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Everything posted by Red9

  1. Don't lie to me...that's a movie. I actually haven't seen any arcades here in Misawa...:{
  2. Bless my soul, your right! Couldn't find the original this will have to do
  3. In general I'm not a fan of any nintendo games, with the exception of the megaman series. I find Zelda repetitive and mundane, metroid is the same but you can jump now. Mario....meh Sega was alright. Nothing special but alright. Sony gave me some hope, and when the PS2...PS3 came out I pretty much become just a hair under fanboyism for Sony. I'm angry at them right now for the lack of testis with regards to Fallout 3 DLC, and a piss poor games selection. PSP hasn't failed me yet. Never got into gameboy (DS as well) just because when I bought one my sisters stole it and I got about 3 hours total play time on that thing. Beaten every FF upto 12. (I don't have 13 yet) Beat all the sonics, everything valve has ever created, and all the metal gear and metal slug games. Finally beat SSF2HDR with Guile on easy for the 1ST TIME with any character EVAR! Castlevania has been my whipping boy on every system I owned. Star Ocean Series is the all time favorite series of games...I just sad that 4 is 360 only for now. XP Contra will forever be my hatred. Fuck that game:!: P.S. I have violated all of those commandments, except for action replay IDK what that is.
  4. I'll try something out and PM later in the week...
  5. But tickets are sold as an understood one-time use item though.
  6. I like the start-up, but after .40 I get bored and travel to other threads. I guess what i'm saying would be some volume and sounds dynamics along the lines, even a slowdown of the tempo especially during the piano segment. Sounds very good aside from that. Definitely like it.
  7. You can't download a car duh. But when you sell/transfer the car/game you lose the rights to it without permission of the owner and any retained copies of the game that weren't paid for are now illegal. Amirite?
  8. We all gotta start somewhere, keepin pirating music and see where it leads...
  9. Is there a link to this?
  10. In the States it's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_infringement, and more precisely this is the result : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NET_Act Do we still do it? Of course we will.... However I agree with linkspast on tv shows.....
  11. Gonna go ahead and say (in a good way) the album put me to sleep....after the fourth time listening through it. Worth the wait unlike Too Human... Great Job guys
  12. That would be an epic thread I dare say.....like, like, like..two deathstar rays firing simultaneously at each other...at close proximity I can see it now....the day PPR got nuked.....
  13. that sounds like a thread for wacky, AD, PP and zircon to decide upon.....
  14. Relevence is? Bah whatever I'm overreacting.
  15. BigShellWestBristol - Bencousins I've been listening to this song for about 4 days straight now.....awesome
  16. I read the book a few years ago in high school cuz it looked interesting and was the only comic book at the library. Usually when I see movies coming out for something i like I just sigh and go "lets see how they mess this stuff up." But from how you guys all react I can't wait til it comes overseas so I can see it....in about a month. and I was like, "Oh yeah." Meaning what?
  17. Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Mr.T and Chuck Norris combined into cartridge form
  18. AAAGGGHHH! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN! You could try a rediculously(sp?) lousy game and play it with you feet. Did anyone mention Dead Space yet?
  19. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/casualness
  20. you still looking to buy MTG cards?

  21. see avatar for response
  22. hey what do you know about the Punk Spring concert in tokyo around mid april? on topic: How close in game play are tales games to star ocean? I only played the star ocean games...
  23. it's in aomori (sp?) the north end of honshu on the southeast corner of the big lake.....about an hour east of aomori city. We should man it'd be freakin sweet:nicework:
  24. :nicework:hi everybody I'm Deathtank:< I think all of you suck, I'm so glad I gave up impersonating malcos8-O This guy is more fun to be:|my avatar is wearing a pair of briefs on his head
  25. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION As long as I can recognize what song is being arranged within the work original work is o'tay. This reminds me of The Black Mages almost based on the sound set. PRODUCTION Loud=gud There is something captivating in this mix that forced me to bob my head. I don't know what it was but I just got sucked into bobbin at about 1:03ish, I Like. PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) The guitar towards the end keeps pace but sounds off by just a hair, but i didn't really think so til I listened to it about 6 more times so mebbe it's me. STRUCTURE I wouldn't mind perhaps a hint of choir mixed around or injected in magus theme areas. PERSONAL COMMENTS I blared this in my car and pissed off the cops. Well Done:nicework:
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