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Everything posted by Jaybell

  1. CHILDREN OF THE MONKEY MACHINE!!!1 Didn't think I'd see you back on the remixing saddle! This is sexy. I have a thing for ambient distortion, so this is a million kinds of awesome. Yay!
  2. Hahahaha! This is great. Edit: No Mining Melancholy? D:
  3. Played it at a friend's house and holy balls. Kirby's running attack is a breakdance, and that was enough to excite me for ten minutes. Imagine when I actually get the dang game.
  4. I kind of wish Brawl wasn't as popular as it was because then all of you jerks wouldn't have bought all the copies leaving none for me. D:
  5. Waaahgh! I was busy all of the last week and now I have like six days! And I have a bunch of things to do, too. Whatever! I will try to get a thing in time! It will be okay, probably! But I can't promise it'll be super long and amazing. Hoo boy.
  6. Some songs really surprise me with how well they fit. Especially Shnabubula's Sugar, Water, Purple. This is a fantastic game.
  7. Choppastyle has no right to be as crazy as it is.
  8. They nerfed Rest? D: That was like the only thing I was even remotely good at with Jiggs, was rest-ing people out of nowhere.
  9. SPACEPORT ALPHA YESSSssss You know what, I didn't really care a whole lot for Diddy Kong Racing and it's jump through fifty billion hoops system, but DAMN it had some awesome music.
  10. You forgot Search Core 2002 or whatever (when you find out THE TRUTH in Case 4 from JFA.) And Maya's theme. And the Reminiscence themes. And so many other awesome ones. Oh god we seriously need a phoenix wright project.
  11. I don't think I've ever played a serious game in my life. I've always liked Poke Floats, Brinstar Depths, Big Blue, Rainbow Ride, and all them ZANY stages. Of course, there's a difference between fun and annoying (see Icicle Mountain, Flat Zone). I'm worried more stages will fall into the latter category.
  12. Okay, so I've been watching a whole ton of Brawl videos on Youtube and pretty much every stage looks awesome. Are there any stages that are anything less than awesome? My hopes need a good dashing.
  13. Awesome. Now whenever I download something I have to remember to ask for it with.
  14. Huh, so it does. Whoops. The problem with me is that I'll somehow pull off filling the bucket, and then I screw up the actual attack somehow. Please elaborate, I'd like to hear a differing viewpoint on this.
  15. Yay! This makes me happy. When it first was shown at the dojo I was psyched all over the place, and then I got worried they'd screw it up. Also, unrelated to this, but I was just playing as G&W in Melee and I realized that never, not once, have I ever seen his down-b used successfully in a match. Has anyone else ever had any success with this move? Often times I end up forgetting about it, mostly, but once I did manage to fill the bucket before dying finally.
  16. The warioware stage looks like it would be fun the first time you play, and then after that it looks like you would have to focus too much on the microgames and not enough on the fighting. Confirm/deny?
  17. That would actually be awesome if you did that, but, darker/evil-er. The bright orange-ey-ness of it fits Larry like a glove, but not so much with Engarde?
  18. Alrighty! Suggestion-time? You guys are crazy talented, so I guess this is the place to go for sigs that do not suck? I just finished Phoenix Wright 2, and it was not that great except for the last case which was goddamn amazing. Because I didn't think Engarde was actually an evil man, and then he was, and it was cuh-razy, I tells ya. So my request is that it uses the "zoMG EVUL SIDE" sprites of Matt Engarde. Here's one. Is there anything else I need in this request thingy? Um.
  19. I liked Big Blue. D: But maybe that's because I don't play competitively at all.
  20. Oh god, why would you fadeout? =/ Other than that, this mix is typical zircon electronica sex, with phat beats, interpretation all over the place, random orchestral elements, all coming together in one cohesive package of grooviness. Also I love that lead synth.
  21. I have no idea how a non-gamer would feel about this presentation, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I love a game with a good and gripping story (see: Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright), so for me, stories in games are crucial-ish. Good jorb.
  22. Man, I'm still trying to come up with ideas and stuff! You are clearly Mazedude in disguise. Unless it sucks.
  23. Hahhahahaha! I got an Earthbound song! Awesome! Problem is I don't exactly know what one it is. Let's check out SNES music! If I remember correctly it is one of the ending songs. Oh hmm? So it's basically a super sexy dramatic remix of the sound stone song? Okay then. I was hoping for something a bit more obscure, but this I can take. There is a lot to work with in this! It's kind of intimidating because the source is so lovely but a challenge is always fun. I accept this challenge! This is gonna be awesome. edit: ah miss ya
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