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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. With everything on ocr being video game music arrangements, you'll need more than just the remixer's permission to use their remixes in your work. You'll need the originals' copyright holders' permission as well. ie, the company that made the game have to let you use the remixes. Non-profit is probably fair-use, but anything commercial will likely get CnD'd. (edit: whatever, I got ninja'd by zircon. content policy. read.) On the other hand, many remixers here (myself included) are also composers and do original works and soundtracks. You can recruit a composer for your game via the recruit/collab board here. That means you get whatever music deal you agree on with the composer.
  2. No, FL can do a lot more than techno. Ultimately, it's not the program you use but the sounds you can make that matters. Maybe you'll need some samples from somewhere, maybe you'll need some new synth plugins, maybe you'll need to record something real to make the kind of music you want to make. FL can still handle it. Best advice I can give is to learn to listen, and to have fun while you're making stuff. Come hang out at the works in progress boards, review wips, posted mixes, and compare your own works to the music you listen to. Over time, you'll get more critical about your own works, and in the process make better music simply by being more discerning when you write and mix. Remember: Have fun.
  3. There's still time. Lemme hear your work (send via pm or email or something, not publically). We've got supposed newbs on the project and they've done all right. Maybe you will too.
  4. Thanks everyone. I'm gone for half a week and this is what I see when I come back. I had a feeling this track was gonna get posted soon, juxtaposed with the current season. It's a winter track, and I don't think djp would wait until winter to post it, so... Again, a big breakdown in the middle of the track. Yeah, ppl love it, which is awesome , but am I becoming predictable? (I miss the judges' comments. must make crappier music, or heavily interpreted stuff they must panel just to sort out source use... and then they ask me anyway.) Hey maybe this mix can get ppl excited about the sd3 project and FINISHING THEIR MIXES FOR IT!!
  5. Okay, I'm back from my vacation outside of civilization. How about you? Also, we got a new mixer on. More details later.
  6. I can't paint, but if I see a pic I like, I can often figure out what I like about it. The color, the shapes, the constrast, some interpretation of what it means. "That thing in the corner that looks like the moon looks kind'a like an eye too, like someone's watching. Cool how the moonbeams illuminate all the ppl in the pic. And nice house designs in the right-hand background." Still can't paint. I know I often look at my review threads (and got a kick out of getting my winter mix posted and having a long review thread now that I got home from camps ) and it's always cool to see how something I did affected ppl. What they like the most, what it makes them think of, what visuals they imagine when they hear it, how some instrument or melody or rhythm or something gets them feeling a certain way. Just say what you like about it in whatever words (musical or not) you've got to describe what you hear or feel. Also, awesome first post.
  7. There's a lot that goes into making drums sound real. The samples you use, how you sequence them, how you mix them, what effects you use... Hard to say what you're doing wrong without an example. It would also help to know whether you're trying to make them sound real and recorded or just trying to make a cool beat. You'd use somewhat different techniques for those.
  8. u stoles me avater u bustard The original melody starting at 1:28 clashes at 1:40, 1:48, 1:55... and more. Careful about what notes fit with what chords. It fits well, rhythmically and sonically, but needs to be edited to avoid clashing. The problem with Windmill remixes is that they end up in the same groove as the original, and it's hard to do variations of that. I turned mine into 4/4 for a reason. Yours kind'a hits a point around 0:35 where it stagnates and doesn't really go anywhere, just gets layers of stuff stacked on it. I think you need a different groove to build on if you're gonna keep the mix interesting. You wouldn't get far with this if you submitted it. Either the rejection letter or a quick trip to the panel for some nice feedback and quick NOs. You have a decent sound, a nice, consistent sound design, but the writing needs work. I'd hate to hear something like this said about my own work, but I think you'd be best off rewriting it completely. Keep the instruments, but rewrite the song. Sorry to be all negative like this.
  9. This, finished, would go on my ipod. Spakku, don't assume too much about other ppl's ipod preferences. I hear the occasional reference to Song of Healing but that's it. You're gonna have to make the source more clear if you want this on ocr. It's pretty promising, it's got a cool sound, and the frantic juxtaposed with the calm is a really cool idea. Finish it.
