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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. happy birthday to my favorite sexyman on ocr
  2. will do good sir. i'll finally have a good reason to keep a live gold account
  3. nope they were supposed to watch the security cameras from the hotel but to my knowledge they haven't gotten around to that yet aka it most likely isn't coming back on the bright side most of my games for xbox aren't long adventures with really important save files so whatever i've lost i can get back. it'll just take some time on task for things like SF4 and whatnot on the not-so-bright side it might take awhile for my claim to get filled. we'll see
  4. i can't wait until my insurance claim comes through and i can buy this game and my xbox back i'm ok with playing through the first disc a second time now
  5. is this real i feel like it should be a joke
  6. where is the 5 day ban the darke i know would have no mercy
  7. this is incredibly useful to know. thank you so much where do i find this mac address? or whatever pin number/code/whatever that would be used to track it
  8. i don't think it works that way i wish though. the police are supposedly handling it but i'm not too confident the thieves stole the wierdest shit, they sacked two of our rooms and took 3 laptops, my xbox and accessories, cash (obviously) and two blackberries. and some chewy bars and left behind 5 other laptops, an iphone, ipod, wallets and other very valuable stuff that was in plain sight
  9. so this game is officially ruined for me my hotel room was broken into this morning (i'm on a week long training trip) and my xbox was stolen barring the police actually finding it i'm not going to be playing it anytime soon and i'd have to start over even if i went and bought it again fml
  10. so if someone could clarify for me what happens when you use the pokewalker anyways i know it levels up a pokemon a level but anything else
  11. getting this but i'm gonna wait, i got a 200 dollar gift card to amazon.com so i'll order it when i get back to school and wait for it to be available again which of the two should i get SOMEONE TELL ME
  12. i have stories for this thread but on this note i got all 150 legitimately in red i'm very proud of myself for this to this day
  13. i think the thing about this is that final fantasy games are something that stick around for awhile, like people still play the older ones and stuff and part of how we remember them is not only how well they played when they first came up but also how they held up over time. so its hard to be like "oh yeah this one's not as good" until a few years later
  14. rufus came before bob but i guess you're right the original ripped off tekken pretty badly
  15. as an addon to this question, does anyone know how long its actually supposed to be? roughly speaking i'm not too concerned that its gonna go by too fast or anything but i am curious
  16. snow says hero like a BILLION TIMES but other than that he's cool about an hour in, i'm liking it so far and for all of you PS3 rulez bunch i'm pretty sure it doesn't make a difference on my 17" SDTV. it still looks sexy
  17. shit thats rough man i hope you and your car are ok must be the 13
  18. i got this game this morning and still haven't played it wtf school
  19. RACIST i see through your ploy.
  20. everyone hates vanille so much i feel like i have to try and like her somehow she can't be THAT bad
  21. for the strategy guide? wasn't aware there was a collector's edition game put out
  22. going to the gym and lifting heavier weights won't help you all that much at a weight loss stage. it is very plausible to be heavier than you would like and strong, so to start in a weight-loss program cardio, like ellipticals etc. will do much more for you. i'm not saying drop the weights, hardly, but cardio would most likely serve you better
  23. fixed for you
  24. eleven hours twenty minutes
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