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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. I pretty much only listen to the remixes that are Metal or Piano solo, save for the occasional gem from an outside genre.
  2. SnappleMan inspired me to learn to produce/remix in general.
  3. ...wow really? Okay forget anything I said then.
  4. this song is about #ocremix.

  5. I'm just gonna say to those who are disappointed with/complaining about the story: You're playing a Team Ninja game, what did you expect? Gameplay > everything with them. I never had high hopes for the story and expected the gameplay to be awesome. (I was totally right) But yeah the story pretty damn weird.
  6. So yeah my original entry is nothing but a giant noobfest and it sounds awful. Will redo when I have the time.
  7. This thread was totally made for me just to post in it. Anyway, I'm severely worried about DT's future. Sure, there's plenty of good drummers, but will any of them have the same musical impact that Portnoy himself had? I wonder. Also Tensei's comic pretty much summed up my reaction, except it was on facebook I found out.
  8. Writing solos for folks is fun, but I don't have the time for music at all lately. Oh well.
  9. Did someone say progressive metal? I'm in~! :3
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