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Everything posted by Jaybell

  1. The stage select seems to be showing a new Game and Watch stage. Does anyone know what this new fangled stage is like? Or is it just another flat zone?
  2. Hooray, I found a youtube video of my request! (That being Phoenix Wright: Objection.) It starts at around 1:25 ish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMjIDiUKuf4&feature=related I edited my other post with this new fangled information. Also, what makes a challenge "challenging" (blue)? Is it just that there was no midi given?
  3. Why hello there mister remix suggestion! How is it going today. Game: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) Song: Objection! Midi: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/ds/PWAA_-_Objection.mid Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMjIDiUKuf4&feature=related Starts at around 1:25
  4. I read this as dragon-fornication. I do have to kind of agree with Taucer, though. Melee's was beaaaautiful. But still, this version is good too! I have no real major "oh god what did they do to the song" problems. The whole soundtrack is awesome. Especially FINAL DESTINATION. Also has anyone found any footage of the Mushroomy Kingdom? No one seems to play on this stage, at all.
  5. The only thing that is disappointing is that clones still exist, but that is absolutely it and I can deal with it. Well, that and online mode, but I kind of expected online mode to be neutered all over the place, so it's not really a disappointment. This game is going to be awesome. Also STICKERBRUSH DANG SYMPHONY (sse spoilers, I guess)
  6. Woah the wav is stupid huge. Wow. Heh. Sorry about that...I turned it into an mp3, the link is updated in the first post.
  7. So I was messing around in ModPlug to prepare for the Freshly Baked thingy, and I made thirty seconds of the Mining song from DKC2. Over here. At first I wasn't gonna really make anything, but now I really wanna finish this. Thoughtses?
  8. Good lord this is amazing. Another Soundscape is now one of my new favorite remixers. I can't not smile while listening to this song. Also, tee heeEdit: I seriously can't stop listening to this song. Edit Edit: YEAAAAH BEHBEH
  9. You know what? I'm gonna fail horribly, but I've been needing an excuse to try remixing again and to not give up halfway through. Sign me the gosh darn heck up. oh god what have i done
  10. You make good music. Keep doing that! Happy birthday!
  11. I'm torn. On the one hand, it's a Sonic RPG. On the other, it's Bioware.
  12. I still can't believe Espergirl got rejected. Awesome stuff, as always.
  13. I really like Red Tailed Fox's music. It's always quite a bit of groovy. This piece, though not my favorite remix of his, is still awesomazing. Also I always end up humming along with the intro. It's just so catchytastic!
  14. This. There were genres I didn't even know about before OCR came along.
  15. What Castlevania game is that from at the end there? That was awesome.
  16. Something from Hotel Dusk, perhaps? There are a bunch of things that would be great as monologues. Although some of them are pretty long.
  17. Holy shit this is awesome. I'm only about 2/3 into it but daaamn. Improvised? Sweet holy mother of awesome. Shnabubula, you are the MAN and this is evidence of that. If you were ever found guilty of not being the MAN the charges would be dropped if this video were to be presented.
  18. So good so good so good! One of the best off of VoTL, partly because of how it manages to go places with about ten seconds of source. I love remixes of short sources, because it forces the remixer to interpret them to make them interesting.
  19. I would imagine. I'm not a hundred percent sure on OCR's policy when it comes to these kinds of songs, but I imagine that it'd be fair game. I would hope so, too, because the Hidden Palace zone music kicks ass. I think there was one made for Hedgehog Heaven? I'm not sure.
  20. I know no one listens to these songs and actually considers making a remix out of them as a result, but still, I figured it was worth a shot to bump this post.
  21. Hotel Dusk Hotel Dusk Hotel Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuusk. Such a good game! I made and submitted a remix of Secrets, but it kind of ended up getting rejected because... well, it wasn't that great. (Wouldn't be surprised if it was the "response" you saw.) I'd still like to tackle this soundtrack though, someday! Or, you know, someone else with more experience could. >_> (Personally, I quite enjoy Dead Stare. Especially in the context of the game. And also The Last Sleep, as you said up there.)
  22. THE CLOUDS KILL YOU WHAT IS THAT I beat this game, but I had to look up two things. One being killing the robot with the shell, and the other being getting the melon. They are just ridiculously absurd and if you figured those out on your own you are a danger to those around you.
  23. It's half an hour until 2008 and I'm posting on the internet. Awesome.
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