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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Hey, happy birthday, hope you have fun and stuff.
  2. My condolences go out to the family; Reuben had a wonderful musical talent and I enjoyed the music that he had posted on this site. Reuben and his family will be in my prayers.
  3. So I've been searching the official xbox forums and support site, but I can't seem to find anything, thought one of you might know. I also called tech support awhile back but kept getting foreign guys who didn't understand what i was asking to do. I did something sort of dumb, and I'm hoping there's a way to fix it (hopefully without having to pay to do it)...I signed up online (as in on a computer, not on the xbox) for an xbox account. I did this because my college blocks xbox live, and I was hoping I might be able to access marketplace on the website and somehow download stuff and burn it to a cd and transfer it to my xbox. Yeah, you can't do that. I took my xbox hard drive to a friend's house who has the internet hooked up to his xbox and I attempted to recover the gamer tag. I was able to get the gamertag, but I could not do it while signed in on the xbox. This created TWO accounts on my xbox with the same name instead of one; the live account and the account where all my gamerpoints are. Does anyone know how to link the two accounts so that I don't lose all of my gamerpoints? And maybe not have to pay money to do this? That would be great. Thanks
  4. Well I've been avoiding that because it takes forever, but it might be my only option left I think. Thanks for your advice!
  5. Yeah, I searched my entire computer, it doesn't save the files anywhere. I did the repair permissions thing but it didn't do anything. basically what happens is i type in the file name, hit save, and the box goes away, but it doesn't actually save. It also won't load previously saved music either.
  6. I have Sibelius 5, running on a mac OSX. The save has been working fine up until recently. When I try to save something, I get to the save screen and make sure it has the .sib extension and hit save. I look in the folder and it's not there. The auto save is working fine, but when I try to do "save as" it doesn't work. Same goes for export; I can't export anything as midi, etc. It's really strange because it was working fine for quite awhile and it just won't save things anymore. It's a registered copy of Sibelius, not a trial. Pleaaaase help!
  7. I love disney movies...i wanna seeee this!
  8. I don't have live (my university is run by assholes and blocks all internet gaming type things), but that doesn't stop me... I just go find someone with xbox live and stick my harddrive in and you know, steal their internet a little so I can download all the free stuff.
  9. Happy Cyber Monday.
  10. Preeeeety keyboard...it is mine now...I got it for 70 bucks, down from 100. Completely compatible with logic too...yayyy! I'm going to have fun with this.
  11. I reallllly like this, although you do stick pretty close to the main theme once the guitar kicks in. A little more variation on the melody wouldn't hurt. really sweet, can't wait to hear the finished version.
  12. Happy thanksgiving everyone... So me and my dad have a bet for ten bucks on how long it takes my aunt to get drunk. Last year it was only 4 before she semi-passed out. I totally won...let's hope the streak continues. Sigh. My family is fucking dysfunctional.
  13. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/11/21/rock-the-halo-theme-free-for-guitar-hero-3-tomorrow/ AHHH! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. Fangirl dance.
  14. So myself, Cerrax, and my roommate just got played rockband for about five hours straight. Not only that, but since I have access to the AV system and projector in Duquesne University's Recital hall, we played it on the biggest fucking screen in the world. It was KICK ASS. The only problem we really had was the lag, but other than that it was really cool. I'm somewhat disappointed with the song selection on Rock band...well mainly because I don't know most of them, but I hope they add more recognizable songs in the future.
  15. He beat it on expert? Pretty awesome.
  16. Well once you get past the intro its not bad. However, the part with the three solos in a row gives me some issues. Also, the other song that is currently driving me to insanity is Raining Blood. It's the only song I have left on expert, and I can't get more than about 40% of the way through it. Grr.
  17. This is the farthest I've ever gotten...and probably ever will get.
  18. I tried this with a wireless PS2, and also with my wired one with a usb connecter. unfortunately it doesn't work. i wish it did.
  19. It was a plug-in from facebook, Qloud which is not compatible with Leopard. Apparently several other people with it had the same problem. Yeah it's from the Shivering Isles...Sheogorath is pretty much the most awesome character in Oblivion...
  20. THANK YOU SO MUCH. that fixed it completely. seriously, i went like five days without music, it was hell.
  21. Ever since I installed Leopard on my Mac, itunes will not open. I get the following error message: "The application iTunes quit unexpectedly. The problem may have been caused by the iTunesX Visualizer plug-in" I have completely delted iTunes and reinstalled it, however I still get this message. Any ideas?
  22. pirate wench. yay.
  23. Theme from Superman is the main one, but every once in awhile I'll switch it to Jordan by Bucket head...
  24. No it's not too early. I already bought my pirate wench costume. Fuck. yes.
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