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Power Smoothie

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Everything posted by Power Smoothie

  1. Yeah, I payed something like £9 to go and see it in 3d - usually it's more like 6 or 7. Not that it wasn't worth it, but still... I think I remember reading that, inflation-adjusted, it still has a long way to go to beat Gone With the Wind.
  2. I Saw Your Ship, and Nouvelle Rouvenor Hero, which I'm trying to work together into a trance remix. It's not going all that well
  3. I was wondering how long it would be until someone did an Eve Online remix. And it's my third-favourite song from the soundtrack! ^-^ Nice.
  4. This has been nagging at me for a while now, so I might as well throw this one out there: is Prometheus' track at all inspired by Daft Punk's "Digital Love" from the Discovery album? ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVP7N9_Q6hs ) I can see a stylistic similarity between the two tracks, not to mention the title, and the resemblance in the opening sweeps followed by the bass and drum line... Perhaps I'm reading a bit too far into it, but it'd be interesting if anyone else had spotted this. In any case, it's a fantastic track on a fantastic album
  5. PC vs 360 cross-platform multiplayer was included on a couple of games for windows live games, but although it's possible to be implemented, it mostly hasn't even been touched. It's a shame, really.
  6. DU and Harmony collab-ing on Star Light Zone? JIMP
  7. I'd like to suggest "Can the judges BBQ" as a name for this.
  8. When I read the announcement, I was PRAYING for this to be an OA track. Summer is here at last!
  9. Wow, this is great. The instrumentation in the second half kind of reminds me of Múm's album Please Smile My Noise Bleed, which is great. Love to see this submitted.
  10. Been a fan of mr trzasja for a good while now. This thread reminded me to buy coloris with my leftover bux on itunes supersonic is my favourite she track <3
  11. Nu Foundation's only been active in the early 00s onwards, as far as I'm aware. Nu Foundation could have ripped off the 1992 theme, I guess.
  12. This could have been mentioned before, but the first time I heard Wizzy by Nu Foundation ( ) my immediate thought was "robotnik's theme!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnPgETMe69gI don't suspect plagiarism, but you have to wonder...
  13. This is a brilliant idea. I'm tempted to try this with ymVST for some retro stuff, actually. I haven't ever used FreeAlpha before, but I'm game to give it a go.
  14. I'm loving this track. What are the effects on the vocals? So many memories <3
  15. Bit of bitpop/gamewave/chiptune coming your way Breakbeat Heartbeat (lovely chiptune-influenced electronica and all-round great guy): http://www.myspace.com/breakbeatheartbeat sheMUSIC (actually, this guy might be quite popular but c'est la vie...): http://www.shemusic.org/ Unicorn Kid (you gotta check him out. i've been a fan of his for years): http://www.myspace.com/unicornkid
  16. I really like this. I think you've really captured the song's feel. I think perhaps you might want to bring in something subtle before 0:41 just to fill things up a bit more. Nice!
  17. This is intriguing I may well turn up for this
  18. The link won't work That's a shame. I love Ape Escape ^^
  19. Filled it in More than anything it made me realise I spend quite a bit less time playing games than I used to.
  20. So uh, i should leave the old group and join the new one? That's what I did. Oh, and what's the deal with the 2 TF2 nights? Someone fill me in? :3
  21. Well, I took a break for a week or so, but I'm getting back on track now, despite completely fucking up the career funnel by alienating the business tutorial agent. Go figure Incidentally, has anyone seen the Clear Skies series? It has some of the finest attention to detail I've ever seen in a fan movie.
  22. While I haven't got working paypal at the moment, you can bet I'll be chipping in as soon as I'm sorted OCR is what got me into music production. I sure as hell owe you one.
  23. Awesome. I'll check it out next time I go online^^
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