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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Just finished my latest Chiptune, check it out: http://8bitcollective.com/music/Zef/Little+Red+Light/
  2. Strange way to run a sale, buying to get more discounts, but it's interesting. Not anything in here I'm terribly interested, but I am tempted to buy your ISW stuff. Just so you know, your Traditional Demo song link is dead on that page.
  3. Okay so I'm going to assume that the autotune you're using is an VST effect. You should see an LCD on the wrapper bar of the VST plugin window (a bar with a -- LCD on either the top right or bottom right) change that LCD to a number. Now add a new Midi Out generator channel and set the Port number to the same as the other number, try playing in the midi out and see if it runs through to the auto-tune. Good luck!
  4. Video Walkthrough - http://www.youtube.com/user/ZephyrTread#p/u/2/2_DSy3fTZGo Quick version: Make sure Toad is extracted and put into a folder where you'd like to keep your VSTs. Then go into FL Studio's file setting and add that folder as the VST folder. NOW go and do the quick refresh thing.
  5. They're putting it out for free because sales were probably slowing down, so they'll use it now to reel people in to signing up for Steam accounts, as advertising for the Mac steam client and also to hype people up for Portal 2. It's fine with me!
  6. I was very tempted to just go download it again even though I already have it, get this game right now. NO EXCUSES.
  7. IIRC some DAW's are compatible with some sort of universal project file, don't recall what it is. It would obviously lose some of the specifics, but you may be able to get the majority of it. Audio renders and Midi are probably your best bet. May may also look into "ReWire" for linking the other sequencer into yours.
  8. Already own World of Goo and Gish, I'm not a fan of Horror games, and Lugaru doesn't look like anything too fancy. Aquaria looks awesome, awesome music too, but I think I'll pass this time.
  9. Why are so many awesome musicians Sweden based? Maybe I should head over there...
  10. That's really nice of you to just give them away, I'd take the Guitar Rig, but someone could probably use it more than me.
  11. I can recommend that you definitely do not start with Sytrus, try Synth1 instead to start, then work your way up.
  12. These sound really good to me.
  13. Well, the fst files are specific to each individual instrument, and the instruments that use them are FL-Native plugins, so it depends which plugin you're looking for presets for. If you want them for a specific plugin (it must also have a VST version though) you can search it here: http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php then check for available soundbank downloads.
  14. you should just compile that knowledge into a getting started tutorial or something and put it in the tutorials section.
  15. All you need to do is create your first automation clip, then, to link more parameters to it you bring up the remote control for it (either through right-click > link to controller, or through the last tweaked parameter thingy) now make sure the "Remove conflicts" LED at the top is turned OFF. Now in the drop-down box "Internal Controllers" choose the automation clip in there. Now they're both linked to the same automation clip. You can link as many parameters to the same clip as you want, just make sure remove conflicts is turned off. Let me know if you need any more help with it.
  16. It's quite easy to automate anything, for controls in 3rd party generators just tweak the control, then go to Tools>Last Tweaked, then choose what you'd like to do.
  17. Shameless Plug! Chiptune I did for a flash game I'm working on at the moment. Let me know what you think http://soundcloud.com/user1988306/neonix
  18. Yes Kontakt and FL Studio is definitely a viable combination, it's what I use primarily (supplemented with a bunch of free stuff). However, price is definitely something to consider; as Kontakt is really quite expensive. If you have the cash and you're serious about this, then go ahead I suppose. Kontakt will be easy enough for a beginner to use, but you may need a bit of help learning to set it up in FL for the first time. If you get to that point then just let me know and I'll walk you through it.
  19. The original settings from the midi are embedded in the pattern with the midi in it. right click on the knob that keeps changing back (or the Tempo LCD) and choose "edit events" then use the delete tool ( or Ctrl + A, delete) to get rid of everything there.
  20. Workflow is the primary difference between the major DAW's (Digital Audio Workstations). Most of them can all do the same things, it's just different in how they do them. For this reason, it's hard to say that one is better than the others, so you'll just have to go ahead and try them out to see for yourself, most of the major ones have demos available to try. I myself started with FL Studio, but make sure you choose what works for you. Just so you know, Kontakt isn't actually a DAW, it's a library of samples with a good sample player that you can use as a plugin inside a DAW, so you can't use just Kontakt alone. Like I said above, it depends mostly on what you like better, if you understand the way one works better than the others, then that's probably the one for you. If a program has both PC and Mac versions then no, there will likely be next to no difference between the programs (unless the Mac versions only accept AU plugins, but someone else will have to correct me on that) However it should be mentioned that not all programs have both Mac and PC versions, for instance FL Studio is PC only, and Logic Studio is Mac only. Other than that, then the difference should be negligible.
  21. Thanks, glad to hear it. It's my first try at chiptunes, I absolutely love them so I decided to give it a go.
  22. You need to take a step back and relax for a minute okay? It sounds from the post like you decided today that you want to make music so you went and got the first DAW you could find and tried instantly to make music equal to that of your favourite band. This is not a plan for success. Music takes patience, a lot of patience, don't go into this planning to be pumping out Owl City tracks next week. Take your time and begin to learn a little at a time, start out with smaller more achievable goals. Start to learn, then come back and ask when you have a specific question regarding something SPECIFIC that you're having trouble with.
  23. Hey everyone! Just finished a quick chiptune for a flash game I'm working on, I know a lot of people around here can appreciate chiptunes so I'd like some critique. Let me know what you think, thanks!
  24. Speaking of mediafire, since hearing about how Facebook owns everything you put on their website I've been keeping a closer eye on the terms of service for hosting websites. Don't put any music up without reading them. From MediaFire's terms: "You grant, transfer and assign to MediaFire and its successors, assigns and licensees, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of enabling us to make your Content available through the Service, a fully-paid, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right and license to publish, distribute, reproduce, transmit, use, translate and archive the Content. "
  25. There's really no easy trick to transcribing by ear, learning some theory could help, but other than that just practice a lot. If all you want to do is get the notes into FL, then there's probably a midi file of that song over at vgmusic.com If you're just trying to learn transcribing by ear, I would recommend starting with something other than chiptunes, as they tend to have complex really fast melodies with pitch bends, vibrato, portamento, etc.
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