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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. I'm gonna try and make it this week on Thursday...sounds fun!
  2. AHH! Awesome, thanks Jay! Edit: psssst...pixietricks...whatever happened to those pool pictures? I really want to see that triforce one!
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. I'm not sure actually...


  5. I don't think this is really a huge deal (or if it was like this before and I just didn't notice), but there are three of the same smilies to choose from...the shocked one. and and But everything else looks pretty cool!
  6. LOOK, now I can bug you over OCR too!!!


  7. Don't forget the lonely ladies!
  8. Awww, I missed it. Well, happy birthday anyways!
  9. Happy Birthday Fusion2004!
  10. Not doing it to me...I don't know what to tell you. :/
  11. I thought the same exact thing. The graphics are pretty amazing though.
  12. Mmmmmmm, carcass.
  13. Male...female....what's the difference? Power is beautiful and I've got power!!!
  14. "Wonderful! Time for a celebration! Cheese for everyone! Wait...scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration if you don't like cheese. True?" --Sheogorath from Oblivion And of course anything that GLaDOS says is amazing but here's one of my favorites: "Didn't we have some fun though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like (deep male voice) 'NO WAY!' (Normal voice) and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great!" --GLaDOS
  15. This reminded me of the movie Amadeus which is painfully inaccurate. And Salieri was a bitter old as of a man who nobody liked in that movie.
  16. Mozart was freaking awesome. Happy Birthday!
  17. Yay Happy Birthday Pongball!
  18. That nice birthday picture always cracks me up. Happy birthday DA!
  19. I doodled some Kirby's in my notebook last night during my sociology class. I'll have to scan them later.
  20. And I'm still waiting for the Jamspace vidjas. I wanna use some of it for my Computers For Musicians II class. (It's a joke.)
  21. WANT. (10 char)
  22. My attempt at a Yahtzee Kirby.
  23. I put some pictures up on facebook from MAGfest. Mostly of Jamspace. More here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2071327&l=f0e33&id=35105109
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