I don't think this is really a huge deal (or if it was like this before and I just didn't notice), but there are three of the same smilies to choose from...the shocked one. and and
But everything else looks pretty cool!
"Wonderful! Time for a celebration! Cheese for everyone! Wait...scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration if you don't like cheese. True?" --Sheogorath from Oblivion
And of course anything that GLaDOS says is amazing but here's one of my favorites:
"Didn't we have some fun though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like (deep male voice) 'NO WAY!' (Normal voice) and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great!" --GLaDOS