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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Check out my latest track, "liking" it would help me out, thanks! https://8bc.org/music/Zef/Pure+Voltage/
  2. Yes if you like, but FL Studio isn't set up well for it. Here's what I'd recommend instead, it's simpler it'll save you some time, and it works with any midi keyboard. Create a new layer channel, set the 2 instruments you want to split to be children of this layer. Then in each instrument adjust it's playable key range so that they split where you want them to. If you're set on using the split on the Fantom, then set up the split so it sends notes on different global midi channels, for instance the bass send on channel 1 and the high end on channel 2, When you select more than one channel for playing at a time in FL Studio it automatically routes midi channels in order, so channel 1 will play the first one selected and channel 2 playes the second (and so on down the list). Good luck.
  3. Like Chipmusic? Good Chipmusic? Here's my latest, check it out! https://8bc.org/music/Zef/Zef+-+Conduit+(Dubstep+Electro)/
  4. Haha, well if you're willing to throw it into C-Disc under your allowance I sure wouldn't complain haha. I always planned on getting a Remix posted here, I just always got caught up doing originals instead. And You can definitely be a chip artist using plugins, I just find it more difficult to control complex bends and stuff using midi instead of a tracker I just listened to your Blue Noise album, very well produced stuff!
  5. Thanks everyone, if you like this, check out other chipmusic, there's a whole new genre out there.
  6. !) Livewire @) Cruise Control #) Tension $) Core Free download on Bandcamp Grab LSDJ Save Files I'm not sure how many chipmusic fans there are here, but hopefully this will make more! This is my Electro House LSDJ album. Checkitout! Feel free to share the album with friends. Follow me on Facebook
  7. For step sequencer humanizing there are presets under "Scores>Humanization" in the browser, for the piano roll you can mess with it by hand then use Scale Levels and randomization to get it to be the right range. Good luck!
  8. Hrmm, interesting. Yes I believe it's doable, though likely quite complicated. If I understand you correctly you're planning to use the keys of a piano keyboard (over MIDI) to alter parameters correct? I'm not sure how your keyboard is set up, but when I link parameters in FL Studio to the keyboard it does work (albeit a bit strangely). On mine it seems white notes toggle the controller between max and min values while the black keys work on a press/release system. If I may recommend a separate approach, I'd either get a dedicated knob controller, (Korg NanoKontrol would do nicely for cheap ($60-$70 I think) Alternatively, if you're set on this you could potentially run the keyboard into a layer channel, then run that layer channel out to trigger multiple "Fruity keyboard controller" plugins linked to different things. You could set the keyboard controllers to be active in different ranges so for instance keys C4-C5 will scale a channels volume, while C5-C6 will alter the tone of your piano sample. At any rate, good luck with the complicated task you have ahead of you! You could always use the second keyboard as the "live mode" controller and with it trigger patterns with the proper parameters set as automation data too.
  9. Keep in mind please that this very likely isn't a glitch with FL Studio, there's probably a reason for the problem. A few questions; Does it all play fine before the render? Which plugins are you using? Some plugins have their own individual polyphony limits, so try to check into that too.
  10. NI plugins work fine in FL, though sometimes getting multi-channel sequencing through them can be a bit of a pain (but it's a one time process, so no worries ) If you have any trouble getting multiple instruments to run through one instance (such as with Kontakt) then let us know and we can help you out.
  11. Wait, you mentioned a broken soundcard up there, although ASIO4ALL are digital drivers, the processing still runs through your on-board soundcard, did you get a new soundcard?
  12. Do you have a sound example of something exported from anvil studio and something done in FL Studio. I'm sorry to say it but it sounds as though you're confused in terminology or the specifics behind what the limiter is doing. A sound example may help us to help you.
  13. Also make sure the checkbox for "Disable Max Poly" is lit up on the export options.
  14. Just go digital, it saves trees! (10% off link below, /shameless plug)
  15. I believe Image-Line recently discontinued making hard-copies, primarily because there's very little reason to buy the hard-copy over the digital. Image-Line is very reliable and it should always be available on-line. If it bothers you, you can keep a copy of the software on a hard-drive somewhere, but other-wise I'd just go digital (and get free updates for life!) I highly recommend the Producer version.
  16. This isn't exactly what you want, but check out Gross Beat too.
  17. It's definitely worth it to go with Producer off the bat, you won't get a satisfactory experience with anything less. Whether to go with XL is your choice, but go with producer at least. I'd also recommend download version, it's worth it for the unlimited updates.
  18. Alright, so here's the deal, a friend of mine is in need of a bunch of cash fairly quickly, he's got a Korg Triton and a Korg i3 in perfect condition, and so he's wondering how much he can expect to get for them and where would be the best place to sell them. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  19. They always say that it might break compatibility, however in practice I don't think that's happened lately.
  20. I believe that what you're trying to do is possible and I think I've even done it. I didn't realize you were using ReWire instead of hardware sorry about that. Check the FLStudio documentation on ReWire it might be able to help. I'd do some testing, but I don't have Reason installed right now. Good luck!
  21. It's totally possible to do either, however you'll get the most out of FL Studio if you use both in conjunction with eachother. Especially with the new playlist view it will be much easier to work with if you make use of the best of both features. Get to know the program and get comfortable with all aspects of it and you'll be more productive.
  22. Ah, so the accuracy is what you want, I'm not sure what you need to be that precise for but what you could do is make a new note the right length individually, line up its start with the beginning of one of the grouped notes, then turn snap off, zoom in and stretch all the notes while looking at the note close to the timed one and holding control to make minute adjustments to line it up. So far as I know that's about as easy as it's going to get. You could also just copy the note that's the right length and rewrite your passage by copying and pasting, but that would take a while.
  23. Is the main idea to simply take up less tracks in FL or to get them into one channel as L/R channels? If the second, then simply pan one of the channels all left, the other all right, then route both to another intermediate track. If you want to get only 1 input, then so long as your input jack takes stereo I would recommend picking up an adapter at Radioshack that will put your two mono tracks into one stereo cable. Good luck!
  24. I'm afraid I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to accomplish, could you explain a little more in depth?
  25. If you select multiple notes by holding control and dragging (they should turn red) click at the end of a note (when you get horizontal arrows) and drag to stretch them out. If the notes are different and you need them to be the same length; select them, press shift + d to lower them all to the same size, then stretch them up to what you want. Good luck, hope that helps!
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