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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Transition after 1:20 was a bit weak and feels a arbitrary, needs fixing. Overall, this has promise, it's either a source fit for this style or well adapted - I'm too lazy to look up the source atm. Some of the instruments sound a bit too thin, a touch of filtered delays on the higher-range stuff would give them more atmosphere and body, while the lower range needs a bigger, badder kick. I suggest looking up something appropriately big and booming and combine that with what you've got (instead of replacing it). Has promise. Make awesome.
  2. Your sig is too big. An admin will remove it once they take note of it. You should make a smaller one, max 250 pixels high. We had this game when I was a kid. Been a while since I played/saw Lion King, what source is this? Decent sounding mix, at least on imac speakers (I miss my home setup). Would be better with more dynamics, sounds a bit too thick. Guitar is a little sloppy at times, a the lead's timing problems (esp around 2:00) are the ones that stand out ot me. Not sure I like the snare sound, it feels too much like a special sample and sounds the same over and over. Can't say about the interpretation, but it sounds cool. btw, if the source was written for the film it's not eligible for ocr.
  3. About time this supposed church got its ass handed to it. Down with this sort of thing.
  4. lol Also, probably gonna be moved to requests. Also, request seconded.
  5. Mixcraft is afaik basically GarageBand for Windows, which means it's limited but a great place to start and learn the tools so you don't get overwhelmed by the complexity of bigger DAWs. Tho you can get overwhelmed anyway, I was when I switched from GB to Logic, and they're even compatible with each other. But I don't need all the tools Logic comes with, and you won't need all the tools a bigger DAW comes with either. Not all of them, anyway. Dunno exactly about Mixcraft, but if its instruments and effects and capabilities are comparable to GB then you should do all right with it. Several tracks on ocr have been done in GB, Mixcraft is probably a capable enough DAW in capable enough hands. Ultimately, it's all about whether you can make good music in it. Learn it, and make good musics. That said, you'll probably want to expand your palette of instruments and effects sooner or later, so always be on the lookout for free stuff. There's lots and lots to choose from. Google is your friend. So are the threads around here. It's not about what you use, it's whether or not you can make good music with it. Keep that in mind before calling something ****, Adeseye.
  6. Haven't listened yet, so this isn't a review of the music. That might come later. But I have enjoyed reading comments both here and on youtube, and got some idea of the track from that and from reading the lyrics. There's some clever wording but much of the song is pretty distasteful. Brings to mind a comment in the judges' panel that BGC once made (albeit not about lyrics), and makes me wonder if there should be a set standard for lyrics. I mean, these lyrics might be fun if you're into this kind of lyrical content, but maybe BGC's suggestion would be fun too. In case you don't remember/read the Decisions: So yeah, not much of a review here. Maybe later.
  7. Thanks for contributing to this thread. How about you take your views to the reviews instead?
  8. So far so good. You still have a lot to learn, tho. Hang out here on the board, listen to other ppl's works, learn from their mistakes, learn to listen for the same problems in your own mixes. Also, listen to lots of music, well-mixed, well-performed, well-composed music, and compare that to your own. Listen to the stuff that gets posted on ocremix, cuz most of it is hobbyist stuff, so you know it's something you can do too if you learn the craft. Be on the lookout for new tools, new synths and effects, new samples, new things you can use. You're not gonna get a remix posted on ocremix this year, so don't expect to. Just make music, learn, improve, and one day, maybe next year, you'll hear from someone that knows what they're talking about that you should submit your remix. Above all, enjoy it. That's important. Welcome to ocr.
  9. Tone down the hyperactivity and stuff, buddy. Also, it's interesting to read what YOU think of your mix, what you think you might need help with or what sound or style you were going for. Arrangement is very conservative, basically sounds like a midi rip with rewritten drums. If you're planning on becoming an ocremixer you've got a few things to learn. Writing your own arrangement is fun. Learn it. Then there's these things called reverb and eq, and this thing called velocity. Learn to use them, they're kind'a important. How long have you been making music?
  10. Not sure about the snare rhythm you employ, or the heavy distortion on the lead, or how the ostinato plays under the distorted parts. Some transitions, especially the one at the end of the snare sections, could be smoother. It's a good revision but it may be too intense with the distorted synth and current snare writing/sound. Find the right balance. I think this could work, with the right edits. Maybe this thread should be moved to wips?
  11. I've done sound effects for a few projects, I might be interested. Gamedev.net doesn't load for me atm tho, so I can't check out the linked thread.
  12. That's not how ocremix works. This is how. I recommend you put it on our remixes board first, so you get some good feedback on your work. That way you get to hear from ppl that know ocr better whether or not it's a good idea to submit at this point, or if you need to work on your tracks more.
  13. This thread lists a lot of stuff, and this more recent one lists some too. Personally, I enjoy Spectrasonics' Omnisphere despite it's memory hogging, and Native Instruments' stuff are pretty cool too. There's all kinds of third-party instruments made for their Kontakt sampler, including the recently hyped electric rhythm guitar Shreddage. For orchestra, EWQL is pretty popular, and with rock drums ppl use Addictive Drums or Superior Drummer. There's a ton of different synths out there, Zebra being one of the big ones that gets suggested a lot. On a free level, Synth1 is a competent but messy looking synth, I prefer suggesting ppl learn synths using FreeAlpha or TAL-Elek7ro. There's lost of others as wel. The free KORE Player and its expansions come with some useful sounds, as does Yellow Tools Independence Free. In order to get your stuff to sound higher quality stuff, you not only need decent synths/samplers, but also good effects, and learn how to use them right. Here I think Mixcraft is equipped with what you need already, so you should just learn to use them right. A good compressor, limiter, reverb, delay, and eq are the most important tools. They take a while to learn to use right tho. Maybe you've noticed the chippier mixes on ocr. It's not about the sounds you use but how you use them. Some types of music can be done with pretty simple sounds. Then again, some types of music can't. Maybe this'll get you started in the right direction. it better, cuz I didn't intend on writing something this long. Oh and Mixcraft may be functional and it's good enough to make remixes for ocr with, but at some point you may want to look at a different DAW, like FL, Cubase, or something. Maybe.
