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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. Yeah, it doesn't take long for it to weigh on you. :(

  2. Got this in the mail today. This is pretty much the greatest culmination of remixing talent I've ever heard, i.e. the best remix album. Gets 5 out of 5 spread shot power-ups from me. Buy this, like, now.
  3. I master at -1 db, to be fair. I have considered jacking it up though.
  4. Huh, come to think of it I've had the same save file on OoT for almost 10 years.
  5. hey guys lets master our music at 0 db lol
  6. Ha, I used to accidentally erase my dad's Super Punch Out!! data all the time as a kid, come to think of it.
  7. Pretty much every single time I come so so close to completing a particular stage/task and fail. Only game I can think of off the top of my head that had a lot of this was GTA: Vice City.
  8. Ah, DarkSide is here, I too am familiar with his Newgrounds work. He's also an admin for the audio portal there if I am not mistaken. Welcome!
  9. I don't mean composition wise, it's just that they have the exact same style to them. Dust Man's had a bit more energy, but they have that same feel.
  10. This is turning into the Sonic 4 thread all over again.
  12. Beat the game today. Fucking great. Wily 2 is probably my fave song...maybe. Nitro Man is good too. Rrrrg, pretty much the whole thing is great. EDIT: Also does anyone else think Pump Man's music is a lot like Dust Man's?
  13. Zyko's trying to distract us, I say HE is GrayLightning.
  14. Prophet speaks from experience.
  15. Back on the subject of Wily stage music, I really like .
  16. Vig is obviously GrayLightning.
  17. Prog music in general has that effect. I thought Dream Theater was lame for like 6 months.
  18. Up to Wily 2. Taking a break for now. Wily 2's music might be the best one I've heard so far. I've enjoyed most/all of the songs I've heard. Pump Man's music is like Dust Man part 2. Y'know, based off what I've seen from people, they either LOVE or HATE the soundtrack. I guess it's the strict purists who hate the music or something. EDIT: Actually, you know what? It's totally because this whole soundtrack is really progressive rock/metal unlike the other ones, which are in-your-face power metal. Personally, I prefer the prog style... I should so do one of these songs for Dwelling of Duels.
  19. Bought Mega Man 10 today. Have beaten Commando Man and Blade Man, working on Strike Man. Music is fucking awesome, Arek was right about the Mega Man 4 thing. Also I like his taste in Mega Man music from looking at his post.
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