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Everything posted by Jaybell

  1. That mallet box/music box/xylophone/whatever it is sounds really, really fake. BUT APART FROM THAT, this remix is masterfully atmospheric. It's just so engrossing, and it takes me on a journey every time I listen to it, as cheesy as that sounds.. The mallet box gets in the way a little, but overall, it's not enough to detract from the overall piece.
  2. This is crazy awesome. It works so well that it blows my mind? I can't concentrate on constructive criticism because I AM TOO JAZZED UP by this song. Which is good! Shnabubula is the piano god of pianos.
  3. I don't know why this song puts me in the christmas spirit, but it does. Maybe it's just because it puts a smile on my face because it's so heartwarming?
  4. But your body would end up rejecting the best ones.
  5. Donkey Kong 64 was the first Nintendo game with spoken naughty words. Chunky kong is, indeed, one hell of a guy.
  6. I was trying to play some music on Winamp, and all of a sudden I got a guru meditation error thing and Winamp closed. I couldn't do anything, so I tried uninstalling Chipamp and all of a sudden, Winamp was working again. When I reinstalled Chipamp, Winamp crapped out again. So what's the deal?
  7. What, no, there's been a miscommunication. I'm just...shocked that someone as new as you could make something this...this... Words can't describe this. I'm crying from how beautiful this is.
  8. Mazedude is the best remixer ever.
  9. Oh boy I loves me some industrial and this is some damn fine industrial. The drums are crazy awesome! I love this love this love this.
  10. THIS is the COOLEST DAMN INTRO TO ANYTHING EVER. I put this on my mp3 player based SOLELY on the intro. The rest of the song is badass too, but nothing, and I MEAN NOTHING can best the intro. It's so dang cool. I agree with what OA said up thar: Cool and Calculated.
  11. Went back and played Hotel Dusk again, second playthrough, and got the secret ending. I forgot how wrapped up I got in the story. I was just playing it to kill time and I ended up getting re-addicted to it. There's a LOT of talking. A loooooooot of talking. Probably more than half the game is reading through text. But it's OKAY because said text is the text to an incredibly intriguing story, and one of the best I've seen in a video game. Still, it gets annoying when you want to go do something else and the characters won't shut up... BUT STILL. Hotel Dusk is greatness. If you haven't already, PLAY IT. Get ready for a looot of text, though.
  12. I think this is my favorite zircon remix thus far (although A Nightmare Before Kefka and Monstrous Turtles! come close. Oh and some of the VoTL stuff, too.) The blend of orchestra and electronica is seamless. SEAMLESS I say! I can't really explain why this mix is my favorite; it just kinda IS. The transition into the trial theme coulda been a bit smoother, but that is about all I can say wrong about this mix. This mix never seems to get old no matter how many times I listen to it. I do not know why, but WHATEVER, if it means I get to listen to this mix more, then OKAY.
  13. Yeah, this is groovy. I likes it. The crunchy drums make it seventy times cooler. Groovy and industrial are not things I think would go together but here they are and here it is awesome.
  14. Oh hey, it's Mazedude, and he's awesome again. What's up with that? How is every mix he makes so awesome? I do not know. Anyways, this is classic Mazedude right here. We've got crazy drums, trackery synths, wierd sounds, all coming together to make this song. It's a little on the short side, but this is forgiveable because IT IS MAZEDUDE for gosh sake! If you haven't heard Bound together yet, what the hell? Download it download it. It was awesome when it was released and it's still awesome now. Awesome.
  15. The new, bitchin' Mazedude remix doesn't have a review thread. This makes me sad, as I have nowhere to talk about how awesome it is.
  16. Woaaah holy queue-rape. You guys have less than ten remixes left! Holy dang.
  17. When I heard Reuben died, I realized that I hadn't actually listened to his remixes. So I downloaded them all, sat down, and listened for about thirty odd minutes. Ascension to Cosmo Canyon almost made me cry. RIP Reuben.
  18. This is still the coolest music arrangement I've seen on the site so far, and it's probably one of the best updates I've seen in a good long while.
  19. In the new-fangled re-released Bound Together, there's a threed remix by Cromkayer called The Third String. Other than that, I think it appeared at some point in virt's Get on the Bus, but then again, so did every song ever.
  20. This is improvised? This? Improvised? This? How? How does this? How does this happen? Holy shit. Seriously this was improvised? What? This is Wow. There's not a lot that can be said. Just wow. I love this song so much.
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