  10. 1. Guybrush Threepwood, mitey pirate™! 2. LeChuck 3. Master Chief Murray (monkey island) wasn't on the list. Then again, he's as fearsome as a doorstop.
  11. In the ES2 you can see the millisecond times of the envelopes. Attack 1ms, Decay 150-250ms, sustain less than 50%, and the release depends on the sound you want. You can give it a longer "tail" with reverb, or use release for the tail. if you know the envelope well enough, and how you can control the sound by controlling the filter and/or the volume you should have no problem customizing those settings to what you're looking for in the sound. Some pluck sounds are better done with FM synthesis, which is what the EFM1 does. Same envelope times tho.
  12. Progress. +1 wip. We may have to rename the project, certain prolific mixers, who shall go unmentioned in this post, have or are in the process of making crazy amounts of music. I may have mentioned some of them before. Keep it up guys, you're being awesome. Oh right, I was gonna post a public tracklist of what's completed so far and the status of the tracks and stuff. It's... uh, coming. I'm planning to do a preview track some time during summer, probably in early-mid July. WOuld be cool to have more completed tracks then. If you need a deadline for a wip/wav, consider July... 8th, that's a good date, July 8th is the new big date, if you need one.
  13. It's not rude if he means he's gonna learn to learn stuff himself and save the helpful ppl here for the tricky questions the manual, YouTube, and Google can't answer for him. He'll learn faster if he learns to learn stuff on his own, and the Workshop forums are there for when he hits the wall for real and not out of just not bothering to do some research himself. Good luck dude.
  14. Nope, tho it's not like you should make mistakes. I meant when you just stay on those alternating two notes of the backing with no melody. If you'd adapt the melody to be longer and fill out that area more it'd flow better. imo anyway.
  15. Should have seen what this is earlier. mandatory favorites topic lulz post, or fanboi/h8r/flame/youtube parody: no u guy's r wrong 7/8 SUXXXX 5/4 is teh r0xx0rz!!! all teh good songs r like 5/4 10/4 and n00bz like 7/4 u guy's r idots
  16. I'll second the complain about the drums, but my main concern is the snare. Needs to be bigger, also more human during the parts with lots of snare. Flams and ghost notes need to be softer. Arrangement is cool. Good choice for a game, it's one that I've been looking at lately to remix too... as if there wasn't already lots of Dave Wise mixes on this site.
  17. Gonna echo the Dude before me, you've got a pretty conservative remix here, but you're personalizing it well and should keep going in that direction. You don't necessarily have to stray far from the original progression, but you'd have to give it your own spin. Try to do that without forcing it, it's better to make a well-transitioning conservative mix than an ill-transitioning liberal one. Ideally it'd be a well-transitioning, creative take on the source. imo the problem with 2:27 and on is that you leave the track empty for too long when you break the rhythm. If you had something to fill that part up it wouldn't be as big a deal as it is now. Changing the rhythm doesn't bother me, it's the emptiness that does. It's a good start but this version isn't for ocremix. If you want it accepted to the site (aside from recording quality) you'd need a more distinct arrangement, methinks. if that's not your goal with this, never mind. Some of your pauses seema little long and break the rhythm, careful about that. Nice wip. Keep working on it.
  18. I used to play with time sigs a lot before. Great learning tool. As much as I like 5/4, I'd have to say triplets are my thing now. Might not count tho.
  19. Not sure why, but I noticed Halo's composers don't get the Marathon/Halo remixes listed on their pages. The sources still seem attributed correctly to Halo and the composers.
  20. Not to sound like a broken record, but I got a finished track today. Again.
  21. Finally. But that's besaid the point. I like this, smooth and relaxing. Had a bit of a Super Mario Galaxy sound to it, especially the intro. The 2:10 breakdown thing is really cool, some nice sample manipulation there, altho it might go on for a little too long and not really find the direction afterwards. Smooth ending, smooth intro, decent middle. Cool track, make more.
  22. Still not sure. If you must have it, fine :P, but there were other things in your wip I wanted you to fix too, so either way you're not done yet. We'll talk on AIM.

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