until later. One possible exception might be to look into getting a midi keyboard for easy note input.
  21. I know a lot of people who will strongly disagree with you on that one. Many of the remixers here don't know a thing about music, they just do what they think sounds good. Learning these things would certainly be an asset to a musician but I do not believe that they are necessary.
  22. Trying out demos is the best advice I can give. It does depend on what you're planning to work with primarily. Cubase and Protools for example deal well with audio files, such as those you would get from recording direct from a microphone or something, whereas something like FL Studio is a master at Midi (note data that can be changed at any time after it has been entered). Reason is a great platform to start on, but it's not expandable like other programs. What I mean by this is that Reason does not accept audio plugins to add more instruments or effects. Everyone has their own opinion and preferred DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) I use FL Studio myself and it's served me very well. I tried the demo and understood it's workflow. Here's a few to try out: Garage Band Reason Ableton Live Logic Sonar FL Studio Good luck, shoot a message my way if you have any questions about FL Studio.
  23. Ask your programmer if he can set up an AB loop, you split the track into A and B parts, it plays through A, then goes directly into B, then loops B.
  24. From scratch using only your five senses, but sheet music is okay and midi's aren't? :S
  25. I've been wondering about something like this lately too, it seems like something that should be easy, but apparently not.
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