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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. straight up scrub. not missing much
  2. No. just.. no custom movesets are kind of neat but custom characters have never been fun in any fighting game other than wrestling games, and that's only because in wrestling games all the moves essentially do similar things anyways - they just look kind of different. not to mention nobody wants 'super butt man' fighting nintendo characters
  3. i told some person who was doing that to stop and they sent me a PM being like I GUESS PEOPLE CAN'T EXPRESS THEMSELVES HERE I'M LEAVING i don't think he ever came back to ocr not sure how to feel about it
  4. tl;dr long range aoe slow, no mana issues with passive, high damage, good stun don't tell people this i like playing xerath mid. you're going to ruin everything
  5. is there anyone who hasn't played diablo 3 who wants to? i want to start it and play with someone, but not someone who's going to baby me through it
  6. Follow Overclocked Records on Twitter! @OCRecordsLabel
  7. The difference being that's impossible. Like seriously stop doing this everyone knows it's just to get people mad. You're not subtle.
  8. Chumps. Like seriously who didn't see this coming? 'Guys, Kinect is really important to the system we can't sell it to you without it.' *Xbox loses terribly because nobody wants to spend 100 dollars on Kinect* 'Great news! We can sell it to you without Kinect now!' They already knew people didn't want it. There's a lesson in not listening to your customers.
  9. This is the most solid remix I've heard here in a while. Pretty awesome.
  10. Honestly while it will never happen I don't see why top river isn't shortened. Nothing happens in the top half of the map except baron, which isn't even a factor until 15-20 minutes into the game. Having top lane be so far away from the rest of the game isn't really fun, or strategically useful.
  11. what is with all these threads lately i mean seriously
  12. Nintendo is holding a 16-man invitational tournament at E3 this year! They're also having it available at Best Buys like they did with a lot of games last year.
  13. do you have a link to this? Child of Light is one of the first download only games I've taken a real interest in
  14. I really like this type of music. Is there an album or an EP? as per usual (no knock on you) Japanese web design is terrible, so it's a little hard to decipher what's going on.
  15. i don't always post about how much i hate spoilers in movies, but when i do, i make sure to have a bunch of unannounced spoilers in there sigh
  16. Huh. Well, he said to say hello, so that's odd.

    In that case... what's up?

  17. I housed a mutual friend of ours, Michael Tian, the other night. He says hello!

  18. This is what I was waiting to see. 10/10 will watch.
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