  14. Download all DKC tracks that you don't know for sure that they're not, listen and compare. Could also be ocremoved, former ocr tracks. Check the remix changelog (but only two DKC remixes there). Could also be that you're remembering wrong, and they're from a different remix site or from no site at all, only spread by p2p networks back in the old days.
  15. This guy quotes indierocktalk and wants to sell stuff. edit: He's #37465, in case anyone else noticed and wanna report him. Also, he seems like like Britney Spears.
  16. I like the arrangement, but the sound overall sounds too newby. The sitar is probably the worst culprit there, tho the dryness of the other instrumentation might add to it. Unlike halc, I think you need to tweak the sitar to make it less grating and probably replace it with either a different sitar sample or sitarlike synth or another instrument entirely, at least for parts of the mix. The stuff that sounds like flanged, filtered, low sitar stuff in the background might need some further filtering, their highs shine through a little too much, exposing them as samples. Might just be that the whole track and/or some of the instruments need a boost to their mids. Nice creative arrangement, grating sound. Fix it, this track is too much fun to not be on ocr.
  17. 23 megs? What? And it doesn't work anyway. Bad mp3. Really nice performance. I'm thinking the arrangement is good enough for ocr - it's emotive and creative - now play it well and record it clean. ...unless someone that plays piano still has some great advice for your arrangement/performance, I mean.
  18. The bass instrument could use a few dBs less lows, and many of the synths sound a little too raw. A subtle chorus on the strings/brass synth lead might liven it up a bit, while other thin tracks could benefit from a soft delay. That's if you're not familiar with the synths you're using and can just go and give them more life from inside their own mod matrixes. 4:30 fill instrument is too loud. The stings/brass lead has a bit too slow of an attack to cut through the faster arp-y backing. Repetition is a problem but also a convention with the genre, so Gario suggestion of cutting down a couple of minutes from the most repetitive parts. On to the positives, the bass sound and writing is cool and the beat is badass. I like the simple square-ish arp-y thing, both the sound and its writing (tho the latter could be a little more varied). Positives list is shorter, but not less significant. This is a cool track, just doesn't sound finished yet. Keep it up.
  19. The glitchy filtered echo of the first instrument is pretty cool, but most of the instruments aren't as cool. Bass and drums work fine, but the harmonic and melodic ones are a bit bland. The flute doesn't sound good enough to stand in the spotlight, methinks. Strings and choir towards the end suffer a bit from the compression or something bouncing their volume up and down. Detracting, but it might be intentional. I think you've done ok with a difficult source, but it still feels too conservative for ocr. I could be wrong, tho, so don't let my feedback stop you from asking a judge or submitting it. It's a cool track, nice rhythms, and much of the sound design is badass. Nice work.
  20. The glitchy stuff is cool, but on the whole this is too conservative for ocr, and there's clicks and looped samples/stale synth waveforms in here. And the bass is too loud. I don't mind the lead, it lends itself well to the underwater vibe of the source, but if you're aiming for ocr you gotta arrange it more.
  21. OCR tends to want all-new arrangements, using the originals tend to make the mixes a bit creatively restricted and hampered in sound design. Technically, it's a filtered and effected take on the source, with added detuned bass and some drums. Play source with effects, add stuff - not the approach ppl use to get their work posted here. No harm in sharing it on this board tho. There's some cool sounds in here, effects and ideas you should use in an all-new arrangement for whatever source you feel inspired to arrange. Keep mixing.
  22. This sucks. You suck. Never make music again. I don't see how you can be a posted remixer. How can anyone like anything you do? Also, it's too long for ocr.
  23. Groovy. Bass is cool, but too loud for the final mixdown. The chords synth/epiano is a little thin (try running it through an amp simulator for some added phat). The sustained thingy around 3:55 and on is a bit too detuned to sound good, also clashes around 4:40 with the monoglide lead, again around 5:17 with the chords. Could just be the detuning, not sure. Interpretation-wise, it's a bit too conservative for ocr; it's an original track over and under a loop of the original. While it's a cool track, I think you need to draw some more material from the source and/or find a second source to draw from. The bass melody in the original might lend itself to some new melodies to use here. Also, don't feel you can't change the chords or their rhythm (changing both might take it too far tho).
  24. I'm impressed at how driving you've made it while keeping the time signature. Nice work. As a fellow Song of Storms remixer, I wanna see this kick ass. It kind'a does currently, but I think it's a little too soon to call it finished (aside from drums). The bass and first 40 seconds are great, but then a weak lead comes in. Acoustic guitar isn't exactly kicking ass here either. Then there's the weird harmonic interplay at the end of the melody where the chords repeat the first half instead of returning to the start on the last note of the melody. I might be biased, but that's how I think it'd work better. Anyway, some dnb/big beat stuff would make for a pretty kickass drum track. Sure you can't do that yourself? The bass and rhythms you have here might be enough to carry the track, maybe with some added percussive layers, or maybe even just something like a crash and a snare. Not to discourage collaborators or make you take back the collab request, I'm just wondering how necessary it is. In any case, nice work and good luck.
  25. Avoid resurrecting threads. Avoid joining in on resurrected threads. Avoid being a potential spammer, keron.
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