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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. Sure? Because I wanted to add some references to the FF1 and FF3 remixes, so it would have been a perfect trilogy. :)

  2. Thanks a bunch, you rock! :)

  3. Thanks a lot for the Vampire Variations covering on the OCR front page on Halloween. I really appreciated it. Keep on doing good stuff!

  4. Thanks for the friend invitation, Stevo! Be sure to be at the viewing party of OCRMV 4, you may have a cool surprise! :wink:

  5. Thanks for the friend request! :) I hope to see a release date for SoS soon!

  6. Thanks for the interest in my guide. I'll send you a link as soon as it's completed. :)

  7. Thanks for the mini-review on my Wily/Crash Man remix. :)

  8. Thanks for the offer, I'll consider it! I just want to see if any new talent may want to join in the fun. :wink: (However, I'm all in for it, especially the mastering tips :P)

  9. Thanks for the sig, I really like it! :) Also, I think we also seen each other on the FF Shrine and The Shizz forums! :D

  10. Thanks, Brandon! And yes, I am. What do you have in mind? :lol:

  11. Thanks, Matt! Going to post my picks right now. :)

  12. Thanks! Awesome track, great job! ;)

  13. Thanks. I also entered it thinking I wouldn't win anything but I wanted to improve my skills, like several others. I still have not listened to this round's entries though.

  14. That would be awesome! xD

  15. This bio is good, haha. If you want to change it, drop me a PM. :wink:

  16. This sounds good so far! Just send me the melody for the Latin prayer when it's done, and I'll write down some Latin text! :excited:

  17. Trailer is going quite well. I'll try to continue working on it today. :)

  18. Two trailers for VV2 -- if you want ads for KNGI, that's the right time! :)

  19. VV3 Deadline: June 1st -- get crackin'!

  20. VV3 Final Deadline: July 1st -- let's do it!!

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