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Everything posted by Red9

  1. Seaman so aggravating
  2. okqay..i'll post again yay

  3. Magic Summer Night - Cascada
  4. Talking to Myself - Strung Out
  5. yeah...yeah...dammit:oops: So anyone else get a stiff one after readin the thread title?
  6. Lordi! HEXEN could make a comeback kiddies....I like this combo
  7. Portable Ops (and PO Plus)....are....fun....but no story at all.....its the core gameplay with out the cutscenes, both AC!D's are also fun if you like card games mixed with final fantasy tactics. The story is more of an side story spin off than what would be considered "canon"
  8. I would say twin snakes wraps MGS2 visuals and controls around MGS1 amirite? (never played twin snakes so I don't know)
  9. so is anyone still watching the countdown? I get so confused everytime It finishes and goes to the next one
  10. i was thinking more along the lines of between 2 and 4
  11. I gotta agree Rel.....ZOE3. excitement!
  12. So in keeping up with the timer...turns out it's not a "5", but an "S." The recent timer for today was am "E"
  13. It's a sequel (or prequel) to MGS3...I'm callin' it...right now:!:
  14. Im very rusty but Ima try a new "medic" auradin I was readin about...be up in say a week or so Red9 as usual
  15. More political if you ask me...you can't have a pure conservative or pure liberal government as one becomes too restrictive and the other leads to general anarchy. Sorry bout the potenially offtopic of this post:tomatoface:
  16. Viruses from a specific franchise comes to mind...
  17. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide, and then with warm apple cider vinegar . Helps when I get sore throat or Strep...usually cuts recovery down to 2-3 days tops, also "Fisherman's Friend" lozenges really soothe the throat...and are rather potent.
  18. That could kill a whole lot of websites in a hurry.
  19. don't sweat it man

  20. Colorado Sunrise - 3OH!3 Other than the mainstream song, the whole album is worth a buy
  21. http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html What I use personally, works well. <.< >.> ...damn...
  22. Gun Street Girl - Tom Waits....good chill out music
  23. That's all slots and crane games.
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